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I Need To Talk

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Bobbisox1 | 18:22 Sat 17th Sep 2022 | Family & Relationships
110 Answers
I know I’ve been called a narcissist , an attention seeker and so on, but I’m in such pain tonight, believe me


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I went back to bed and managed to get a couple of hours sleep , I wish to thank you all for being my sounding post, the days ahead will be very difficult and I’ll have to draw on all the strength I can for my son, there’s to be an autopsy on my granddaughter so things are at a standstill just now
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Bobbie x
take care....
You're going through initial feelings of shock which will fade once you come to terms with what has happened and its good that you and your son are there for each other to go through the grieving process.

I hope you get some answers soon on what happened following the postmortem.

My thoughts are with you xx
Bobbisox, I trust you feel comforted by all the support you have received here, not one nasty comment. It is all just one day at a time now and you will get the support and help you need.

i have just seen this .i'm so sorry to hear your awful news .it does help a little talking on AB ,i know it's helped me on more than one occasion.sounds like your son misses you as much as you miss him and you can help each other to cope with this dreadful thing xx
Oh Bobbs, am so very sorry to read this news. I wish you all the strength in the world to get through the shock and heartbreaking grief.
You know that no matter the time of day or night there's someone on here to listen, offer a hug and share a cyber cup of tea/coffee xx
I'm also sorry to read this Bobbi, you are one of the loveliest posters on here, so sorry for your loss and family problems. All I can say is all the best to you all and sincere condolences for your loss Xx
RH 18.30 When was the last time you saw your granddaughter?

bobbi 18 31

It was 30 years ago RH , they’re not sure if it was murder or drugs

How old are you? How old is your grand-daughter? you must be like 80 or something.

I fact, not to be too probing about this, but when a body is found the first thing most people think of is suicide not drugs or murder. Contrary to popular belief there are not many murders in the uk, far less than suicides anyway.
30 years since she last saw her son, gimobo
I'm sorry to hear this too, bobbi, my condolences to you and your son. I hope you find the strength to cope x
I can’t imagine how one will cope in this situation .
So sorry to read this dreadful news, Bobbi, wish I had some words of comfort for you.

I hope you and your son can help each other to cope at this awful time.

Sadly all I can do is send you a cyber hug. (((HUG)))
Wishing you love & strength, Bobbi (((×)))
How are you today? Thinking any clearer?
Perhaps you could book into a hotel close to your son so you can be on hand.
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Dreadful time for you and your family, Bobbi, but pleased you are able to talk. Bottling things up never helps.
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^^^ very 'familiar' for a first time poster?????
left you a message on F-book...sorry to hear this xx

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