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Shall i keep the baby?

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natnats | 14:21 Thu 04th Aug 2011 | Pregnancy
90 Answers
I really dont no what too do. I am 9 weeks pregnant. I am 28 yrs old. 2 1/2 months ago i had a bad accident and broke 18 bones, nearly all have healed apart from my pelvis which is taking its time.

The father is a complete waste of space and doesn't want to no. He has messed me about from day one. I cant help but love him though. We only meet 3 months ago.

I dont no if i'm ready to be a single mum. I'm still at home with my parents and have no job because of the accident.

I keep changing my mind and cant stick to a final decision. It would be difffernt of the father was a decent guy and gave me some support.

I have an appointment next monday for a consultation at the abortion clinic. I really don't no what too do and dont want to regret my decision. I know, no matter what i decide it's going to be really hard. what shall i do?????


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I think maybe sqad is right!
lol do I but don't tell him. (It's filled in a bit of time anyway)
my advice would be to go and see your doctor and take it from there.
sqad she must have just come out of hospital, as she is already counted sa 4 weeks pregnant on her missed period. so that doesnt mean she had sex exactly 9 weeks ago, it is not counted from point of conception you should know that
as i said before, no-one on here is going to be able to give you the right answer.
I think the pelvis problem is one that needs to be addressed pretty quickly though, if there is a risk to the pregnancy then the issue may only have one outcome anyway. You need to speak to your GP about that straight away. Plus, at 9 weeks, you dont have a lot of time to make the decision.
4get...OK OK...let's do it your way.....2 weeks after sustaining a fractured PELVIS and 18 broken bones....she had intercourse and became pregnant...............yeah! right.
apparently after having sex, you can get pregnant 3 days later in the queue at Primark!
okay this is a serious topic area, either be helpful or bog off..
there are lots of ways to do it sqad. My bro cant work because of his back but had a son July last year, he's now got another baby due in sept, as he said he did the 'lotus' lol
cazz......thank you for that USELESS piece of is a matter of opinion as to whether it is serious....I don't think it is.
I Dont have an opinion either way , just make sure you heed all the doctors advice about the physical implications of pregnancy with a broken pelvis. Also you need to think about the quality of life you can offer the child. I wish you lots of luck in making the decision that is right for you.
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I do so hope if you were a doctor you didnt ever speak to your patients the way you do on here sqad
Keep the baby . If you don't you will never know what you missed . If you have a catholic church nearby , speak to the priest . You will find loads of support .
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I did not fall pregnant exactly 9 weeks ago, as was pointed out earlier by someone it goes from the first day of last period so could of been 4 weeks later i concieved. I am at home with parents and not working due to the accident. I am currently looking for work but things dont happen over night.
Could her partner have been a Sumo wrestler? Might account for the broken bones.
kerriesmum raised a very good point there. Given the state of your pelvis, you may find that this impacts on youir decision - go and see the Quack soonest.....
Natnats I really hope that, whatever your decision, you find some piece
Speak to your mum no matter what your past relations have been like - it's at times like this we mums step up to the mark.
Your still her little girl and remember like all things this too will pass
Yes cazz, I had already given (to my mind) a very sensible and nuetral reply, there's no need for comments like yours. Reported indeed, get a life!!

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Shall i keep the baby?

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