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Onwards And Downwards Continues In July 2013

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AB Editor | 10:53 Mon 01st Jul 2013 | Weight Loss & Dieting
126 Answers
Hello all,

So as we now have all those lovely salad recipes, thank you, how about some tasty and unusual fish dishes to go with them in July?

We welcome anyone serious about losing weight and we offer support and kind thoughts - not magic fixes, just sensible help.

Don't forget your weekly weigh on Wednesday and remember we don't judge!

Here is last months thread


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Good Morning All, Blimey, despite going mad with the shortbread I have gone down two pounds. The only explanation I can give is that everything else that I have eaten must be right. At any rate I don't recommend everybody casting themselves over shortbread. I just happened to remember some being left over from Christmas and once remembered was the beginning...
05:42 Wed 03rd Jul 2013
Can anyone give me some tips.

I eat muesli for brekkie, salad for lunch and tea (no bread), occasional snacks between (some cereal bars and fruit mainly) go to the gym for 30 minutes each day after work and do a cardio (rowing/running) & weight routine (arms, chest legs etc). Drink wine about once a week, but do drink a lot of tea and coffee at work, always use semi skimmed milk.

I teeter between losing and gaining 4lbs on a weekly basis and it never shifts any more in either direction. I am not bulky or particularly flabby and recognise that building muscle adds weight, but now I want to just lose weight. What should I change?
I'd drink Balck tea and coffee and lose some of the fruit if you eat a lot, it can really be laden with sugars you never think about.
*Black* sorry:)
Darn, I was just googling for some miracle weightloss Balck tea!
I should market that :)
Octavious by what you say I don't see any mention of chicken and fish meals with vegetables. Salad and salad alone will not let you lose weight you need a proper dinner with plenty of veg. I am not a dietitian . Lots of people are under the impression that the less they eat the better but that is not true that is the best way to put it back on twice as fast. Write down and plan your meals on a daily basis so that you can plan your meals for the week . Hope this helps.
Oct. you sound like you are younger than some of us so I'm going to give you some really good advise.....go to your library and borrow one of Rosemary Connley's books ......on that will suit you. In them you will find good meals and exercises to do day to day. I promise you that you will loose weight and gain a good knowledge of healthy eating because everything Wendilla says is backupable. Rosemary's meals are good but I would stay away from her own products which tend to be pricey. Her advise will stay with you for life.
I concur. There are 2 possible issues.

1) You may be forgetting something you eat, or maybe underestimating the energy contained in what you do recall.

2) If you eat too little the body conserves as much as possible as if there was a lack of food out there, and you need to retain as much as possible in order to survive.

If you are not making progress then honestly and faithfully monitor what you consume and ensure you are eating just a little less that you are expending,
What ingredients are in your salad? If you have mayo or other dressing with oil added then that may be the reason. And what are your portion sizes? Also, weights are muscle building so this may also be a factor.
You are so right Tigger. I can't understand how people can overlook these calorie filled dressings....even the so called "light" will do you no favours if you are trying to loose weight.
3lb down today :o)))
Well done Tigger. Are you back to your gaol weight now?
No Wendilla, I've got to lose another stone before I reach my goal weight. I'm a typical yo-yo dieter :o(
You've had a good week Tigger. I mentioned my weight to my doctor yesterday and since I'm eating the right things and amounts she suggested that I divide my meals up into smaller and more frequent meals instead of just three meals a day so I'm giving it a try. I had one third of my breakfast at the usual time and will now have another looks like the last third won't be eaten at this space. She said that dietitions say eating this way keeps the metobolism process going at a good steady rate.
"Eating little and often" is a good idea Xstitcher.

I've had a very good week. It's given me a definite push in the right direction.
I suppose it is Tigger but I can't see it working for anyone that is out working...
My suspicion is that little and often is probably the best way to eat, not that I know but it sounds viable to me. No overloading, gentle digestion. The downside being you will miss out on the social aspects of specific meal times, and that you do need to know you're not overeating as the day progresses. Too easy to snack snack snack and then wonder what went wrong.
I agree with what you are saying OG. I am doing breakfast and lunch the new way as I eat them on my own anyway. It's more difficult with the main meal but I think if I save my "afters" for later that might be okay. That is usually just a piece of fruit anyway.
Sorry I didn't post last week as been having a bit of a difficult time and diet went out the window. It was the two year anniversary of my husband's death and I really struggled and gained 4lb. I have tried to be good this week but still finding it difficult but will see what tomorrow morning's weigh-in brings.
Hello Jan I cant believe how quick that time has gone . I remember well when you lost your hubby. You can deal with this as you have been strong. Don't worry about gaining you know how to get back on track.You will never forget your memories take care . Just give yourself time to get over this sad time for you.

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