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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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Hello all
What a change in the weather,dull and chilly here.
Nothing exciting to report .Same old lockdown.
Glad you're all ok though as are we.
I've come to the conclusion that some people on here could start an argument in an empty room.
Question Author
indeed Shaney and lose it!
Very true shaney, I'm giving most of the site a miss. Whatever happened to tasty, tasty, very very tasty and endless questions about yuccas. Where are all the yuccas? Maybe they took my expert advice and pruned them down to a foot.... below the ground.
Rainy dull and sunny here.
Where do you watch all these argumentative people?
Question Author
on the COVID threads neti
Afternoon...warmer again thank goodness. I've moved some dust about so that's enough of a domestic effort for one day, off out into the grounds shortly.
Oh neti how sad was Holby last night...and what a piece of work Cameron is.
Nothing exciting to report....unless anyone wants a fight?
Sorry Robi I didnt like Xavier and I do like Cameron!
Lots of cake baking going on here today. I shall be huge!
Just nipped 20 meters down the lane to do a book swap with a neighbour. All very cloak and dagger! She left a bag of them by her back door and I left some there. Mr N happy now he has some more books!!
I've just been watching Yesterday - were you in it, shaney?
No I wasn't Jno. I remember them filming it on the beach though. It was on the local news and there was a special premiere at the cinema in the High St and Ed Sheeran turned up.
I haven't seen it.I think it's on Amazon Prime so might give it a look.

It's been a lovely day here.Brilliant sunshine and quite warm away from the onshore wind in the back garden.Finished my jigsaw puzzle and made scotch broth with leftover lamb.That is the end of the news.
Hope you've all had a good day and are well.Roger and out .
I enjoyed it, though the ending was on the slushy side. It said 6248 (not sure if that's the exact number) people from Gorleston were in it.
yesterday was another big fruit and veg delivery ...tomorrow it'll be another bread delivery.

Living the life!
Morning all. Wet and chilly here
Mr N has done the shopping again. The house is groaning with food but hija will devour most of it soon! She eats everything but stays amazingly slim
Is Yesterday good? I've had it downloaded for months but never bothered to watch it.
Hija made a cake at 1am!!
I liked it, neti.

It's going to rain here later, eveyone predicts. I've already walked to Sainsbury's today but I'd better get to the chemists and pick up this month's pill mountain.
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lovely lot of rain here which has cheered up my garden no end.
Hello all
No rain here as yet and it's brightened up after a dull start.Still on the chilly side though.Nothing exciting going on.
Luckily Superdrug where I get my meds are doing home delivery locally and they bring them on Monday.I've got just enough thyroid tabs to see me through until then.
Hope you're all well.
rain starts here in 22 minutes, I have been informed by a website that knows what postcode I live in.
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pretty accurate that website. Sis took an extra long walk on the basis that it was tipping down and likely to continue and met nobody. She cam back wet but grinning. I am doing ALAP today because my back threatened me this morning.
it was very inaccu this time. There was a bit of drizzle for half an hour and that was it. There might be more overnight, the garden could do with it.
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good morning all. More rain in the night. That is the end of the news.

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