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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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Hello all. No jno there are huge collection bins dotted around the village and we are allowed to deposit bags of clothes etc.
I went through her paper rubbish and yea gods the things I had to retrieve! Important papers etc. She hasnt a clue! Got yea old shredder out and I only shredded the names and data as my shredder likes to clog!
Lively sunny day and I finally managed to get the patio was full of tree sap and had been trodden everywhere. I had to use hydrochloric acid and it worked. I threw several bucket if water after as it is a strong acid. I've almost run out of washing detergent so cant put on a wash!
Hope you are all managing!
Morning...sun's out, pegged out. I need some new pegs, are they considered essentials? It's either buy some or drape my interlock and wincy garments over the hedge.

Nothing to report, no news is good news. Enjoy the sunshine.
Well, it seems that you can't win on here. If you're down you're a doom merchant, if you're light hearted and positive you're flippant. I shall say nowt except in here as I know you'll put up with me no matter what I say :) :)
Morning all
Lovely day and warmer now that the chilly wind has eased off.
Neti ,I can swap you some Persil for some flour :)
Nothing new here either. I've also pegged out ,well not literally of course.
Haha Robinia .It's the old blitz spirit you know.Most of 'em never even lived through it and there are very few left who did and they will have been youngsters at the time. My hair will be long enough for a victory roll soon and my tongue is firmly in my cheek:)
another perfect day out there. A handyman was doing something for her upstairs so we got him to look at our damp wasll and as expected he said it was damp. But for some reason if we turn the dehumidifier on, it switches off after five minutes as if it can't find anything. So maybe it's just drying out.

Next will be a man coming to fix the back fence. He's actually going it for the people on the other side of it but he needs to get at it from our side as well. So we're not isolating all that diligently. Since the govenment appears to be planning to lock over-70s up indefinitely we might as well enjoy meeting strangers while we can.

And the headphones socket on our telly has stopped working. Apparently it's cheaper to buy a new telly than to repair a half-inch socket. Our CostCos are still open so we could get one from there. But why does everything break down every time there's a pandemic?
I'm breaking down Pandemic or not!
Oh deep joy. Tesco just brought some shopping. I now have self raising flour and sultanas. I'm going to make apple and sultana cake tomorrow.
no sight of the fencer. I may have to challenge him to a duel next time I see him.
..and deep joy here. Lots of rubbish disposed off at the permitted hours. Mr N had to an emergency blocked loo and came home with some mint which he has planted. I may soon have mint sauce!!
the fencer finally turned up and took several hours repairing the fence, which looks much better. Unfortunately it took him so long I didn't have time to make a planned trip to B&Q before they shut. Never mind, I've got years of free time ahead of me.
Good morning sunbeams...yet another sunny day ahead I hope.
Was the mint blocking the loo neti or is that the currency in Ibiza at the moment? I think tradesmen are working for hand gel, loo rolls and tinned tomatoes over here. Speaking of handymen my neighbour is having our gardener to do some work so hopefully I'll be able to have my hedges done next month. I was beginning to wonder what I was going to do. I'll have some bedding plants next time you go to B&Q please jno.

I've been thinking...oh yes/oh tv licence is due at the end of the month and under the circumstances I think we should have a reduction. Preferably 50% but I'd settle for 33%. Is it worth dropping Boris a line and suggesting it? He's surely glad to be alive and feeling charitable? Haha
Hello all
Another fine day. Glad to see you're fenced in Jno :)
My neighbour knocked earlier and said he would mow the lawn for us later today and do a bit of shrub strimming.He's still working but being self employed I suppose he has to if he can.He did say he does a lot of the big houses on the seafronts here and in GY so he's on his own and not mingling with anyone.
He won't take any money much as I insist so I'll pay him in beer and dog biscuits.We can't do it and Picky can't atm so I'm very grateful.
Otherwise same old. They should be paying us to watch TV Robinia.It's all repeats .Thank goodness for Netflix and Prime.
Hope you're all well.
Had another paper clear out from bedroom. It's very addictive having a paper shredder!
Beautiful day. Mr N did the shopping so now I can wash clothes to my heart's content!
Are you all sitting comfort.....err sorry! Got carried away. Are you all ok??
went to the Welsh Harp reservoir to look at the swans and things, just to stroll for a couple of hours. Not a lot of people there but most were keeping their distance. Nice to get some fresh air, no planes overhead, and some spring flowers still up and about.

It also gave OH a chance to watch the telly without the noise driving one or other of us mad, now the headphones don't work.
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All fine here same old same old. Old dog getting older and frailer :(
got called in to deal with a dead mouse (or small rat) in the toolshed; I had to pick it up on a shovel and sort out what to do with it.

Good thing the neighbours are out of the country.
Haha Jno that's made me laugh. I have a picture in my mind now of you whacking it into a neighbours garden. I used to throw slugs over the fence years ago until Mr S said that any one could be walking past the fence and get a slug in the eye.

I'm sorry to hear your dog is getting worse Woofy. Poor old lad.Give him a pat from me.
Neighbour came and did the garden.It looks much tidier.His payment doesn't come until my grocery order arrives next week so I gave him the cake I made. He seemed very pleased.All done at a safe distance.
It's been quite a nice day all told,the good weather does help to keep me going in these weird times.
Sleep tight all.See you tomorrow.
we've been so lucky with the weather. Some damp days predicted in the middle of next week, though.
Food morning from a damp and dull island. I am still in bed watching "Love Never Dies" as neither of the other two like it!
Just going to be another.lazy day. From tomorrow kids up to age 14 may go outside for an hour with a grown up. Poor souls cant go to parks or beaches as they are sealed off. They are allowed to play with toys in the streets. It really is a strange world at the moment. Still I hope we all survive. No new cases on the island for the last 6 days so they will be very reluctant to open the island up. Bery doubtful there will be a tourist season this year!
People are getting desperate. There are now "help yourself" food trollies in some supermarkets. Some put in and some take out!
neti, I got an email saying "If you think things are bad now - in 20 years the country will be run by kids who were homeschooled by alcoholics".

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