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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
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lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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hi all, just popping in to say I is still here. I'm starting to worry 'cos Vinny's.... erm, lemonade fuelled ramblings... are making sense to me, I think my brain's well & truly addled.
Ah, Porlock, yes, my hippy friend went on a mission to find Doris, (well that's what he called her) the Porlock herb lady.....mmmm? Apparently there wasn't a plant or potion she didn't know about. I honestly can't remember whether he did actually find her & I don't think he could remember by the time he came back either. :o)

Good for your mum woofy a cheerful send off. We aren't doing the all black/religious thing when we go. In fact I might buy my basket now so I can get some wear out of it first.

The good news is my brother's chest is now clear but obviously he's never going to be a well man. Won't bore you with all the details but the problem now is that he's refusing a procedure that would make life easier, & less risky, for him & his carers. As the next of kin I have to keep going over & over things with the medics but they go away & change their minds (or have it changed for them) & it's back to square one. I'm so tired.
Didn't help that I couldn't sleep for the bloomin' wild weather last night either Vin

Sorry I'm not a ray of sunshine, I think I'll come & live on 'my ship' in Stockholm Kit....hahaha, I love it. I've spied on, erm sorry, observed, the comings & goings many nights on the webcam, it looks lovely, that having a life business.

she trying to say me brains is addled..
bloomin cheek hehe..!(:O)
(((Boing Bing)))
Sorry to hassle you,but does anybody know what them twigs with fairy lights on are called.Dont know what to put on Amazon..? t.i.a (:O)
If you dont tell me dreckly im gonna get me chainsaw out and make me own...She's got the ideal tree nextdoor...just gotta wait till she goes shopping and im over that hedge..hehe..! (:O)
oh hold yer 'orses Vincent!...try Twig lamps....why would I know that?

ok, try
Twig Lights

I'll come & stand in the corner for you if you feed me now & then....just a lettuce leaf & a sprinkle of baby bio will do
Oh,thank you kindly mamm..! clever bloomin clogs
baby bio,did you know that idea come from swans it did.(:O)
pssst anybody want a freshly sawn down oak tree..
Afternoon all - lovely day here, no more swimming as we're emptying the pool, as the gets really chilly now.

Now Robi oh great and gracious leader, I'm with Kit on this, do you want us to all plead and beg with the new Ed, or shall we leave it to you as you are far more diplomatic than I; but I'll certainly 'ave a go if needed!!! (even do little "favours" if nesessary!)
nesessary??? <<<neti, you must lay orf the wincarnis during the day>>

ok, ok, I'm giving it my best shot....will you all please put on clean vests & hairnets in case we have an inspection.....and clear those gin bottles & tinnies up.
Here goes...if I get locked up please tell them I'm not really mad ........<aaaaggghhhh>
<Chanel No 5 fills the air>

Dear Ed,
just in case you pop in to see us while I'm unavoidably restrained....

This is moi

and these are....

see? all perfectly normal....
Well, at least I'm not the dog!!!!
Here's me ED.yo My proper name is Martini ♫ anytime any place anywhere ♫(:O)
Is Robinia back yet? Oh god she hasn't even left yet!

neti not diplomatic?? Never heard anything so silly in my life!

Could you adjust your trousers just a bit, Vinny - as in pull'em up, man! Ed is a very refined person.

I said Ed is a very refined person.

Why, Ed, I didn't see you there in the doorway!
Well I'm not showing the Editor any pictures of moi .I shall leave it to his imagination .....Back off Vinny :)))
Gosh ..what a grey day .It's lashing down ,the wind has blown in from Woolly and it's rather chilly .

mmm, that should clinch it Vinny....<starts packing....>

my mail box's still ominously empty :o(

I could do with a gin or sommink...had another stressful day but things are progressing again...when in doubt talk to deputy Matron (at the res home) about it....I love people called 'matron' they know what's what, by gad.

As long as we're always talking about funerals... I want the Big Freeze, the environmental friendly Promession method - it's in Wikipedia if you're up to it. First time I read about it it said your remains will be so scarce you'll fit into a pizza-type-box - which after all is rather appropriate for me - what goes around comes around ha ha ha!

I have the words Person from Porlock as a bouncing screen saver on my old computer, the one with no internet connection, as if it were he who had interrupted my session. Or perhaps that Person really was Doris's grandma - Coleridge was into "herbs" you know.

Vinny if you have Turquoise (Donovan) could you post it to YouTube? I check for it once a week or so, have done so for years now.

Shaney, where are your manners. Not even a cheesy pick up line for the Ed?

Your ship awaits you, Robinia, and I hope you'll soon be able to say...
Talking of funerals - weren't we? I'll be perfectly happy with a cremation, but it's illegal on this island, and one has to be stuffed in aniche in a wall, I SO HATE THAT!!!! If one has Aids and dies then one has to be cremated in Barcelona or Mallorca as they won't bury aids bodies cos of risk of infection. They are thinking of opening up a crematorium as the walls are getting pretty full of bodies, even though they empty them out after 5 years (unless one buys the niche for life, as it were!) My dear old mum's in a niche and after 5yesrs we can buty another body in there, but I do so hope it won't be me. It's very expensive to die, cost us almost 1,000,000 pts to bury mum. Of course the locals grab every penny they can.
hahaha, reduce me to a fine powder? I'll be nowt more than a mucky ash tray, they'll be able to flick me away with a microfibre.

I take it you haven't been on this good ship Lolly-stik then Kit?
<peers around neti's bazooms....

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