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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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Got your confirmation and replied to it, Robinia.

Better get a move on, this place ain't hoovering itself and Neti and George aren't ringing my doorbell to do it, either.
Hello Biddies thanks for all your birthday wishes. Having a lovely day have had visitors and lots of cards and pressies. Been out to lunch with one of my friends and am going to my local haunt tonight with another one for a bit of a bop. (Even had time to mow my front grass) Then tomorrow I'm off to Buckinghamshire to see my cousin who lives on the farm, I'm sure I've told you about her before. T bag is taking me, then on Monday I'm off to Scarborough on a coach with my sister.

Kit I've read that you think Hannah is a beautiful name. Well I'm biased. My grandaughter's name is Hannah. She is 21 this month.
Thanks to for the Telephone Man. No, I don't have one at the moment. I just ring Virgin Media and speak to someone in India !!

I have a big decision to make Ha Ha!! I have been offered a job at a branch of Sainsburys 2 mornings a week. I really can't make up my mind.!!! what do you reckon?!!

Hope you all have a good weekend and Robi Thinking about you and your brother.

Bye for now xx

Ooooh a Birthday Biddy ..Happy Birthday our Jude and many happy returns of the day .Sending love and best wishes ....Shaney xx
Don't squeeze him too tight ! ncategorized/2008/06/16/pgtips.jpg
well, happy birthday Jude from the birthday fairy! _f7beae926b.jpg?v=0

As for mowing the front lawns, no Brazilians here thank you.

yo ~~~~~ YO JUDE hope you have a MaGiC day..!YO (*_*) xxx
brilliant message, Vinny, where do you find them!
bangers and mash Good morning.
Lovely day again.hope everybodys ship shape and bristol fashion yo later dudes...(*_*)
wifi help needed? B ought daughter a wifi Toshiba Sat Pro laptop , but although she been given a password/code for the hotel she'sstaying in, we cannot connect to the internet. It has never been used before, what do we have to do to get it workign online? thanks x
Has she put password/code on correct line?did she click start and then "connect to".She could take laptop down to manager and he will connect her,goodluck nettis daughter (:O) getting lazy,you have to click jimmy mac yerselfs.hehe..!(:O)
Thanks vin, will pass that on!! x
Afternoon, possumistas. I've got the dreaded lurgy and Neti you almost killed me with that "Jude's into bondage"-picture, I'm not in a state to laugh.

Yes Jude when you're done with the bondage I vote in favour of you going back to Sainsbury' for a couple of mornings a week if you feel at all up to it, it's not very fair that Vinny should be the only one putting bangers & mash and custard and cheese and Eton mess and frog legs and toast and Becks and Campari and carrot cake and Pimms and Snowballs and gin and babycham on the table is it. I didn't know Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren made an entire album together, I've only ever heard Goodness Gracious Me - I remember trying to get the boom boody-boom boody-boom boody-boom boody-boom boody-boom boody-boom-boom-booms right as a child.

Well possums I'll see if I can manage to swallow some tea and then it's back to bed for me, would be great if I could sleep this thing off 'cos I'm supposed to meet my half-sister and her boyfriend tomorrow, they're in town to help his sister move into her new apartment. Haven't seen'em for a year so I hope I can pull it off.
Oo! And ginger jam on Bovril!
Ah poor swede it's these damned computer virses - I swear they pass onto people! Stay tucked up in bed, and drinks lots of water. I was told to drink 2� litres of water a day, it was impossible!!! Take care x
phew... this weather... the pitiless sun is beating down like a hammer on an anvil while lizards and snakes slide into the shade... it's... um... well, 70 degrees, but it feels a lot hotter.
Where are you now jno? oh that sounds like a good title for a 60's song - well not the jno bit!!!!
at home... but it has been a lovely couple of days. More tomorrow, rain Monday.

A friend tells me that according to Radio 4, Cunard and Aer Lingus are going to merge to form an obscene travel company. Sounds like my kinda operation.
It's lovely ..if this an Indian Summer bring it on .I have lolled in the garden for three days now ..No rain forecast for Norfolk in the near future ..Yippee ...even the mice are sunbathing .
I knew a girl called connie lingus jno...that takes some licking..hehe..! (:O)

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