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woofgang | 09:50 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Site Suggestions
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lol at the last entry, go take a look see if you do too (that's to make it a question!)


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or even naughty
right, here we are at last, in Istanbul...

grand bazaar


Golden Horn at sunset


Spice bazaar (note the Viagra)
Neti, next to the clock going backwards, you'll see either one or two options. Click it/them. If you see two options, one of them will be for the settings. That's not the one you want, but there's no harm done if you click on it - just leave again without altering the settings. The one you want looks like this in Vista. In Swedish Vista clear forms is fourth from the top/second from the bottom. After you've clicked it you'll be asked to confirm that you really do want to clear the forms. You need to click Yes or it won't be executed. That should do it.
I think we should let Mr netti find out what she's been up to personally..hehe..! Fantabulous pics jno...buts what atom,spec they go with the viagra...bloomin exploding willy..!! hahaha..(:O).

*coughing her guts out* (He he he in that case what's "findik" - the end of it?) Oh wow you've exceeded yourself - again - jno. How pretty is all that cobalt blue at the Grand Bazaar. I bet Robinia will say that handsome young man has got her name written all over him. Loved the one of the biddies, too, that one could be on the cover of National Geographic.

And I loved your photos Vinny - is that still just a mobile phone camera or have you upgraded. I keep returning to the one with the dog in the river, she looks like she's wondering when will they ever get in, the water being so pleasant and everything. Those Devon hills - as seen in the first photo behind the inn - I like them so much. They're always green, right, or can they be rocky as well?

If memory serves (and it doesn't always nowadays) I was the one to name T'bag Tea Bag, Jude, but you took a shine to it and gangstafied the spelling. You had told us, before your first real date, that he had warned you he liked his tea bag dipped 27? times.

just hazelnuts, Kit!
That's exactly what I've been doing and now it acts as if it's clearing, you know little thing runnin, but all the history is still there, gott in himmel!
Neti are you absolutely sure you've clicked "clear forms" and not "list of previously visited web sites"?
Well, are you, Neti, cos that could be why it isn't doing what you want it to do.



oh, one of those

Yep that's what I've done and it's still not clearing oh hell and damnation!!

Daughter is home, fed up with boyfriend so she's staying on for a couple of days, why do I always feel so bad for the boyfriends, they are always so nice!!
Oh okay, well that's my font of knowledge dried up - have no idea why it isn't working. Sorry.
Hello lovelies
Lovely pictures jno ...
I have no idea about clearing history Neti I just go to "Tools " where it says " Clear private data " and then click on History and delete .
I panic in case Mr S sees how many knitting sites I have been looking at :)
Substitute fit young men for knitting :))
Hope you are all OK ...lovely day here again at Shaneytowers ...
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Hi all, sorry i haven't been arround much lately...I am "enjoying" (like enjoying ill health) some family circs at the moment, nothing major but it all mounts up.
Hope you and yours are all keeping well or on the coughs and wheezes...wil pop back in when i can
Quick help needed, have been messing with daughter's laptop toshiba and turned it off by the switch( not the shut down as I couldn't find it) and now there's an amber lighjt glowing on and off, how can I turn it off properly without opening it up again!
oh dear. better just tell your daughter it got into a fight with George and you tried to separate them...
No probs - have done it! phew!!!
Morning Folks.
Tis a lovely sunny day ere with a few clouds floating about .Hope you are all fine and dandy..! its me didgy camera kip. not the one Lord snowden would pick,but he does dont really see many rocks above ground round ere but you do on Dartmoor.Its very green and in some parts spoungy on Exmoor and the soil is mostly red.You can actually see pink sheep grazing on the moors where they have been rolling in it.Devons a hilly county with very little flat surface,thats why we aint got no good footy teams,you try catching up with the ball when he's rollin down a bloomin hill...hehe..!A tip for your daughter netti ,if her laptop stops working, take the battery out and keep her finger on the start button fer 10 seconds,then put the battery back in and start him everytime..! must be offski catch yer later dudes.>>>whoosh>>
ps hope everythings okay robinia xx (*_*)
love whistling this tune Play Loud (:O)
Afternoon, dawgs. Beautiful day here but I still feel like crap. Tai chi starts tonight if I can make it, I'm popping pills to fight the headache and nausea down that I've gotten from coughing and blowing my nose so much. (That may be TMI ha ha...)

I have this marvellous knack for meaning something nice and yet managing to say it in a way so it sounds dubious... What I meant when I asked you Vinny if you still just have the mobile camera was "cos if that's just a mobile camera, then that's amazing". Started worrying after I'd gone to bed that it sounded more like "haven't you upgraded yet?!!"... hope it didn't. Pink sheep sounds like something the tourists might buy, brooches for instance or as a pattern on a soft-fulled wool bag or blanket - any ideas, Shaney? You and Vinny could go into some serious business!

Thinking about you Robinia, hoping we're able to take your mind off things if just for a minute with our ramblings. You said something about elastoplast on the pavement and it reminded me I've been meaning to tell you biddies about this pavement stone that suddenly appeared, one fine morning 10-15 years ago, close to where I live. It's illegal of course, it's not like the city of Stockholm placed it there, it's Lukas himself and his friends, having removed the old stone in the middle of the night. Cold winters I've actually seen people standing above it and scraping the snow off with their heels so that the stone will always be visible... we love it, we pride ourselves on "the spirit of South" (this part of town) and this anarchy love stone is a good ambassador of it.

Okay biddies don't wait up for me tonight, tai chi starts late and it will be the middle of the night before I'm home and have had supper. let the sunshine in

Good afternnon All Lovely photos Vinny and Jno .

I've spent many a happy hour at Hunters Inn Vin are the peacocks still there? I love that part of the country.

I had a good day in Scarborough yesterday but the weather was quite windy and drizzly. My umbrella blew inside out a couple of times. Caused a few people to laugh. Still I'd rather make them laugh than cry. We walked all along the front then went and found Peasholm Park and had a stroll round there. Wen we got back to Derby it was really pelting down so I guess they had it worse than us.

The sun has just come out over here. (2.30 in the afternoon) after a dull start.

Off for a cuppa now see yer later 'gater(s)!!

I don't envy you Neti I'm useless at computers so I wouldn't be any help whatsoever. Hope you get it sorted.

Hope you are ok Robinia

Hi there Kit must have just beaten me to it with you post. Hope you are ok. Thanks for explaining about T'bag. Enjoy your Tai Chi tonight. I'm still doing Chen Man Ching. Some of the others do Yang Sen Dho as well.

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