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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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by heck, that was a bargain...erm, it has got a bottom in it?

The only spooky voice I heard was some yrs ago. I'd seen a 'male with potential' a time or two :o) & felt he might be interested too. I was back home, thinking about him & wondering what his name was & heard a woman say a name. A few days later we met & went out for a couple of hrs & yes, the name I'd heard was right! oooerrr. (we were seeing each other for about 2 yrs in case you were wonderin')

ooh look, a new editor is on the way. One with a big stick, I hope. stion627330.html
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Hi all...just a quick dive in I will catch up on the whole thread tomorrow....Kit , that dog who thought there was glass in the screen door, when we got Hannah, our weimaraner bitch who passed away last november, she had never seen french windows (ours are one huge sheet of glass not little individual panes) and used to bounce off them till we stuck stickers on the lower part of each door so there was something she could see....I keep going to remove them then not.....
see you all tomorrow
Ooh I say ..a new editor ...I hope they'll be able to cope !
Will he let us chunter on ? I hope so .I can't imagine being thrust into the limelight and the world and his wife finding out about my handbag fetish .
It's a very nice bag Robinia sort of a Chinese style thing ...Ialsoboughtanecklace but thought I would keep that quiet .....:)).hahaha....infactiboughttwo ..seriously though i had a lovely day and we went all round the back of Norwich Cathedral,down onto the riverside near Pulls Ferry llsferry2.jpg .

It's so lovely round there and of course I didn't have my camera :( I'll bore you all next time !
Dawgs, I spent a fortune on boooring underwear and didn't buy a ring I wanted so I don't even have to say it quickly... but that's a nice trick Shaney! grace - the ring I didn't buy.

Oh give it up Robinia we all know your so called psychic methods...! No but that was weird. I'm afraid to tell my weirdest ones 'cos I believe people won't believe me. They're not ghost stories or anything like that, it's more to do with synchronicity. Maybe some day, when you all know I'm not ze crazee ladee... You've all heard the one that happened to Anthony Hopkins...? I'll just copy and paste:

"In 1973, actor Anthony Hopkins agreed to appear in �The Girl From Petrovka�, based on a novel by George Feifer. Unable to find a copy of the book anywhere in London, Hopkins was surprised to discover one lying on a bench in a train station. It turned out to be George Feifer�s own annotated (personal) copy, which Feifer had lent to a friend, and which had been stolen from his friend�s car."

Robi I don't suppose that cat going out of his way to go through the flap is on YouTube...? So hilarious!

Enjoyed all your photos very much, old ones and new ones. Hannah, what a beautiful name Woofy. Do you like that photographer who dresses weimaraners up... I don't...

Erm, I believe I've been promising to tell you about my shiatsu... but this has turned into another post that's too long, so...

brace yourself jno (it's a Phrases & Sayings thing, y'all)
A very early good morning to you all - am off to take daughter for analysis. Catch yer later dudes >>>>>
do let us know if they find anything, neti (hoovering genes etc)
Well, the brain's missing for a start!!!!!
<falls in the door in a huff>.....

bl00dy putas, just when you need 'em they go wappy


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDE!!!!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Have a really lovely day, you certainly have the sun shining on you

(Chas wouldn't do the honours & I couldn't even find a body double)

spooky story about Anthony Kit, he's a lovely man. There wasn't just one cat there were two - double hilarity but not on youtube.

New Ed eh? mmmmm, better keep me Chanel & spit-in mascara to hand.

happy birthday, jude!

all together now

I took the liberty of calling the phone company for you Jude - seeing as you've got a door man, a gardener, a plumber, an elec- ... - I could go on - I think you really should have yourself a telephone man too, this being your birthday and everything. Pardon...? Oh... you've already called him yourself...

I see I've got probs with email now...grrrrr...could someone plse send a quick mail & say on here at what time you sent it, thanks.

I'll try to send you one now robi
Sent you a quick email, as requested, a minute ago, Robi.
Well you're sort of late aren't you Neti ;-)
Apparently I've just sent you an email at 7.36 Robi!!!
Why am I late kit?? I think I've lost the plot today!!
Only joking, Neti, I was referring to my beating you to it (sending Robi an email) by, what, five seconds or so.
I got your reply to my "quick email" Robi where you asked if I was receiving you now, I replied yes to that one, about ten minutes ago.
thanks both, I think I'm back in business!!

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