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I'm looking for some help/advice/suggestions. We are about to write a new will, as ours is about as out of date as it's possible to be. Now we have five grandchildren, we have decided to include them...
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I met up with guy last weekebd who I had been speaking to for 2 years but unable to meet due to covid last time I spoke to him was the same day when I went home I message him this morning asking how...
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My client has been paid back pay of £40.000 for a severe disabled enhancement that client should have had 10 years ago. My client is in a residential home but not severely disabled but lives in care....
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My mother and I are not in a good relationship. My dad left me when I was a child. My mother made me to get married at the age 27. Finally she started forcing me and my husband to change the religion...
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I live with my mom. she's not vaccinated and she has a suppressed immune system. My sister isn't vaccinated either, but neither of them take covid seriously so they both still hangout without a mask....
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My friends got upset with me after I didn't go out with them because I didn't know what to wear. (Yes, that's an actual reason..) But they were/are so ***? Just because I didn't go out? It's not...
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I like to walk down a road near my house most days. I dont wear a mask because I dont plan on being around people. Occasionally my neighbors drive by and talk to me. They come within like 3-4 feet. Am...
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My son is 13 and has special needs. He attends mainstream school with an ECHP. Now he has been going to school but refusing to go into his lessons as his anxiety levels are high. They are now telling...
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I have met this guy online and he seems really sweet but looks quite abit younger than me he wants to meet up but I'm unsure of weather to meet him or not
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Here’s a scenario- A&B are married. A has an affair with C and a baby results. The baby is given B’s surname and he is named on the birth certificate. One year on C takes a DNA - he’s the father. A...
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Do you all cook for your 18yr olds? Mine is so fussy and my husband and I try all sorts of food and she will moan and say it looks disgusting or I’m not eating that. I try new recipes and cook fresh....
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Hello guys, I wanted to learn more about the process of moving to UK and what time should I plan my movement, How much money should I save to be safe also which part of the country should I...
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There's this boy I met online we been messaging and now he wants to call me but I'm really shy about it, is that normal?
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I met my bf 2 years ago. When we met he told me he lived alone, even told me he had a room for me to come live with him and my son. Come to find out he was living in a house he was working...
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Is getting married worth it ? I'm not thinking of getting married but at the same time I'm afraid to stay alone, will I regret not getting married when I became older ?...
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he just got out of prison and he missed the ends of my childhood now im 15 and so now it seems like hes getting distant
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What is the orgin of the name yered And is the y silent because he pronounces jared with a y
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My mum is 90 with short term memory loss. What I would like to know from people who are caring for there elderly parents is how do you cope emotionally? I’m ok when I’m with my mum I deal with the...
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Hi Everyone, I would be grateful for your comments/suggestions on a family issue I am having. Basically, my elder sister with who I previously had a close relationship is not accepting any telephone...

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