Quizzes & Puzzles16 mins ago
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506 Answers
lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.*wipes nose on robi's sleeve and beams toothlessly* Jeepers, it's all happening here, even Ed is In Da House! Robinia do you know that actually happened to me once when I was working in an allied health profession: A patient who had just had coffee and a greasy bun wiped her hands down the front of my sweater in the midst of our (attempted) conversation, and very cheerful she was, so it wasn't as if she was trying to tell me something ha ha. Anyway, it's great that you're here, I hope your brother is now facing a more peaceful period and you'll all be able to get some rest.
I went to tai chi and I'm glad I did or I would already have fallen hopelessly behind. I'm a dogged but slow learner and coordination and keeping your balance isn't my thing... Furthermore I got the impression that most of the others had been to this sensei's tai chi classes before and so yeah I felt pretty thick but hey that's never stopped me before :-) (Not true, it has, but no more.) Class was held in the same building were that veggie-buffet-by-the-water is, the one I've posted here. We were in a spacious room on the first floor and when I arrived, during the break between qi gong and tai chi, all the windows were open, facing the lights on the water - whoa...! This town is so beautiful. You've been everywhere, jno, tell'em I'm right!
May take you up on ginger soup Woofy, I love ginger. As a matter of fact, after you talked about ginger jam on Bovril I had to buy a jar of ginger preserved in sugar syrup; I eat it like candy. I remember a fantastic carrot-orange-ginger soup - that is, I don't remember the recipe... but there seem to be many similar recipes on da google... I may have to break into a grocery store right now, will you bail me out folks.
Morning possums.
Nice to see you robinia to see you nice.Erm...anybody know any good lawyers...well it was me who forecast the Hottest summer since time began..hehe..!OI Kip..you been telling people about my mountain of becks bottles...yo (:O)
Im on the look out for real beetroot that you boil youself,cant seem to find any in the supermarket.I remember my dad boiling bloomin great big ones for hours and they tasted lovely."why did the beetroot blush,because it saw the Salad dressing.".hahaha...!
okay,ill go to work...i can take a hint..later dudes>>>whoooosh>>(*_0)
Nice to see you robinia to see you nice.Erm...anybody know any good lawyers...well it was me who forecast the Hottest summer since time began..hehe..!OI Kip..you been telling people about my mountain of becks bottles...yo (:O)
Im on the look out for real beetroot that you boil youself,cant seem to find any in the supermarket.I remember my dad boiling bloomin great big ones for hours and they tasted lovely."why did the beetroot blush,because it saw the Salad dressing.".hahaha...!
okay,ill go to work...i can take a hint..later dudes>>>whoooosh>>(*_0)
grow yer own hippy! :o)
I used to boil my own too, Tarquin grew up on the stuff, he loved it.
morning all, just a quick hello, the tiredness bloomin hits you when you turn down the adrenaline by a few degrees doesn't it? Slept better last night but feel like I've not slept at all. I just reached up into the cupboard for a glass only to find I'd put one full of water in there....and I've just sat whizzing my mouse around convinced my cursor had disapppeared 'til I realised I had my phone in my hand....d'oh.
wey-hey just had an Ikea catalogue plop through the letterbox...I do like a catalogue....
back later to catch up on your posts.
I used to boil my own too, Tarquin grew up on the stuff, he loved it.
morning all, just a quick hello, the tiredness bloomin hits you when you turn down the adrenaline by a few degrees doesn't it? Slept better last night but feel like I've not slept at all. I just reached up into the cupboard for a glass only to find I'd put one full of water in there....and I've just sat whizzing my mouse around convinced my cursor had disapppeared 'til I realised I had my phone in my hand....d'oh.
wey-hey just had an Ikea catalogue plop through the letterbox...I do like a catalogue....
back later to catch up on your posts.
Vinny or anyone, can you tell me step my easy step how to connect online with wifi right from "check wifi light is on etc" then what?? Email me if long.
I've been to a wifi cafe and they put me online but heavens only knows how they did it, it was way to fast for me. Where daughter lives there is a free wifi connection from upstairs without password/code. Very simple instructions please.
I've been to a wifi cafe and they put me online but heavens only knows how they did it, it was way to fast for me. Where daughter lives there is a free wifi connection from upstairs without password/code. Very simple instructions please.
Did I hear the word halloumi?
Look at that, the little caf� in the park is open for business again - it's a die hard summer. I haven't noticed before this summer how huuuuuge the trees outside my window really are, but I guess they must have been for quite a while...? I'm as confused as you Robi, back in my working days seated at my desk I once tried to set the wind chime in motion by clicking at it with the puta mouse... Bought that wind chime in London btw, me and me friend were coming up from the tube at Covent Garden and in the distant we heard this beautiful warm and restful sound that I had never heard before. We followed the sound and it turned out to come from a market where this chime was hanging from one of the stands, oh I loved it.
Yup, Sweden is known for its glass Vinny so of course we know where to excavate for it ha ha ha. "Persson" must seem like such a strange surname to you folks but it doesn't mean neither "person" nor the French "personne". Per is a man's Christian name, so Persson means "son of Per". Btw I thought I saw a Becks boat last summer anchored to the quay in Old Town, I think it was green and white and I think it had "Becks" on it but it was the middle of the night and I couldn't be sure. I was gonna mention it here but when I couldn't find it on the internet I thought it must have been a mirage.
Can't help you with that one Neti as I'm on the mains but this is my general approach
Evening Pickles
How's your beetroot search going Vinny ..Haha..please don't boil it up near moi ..I cannot abide beetroot in any shape or form and the smell of it boiling ..Yuk :) Dad used to grow it in the garden and my Mum used to boil it up ..Eeuuw .
I know it's good for you. But I can't stand it .Boil some sprouts instead.They should be ready in time for Crimble :))
Haven't ya finished reading that catalogue yet Robinia ..There must be an awful lot of Billy Bookcases to browse through !
You think you saw a Becks Boat Kit ..no no .. ..it was probably Vinny in a dinghy underneath a heap of green bottles:)
How's your beetroot search going Vinny ..Haha..please don't boil it up near moi ..I cannot abide beetroot in any shape or form and the smell of it boiling ..Yuk :) Dad used to grow it in the garden and my Mum used to boil it up ..Eeuuw .
I know it's good for you. But I can't stand it .Boil some sprouts instead.They should be ready in time for Crimble :))
Haven't ya finished reading that catalogue yet Robinia ..There must be an awful lot of Billy Bookcases to browse through !
You think you saw a Becks Boat Kit ..no no .. ..it was probably Vinny in a dinghy underneath a heap of green bottles:)
Oh she's finished the catalogue all right Shaney - she's even been to IKEA
love these Jerries, hope they're not nazis as some people say.
love these Jerries, hope they're not nazis as some people say.
Morning creaky & squeakies, cold here & 'twas foggy first thing, hope we get the sunny weekend they've promised.
Hope all of your ailments are better now. Had a brief spell with a walking stick myself some years ago, so unbecoming...
Things are calm here at the moment so I've been taking the opportunity to sleep, eat, mangle & read catalogues. I actually only own one Ikea item (one of those stainless steel tubular shelves to put your pans on) but some Billy bookcases would come in handy for housing my obsessional book buying in charidee shops.
Better go & roll some dog hair out the door & I might make some veggie soup later before me parsnip goes even more wizened...it's starting to remind me of something I think I saw once or twice before :o)
Hope all of your ailments are better now. Had a brief spell with a walking stick myself some years ago, so unbecoming...
Things are calm here at the moment so I've been taking the opportunity to sleep, eat, mangle & read catalogues. I actually only own one Ikea item (one of those stainless steel tubular shelves to put your pans on) but some Billy bookcases would come in handy for housing my obsessional book buying in charidee shops.
Better go & roll some dog hair out the door & I might make some veggie soup later before me parsnip goes even more wizened...it's starting to remind me of something I think I saw once or twice before :o)
Afternoon my little beets.
Lovely weather..! that should keep the Lawyers from me door (:O)
a pic for shaney of next doors dog..so cute yo :) You poor sod netti..! i reckons we should all chip in and bring you back ere to are warm climes....after all its only gonna be 25.0 on tuesday in ibiza and sunny...!!!! hehe..!
gene kelly (*_0)
Lovely weather..! that should keep the Lawyers from me door (:O)
a pic for shaney of next doors dog..so cute yo :) You poor sod netti..! i reckons we should all chip in and bring you back ere to are warm climes....after all its only gonna be 25.0 on tuesday in ibiza and sunny...!!!! hehe..!
gene kelly (*_0)
handsome dude wasn't he that GK?
he's danced with me ya know
<scurries off to warn shaney to put something heavy in her handbag....better for swinging it...>
he's danced with me ya know
<scurries off to warn shaney to put something heavy in her handbag....better for swinging it...>
Morning or evening or whatever it is - been coughing all night and sleeping all day, can't shake this thing.
Walking sticks, well, as The Boss used to sing, Two Sticks Are Better Than One - I was wondering Woofy and Shaney if you've tried Nordic pole walking? Lots of people with knee/joint problems feel it allows them to get the exercise they want. I tried it for my bad back, liked it but felt I would have needed a car not to exhaust myself just getting to and from where I did the walking. Think I'd do it again if someone with a car said come on let's get going.
OMG - Vinny turned next door's dog into a beetroot! Whyyyy??? He he. I can't believe Gene Kelly got old and died. Did I tell y'all about what Swedish television did when Frank Sinatra died? The news ran a sequence from a film with Sinatra and Kelly and Kelly was bouncing about in boxer shorts and a tank top through it all ha ha ha... if the plan was to remind of us Sinatra's acting I'd say it went horribly wrong...!
I liked your paper toy site, Woofy, will save it for half-sister's kids. Few years back I used to make lotus cards. Robinia weren't you asking about something artsy crafty a while back?
What why who, is Shaney in a fight? Where? Shall we help? Neti's got her gun and I've got my foot creme, we'll show them!
Walking sticks, well, as The Boss used to sing, Two Sticks Are Better Than One - I was wondering Woofy and Shaney if you've tried Nordic pole walking? Lots of people with knee/joint problems feel it allows them to get the exercise they want. I tried it for my bad back, liked it but felt I would have needed a car not to exhaust myself just getting to and from where I did the walking. Think I'd do it again if someone with a car said come on let's get going.
OMG - Vinny turned next door's dog into a beetroot! Whyyyy??? He he. I can't believe Gene Kelly got old and died. Did I tell y'all about what Swedish television did when Frank Sinatra died? The news ran a sequence from a film with Sinatra and Kelly and Kelly was bouncing about in boxer shorts and a tank top through it all ha ha ha... if the plan was to remind of us Sinatra's acting I'd say it went horribly wrong...!
I liked your paper toy site, Woofy, will save it for half-sister's kids. Few years back I used to make lotus cards. Robinia weren't you asking about something artsy crafty a while back?
What why who, is Shaney in a fight? Where? Shall we help? Neti's got her gun and I've got my foot creme, we'll show them!
Straight out of Monty Python that one, jno...! Btw jno I didn't want to ask you in Suggs but what did you mean the new Ed's actions show he sees this as a chat site with a little Q&A attached, rather than the other way around? I know he posted in ChatterBank but I was wondering is that what you were referring to or is it more?
You do that, dear. Or you could go see him in person.
Now she's gonna tell us she can't pick a dress.
Now she's gonna tell us she can't pick a dress.