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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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Oh dear, Kit I didn't realise we had to put our REAL photos on here!!! he eh!!!
ha ha!
<six hours later kit gets the beetroot and the handbag swinging>
Right's all over between us Vinny ..Sorry but I can't put up with all that beetroot boiling and pickling ... Thwack .I've changed the locks :))
No good Nordic pole walking round here Kit's too flat .I'd never get a head of steam up .
It's been a lovely day here ..wall to wall sunshine and it looks like our resident weather forecaster ,old beetroot chops, has it right for the weekend .
Why do I never get any catalogues ?
Off to bed I think ....Nitey Nite all xx
You can bang on the door all night Vinny you are not coming in here with that vegetable :))))))
yes, that's what I meant, Kit. Eds used to post in AB Suggestions because that's where comment about AB went. But this one only bothers with ChatterBank, which is a shame for all those many people who wouldn't go near it with a Nordic ski pole. (I still would guess about two thirds of ABers don't go into CB, possibly because of the stench of beetroots there.)
What is it with being old? Have woken up with the dreaded lurgy. Limbs feel like lead, but at least it's not raining today, so will have to do washing et al!! Was so cold in bed last night, like mid-winter, dragged out old candlewick dressing gown and wrapped myself in it. No idea where Mr N was, think he was watching tv!!!
Most of the time in CB you can't hear yourself think for the din of battery operated items & folks a-burpin' & a-fartin'.

misty morning again, better get the fog lamps on my trolley...
oh, not again neti must be all them there foreign tourists bringing in the bugs. Get well soon.
Bit better now thanks, have been to coffee and been doing the DT GK crossword.

shaney what is 4d devise for measuring electrical resistance - I have o-m-eter -something like ommeter???
It's Ok shaney have found it, it's an ohmmeter!
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hello all, Mum worse. back when I can
Oh bless, woofy I hope all goes Ok and she improves. x
the same goes for me too woofy x
...not good news corner in here lately is it?

Question Author
thanks to you both. Things aren't going well or expected to but she is comfortable and unsconscious on morphine. I won't be around for a few days
Oh dear, I feel this Bradford and Bingley fiasco is all down to me spending a fortune this August!! How eill they ever recover, whereas Matalan and Primark will be quids in!!!!
Bah ..what's up here today . I keep getting blank pages and then it disappears into the ether altogether .
Sorry to hear about your Mum Woofie I hope she will be OK xxx
Don't worry Netti ... she says ...stuffing her money under the mattress .....It'll be nationalised or that Spanish bank has it's eye on it so you may be laughing all the way to the bank ..pardon the pun :)
Hi folks. Pulled myself together today and went for a walk in the park. Not my puny one but a huuuuge old park nearby called White Mountains. Some of the little old houses in the park are seen here on page 4 here. (And oh do go to page 1 of S�dermalm (my part of town, South) and check out the nightclub ship with the swellegant name.) As I was dragging myself coughingly and pantingly along I suddenly came across the tiniest- ...headstone? It looked like one, shape-wise, but it was wooden and painted in pink, with a black and white house martin image. How very mysterious. Something was written on it: My Youth / 2008 07 17. Makes you wonder...

My "I'm almost five years old" niece called from Singapore and told me a fairy tale; it went on and on... I love her to bits but the thing is the connection was terrible and I hardly caught a word, which makes it difficult to listen in a creative, supportive and encouraging way if you know what I mean. After almost fifteen minutes I had a vague feeling the fairy tale might be drawing to a close, and that's when I hear her say ...and they all lived happily ever after - BUT...

- oh lord. Ha ha ha...

So sorry about your Mum, Woofgang. Morphine is a blessing, I do believe. We will be thinking of you.

Swedish Idol started again; here are two of my favourites from the auditions:

johan palm

loulou lamotte

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