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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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sunny here too. My last days on earth won't be happy ones if I have to keep waving the hose about.
I walked into a cabinet door!
Thought I'd get a black eye but seems to be on my temple!
Raining makes our confinement easier!
very true, neti, I'd probably feel a lot less guilty about being glued to the telly if it was pouring outside.
Morning rain, just blue skies and sunshine. Shame about the irritating wind that's keeping the temperature down and surround sound kids that's keeping the BP up. I know, they've got to burn off some energy, it's not actually the little ones, it's the older ones and their even louder parents.

Hey ho, carry on, stay well...
Morning all
Blue skies and sunshine here too but the east wind is really chilly.
Same old here.
What can we have for dinner.
Dare I attempt to cut my fringe.
Why can't I get any flour.
Which slippers shall I wear today.
What do you think of Orange is the New Black Neti.I loved it.

Morning all. Well you sound chipper! It's a lovely sunny day so beds being washed and changed. I have trimmed my gel nails and it is easier to type. Hair looks awful but what can I do. Mr N is twitching on the sidelines with his hair trimmer, but No way!
I've nipped to the recycle bin as its plastics and carton and they can be dumped at anytime. It was the most exciting thing I've done for a while!
Stay safe biddies
access denied, Robinia, did you buy the last one?
Shaney yes I am enjoying it but she comes across as a comedy actress. Would binge watch if I could but family need attending to!
Oops sorry carton is paper and cartons in case you wondered
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hello all same old same old here. Tuesdays we have to drag ourselves out of bed at 6am to do the bins as they are doing funny things with the collection. We can put it out the night before but the predators make too much mess. we put it out and go back to bed.
went to the chemists and bought some masks (first time, that).

Trimmed a bush that was a hit straggly.

Saw the wedding photos online. I wasn't in too many of them. I'd like to say they didn't get my best side but I fear they did :-(

too blustery to be outside, all I've done is the ironing. Waste of time really because no one gets close enough to see the creases. Hopefully my face looks less crumpled from a distance too.
Morning all
Another lovely day.I could get used to this.
Same old.I'm wearing black sparkly slippers today just in case you were wondering:)
Hope you're all ok.
Morning from a very wet and dismal Mediterranean island! And people pay to come here???
Satellite tv has stopped due to the rain. Even Mobdro on firestick has stopped!
Jno I dont find photos online satisfactory, yes I'm old!
Keep safe everyone and doggies!!
Morning's blue sky and sunshine but only a rf of 11C. I'd like it warmer please.
I'm wearing black slippers too, wedge heel, velvety with fur trim. Nothing else, just the slippers...haha.....???
I'm tidying my tins, Messrs S and N would be impressed. Well, maybe not. Most are empty cake/biscuit tins, at least 15 of them, I just can't throw them out.
I wore a mask for the first time today, to Waitrose. Unfortunately it makes my glasses steam up, so I can't read and breathe at the same time.
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morning all, warm here.
I cant find anything in my kitchen now that Mr N has tidied the shelves!
Hija is donating bags and bags of clothes to charity and I'm not getting the chance to check if my stuff is in the bags!
I may have to come in here to scream sometimes. The family ae getting twitchy and getting on my nerves!!
all our local charity shops have shut, neti. Do they collect from your door?

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