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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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yes, it rained a lot overnight. We have picked up our bread. That is the end of the weekend. I shall probably go into hypersleep until we land on Mars.
Hello. Love Peter Skellern.
Juat watched 2hrs of The Phanton of the Opera
I got confused but enjoyed it. It wasted some time.
Robi did you know that Kian in Casualty is a great singer and was Jean Valjean in Les Mis? And the Phantom? I was surprised!
Hello lockdowners
Raining here too but it is needed and the air is lovely and fresh out there.You can really smell the sea here now like it used to be when I was a child.No other news really.Hope you're all well.

if I could smell the sea here on Mount North London, the country would be in real trouble. But yes, I grew up with the smell too, and I miss it.
Raining here also.
Have to admit the Med does not smell like the English channel either!
Evening I is. I'm happy to smell the river drifting up from the fields, the air is a lot fresher without so much industry and traffic.
When I haven't been busy I've had awful sinus headaches. Stupid weather changing, it's been really cold this past couple of days with some rain but not enough to do any good.

Managed to bag a click 'n collect at Sains for tomorrow, it's like winning a competition, my friend over the road's picking it up for me. I could have managed a few more days but you just have to jump in when you can.

No neti I didn't know's on early tonight 7.25.
Hope you're all ok x
:) :) apologies if you've seen it

What a sweet little bear. I've passed it on!!
cuter than Biffo but not as well dressed as Rupert.
Oh dear we had a slight earthquake this afternoon and now its storming. All very and of the world stuff
Enjoyed Casualty and like Ruby.
-- answer removed --
Ignore that I've asked for it to be removed. Pure stupidity!
My model house. It is supposed to have bedspread but I cba!
That's lovely Neti.I can't see any matching pegs though :)
Lovely day here but chilly east wind.
I love the bear.He looks how I feel.
I seem to have wandered around more shops in the virtual world lately than I ever did in the real world.
Hope you're all well.
Afternoon...lovely out but the wind's fresh here too.
Neti that's fabulous, I love it. How big is it?

Same with me shaney, I'm sure I know every item in some online shops. I ordered some flip flops and canvas pumps, both sporty style, from Clarks and they're on their way. That'll probably be as exciting as it gets this week. I've already got one pr of the flip flops and I love them, it looks like it's going to be a flip floppery kind of year.
Oh I've got food too, friend collected my click supplies from Sainsburys for me. It's been a massive help I don't want to go out if I can help it. Erm, I've got 3 bottles of Domestos...ordered two by mistake and found another at the back of the cupboard.
♫♪♪ bleach baby, bleach baby....♪♫♫♪
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that's a fab house Neti.
The house is about 9" (I cant do cms)
Raining here. My bro is ill but NHS says he is ok. I've for a runny eye and nose.
Have started watching "Orange is the new black" but decided I cannot spend all day in bed so have just got up at 11.30.
It's raining raining raining. I wish the rain would kill the virus!!
How you are all surviving . My eye and nose have (so far) come to nothing. Juat getting paranoid!
sunny again here, neti. We've really only had the one wet day since Lockdown began.It's like the weather gods are trying to ensure our last days on earth are happy ones.

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