good morning I is, I've just caught up with all your posts, you're all so lovely, thank you for thinking of me - &, as always, I loved the Zombies
Vin I never tire of it (or the Simon's cat vids).
Stunning photos from you &
jno too, I've studied the bazaar for ages, I can't think why ;o)
What a roller coaster this brother deteriorated again & it was touch & go but he's improving now (we're tough old buffers, the Stiki clan). It's just a case of one day at a time & it's very stressful. Makes you feel helpless & hopeless but I think I've got my head around it all at last. He was much calmer & spent our visit last night asleep - I have that effect on most men :o) - but that's much better than seeing him struggling.
Sorry to see you've been poorly
Kit, hobe your feelid better dow and that you made it to tai least you've got those big flappy sleeves to wipe your nose on....or better still someone else's :o)
I'm wonderin' what was so important that
naughtineti just had to wipe her history?
oh yes sirree, I'd want that zapped
Don't feel bad about your daughter, believe it or not
<ahem> I've been mean to men in my time - as they have to me. I remember telling my mum to get rid of someone who came to pick me up & she was most upset 'cos she thought he was a nice lad. Now most lads tried it on but if I'd told her how worryingly pushy he was she'd have gone out with a knife, chopped it off, stuffed it up his exhaust pipe & revved up the engine!!!
Vin if your daughter's got a cast off carpenter - age immaterial - send him oop north please.