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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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really chilly and damp out there. We've rescheduled the gardener on Friday and are isolating indoors. The greengrocer has delivered another box of goodies because we lost track of time and put in an order a day earlier than we meant to. Any surplus will be dealt with internally.
Woofy I expect Rab is feeling the loss..poor thing x
Dont know about being decked Robi I shall have to be defatted and pushed /pulled through wide garden gate when we were free!!
Not decked but descaled
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hello all, we are doing ok thanks. Very tired but ok
Morning all...bright and sunny start but it's clouding over and more rain is on the way. The blossom's raining down.
Good to know you're ok woofy.

I managed to get a click and collect again for my friend to pick up for me, they must be more organised now. I could have waited a couple of days but it's a bank holiday and although it makes no difference to many there'll always be the ones who think 'holiday' means buy four times the amount of food they normally need.

Oh dear neti, you'll have to get your tool box out and start work on your exit strategy
Morning all. Oh blimey Robi all those steps?
Was up early and sat on patio with a cuppa. Then the sun came up and it was too hot. I did enjoy it though. Must do it again.
Am wondering whether to rush out as soon as we are allowed to get hair mowed and claws trimmed or to hang back as I don't want to catch anything. I mean do we really know if it is clear?
Morning all
Quite bright atm but rain heading this way later .It piddled down nearly all day yesterday but we do need it.
Glad you're ok Woofy,take it easy.
I've got a shopping delivery coming today.There do seem to be more slots available now.I use which ever one has got a slot when I need one.Morrisons are hopeless here though.
I won't be rushing out anywhere even if they do ease the lockdown.
Hope you're all well.
well, really quite cool and damp today. I sat and watched Janina Ramirez doing a tour of the British Museum - at least I thought I did, but I'm told I missed a downpour during it, so I may have nodded off.
God morning. Well it's a fiesta here not that it will make any difference. We have our walking times now and because Mr N is younger than I we have different hours. He has 7-10am and I have 10am to 12 noon. Then we have an separate evening slot but only allowed one hour a day. Strange times.
Hope you are ok woofy x
Hope the rest of you are ok and managing. Yes jno I usually fall asleep during a tv programme!!
Morning all...wakey! wakey!
yes, we had a mini monsoon early evening, it had stopped for clapping but it was very chilly and people soon went back inside. It's brightening up now, Met say no rain, Accu say showers on and orf.
I get all the exercise I need in the garden as well as traipsing up and down the stairs wondering what I was up there for.
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good morning all. Wet and chilly here and we had thunder yesterday. I have bought a silk scarf for me plus two more for christmas gifts. Nothing like getting organised.
anyone know anything about Waitrose Rapid delivery service? It says to enter your postcode to see if you're in the right area, but all it does then is take you to a products page without saying Yes or No.
When I put my postcode in I get a message saying 'Ha! No chance' so I'd assume it's a yes for you jno.
oh, perhaps I'll try signing up then. We're midway between a middle sized Waitrose and a big one, and I went there for their dawn service today, but it would make sense to avoid contact with other humans if possible. As long as they can deliver before autumn.
Hello all
Sunny ,cloudy, rinse and repeat.No rain as yet though.
Waitrose have ground to a halt here.They did deliver then stopped doing it.Not enough take up I suppose.
My brother just rang and he's very upset.Said he had been to many funerals in his time but todays was very distressing. Eight people and then they all just waved to each other got into their cars and went home.Her husband,the son and carer,two daughters and husbands and my brother all sitting apart.
Lots of people in the same boat though.Really sad.
Hope you're all well.
Yes shaney, it's awful for people attending funerals, just short basic affairs with very few people allowed. I've just found out that a mate of my ex's, same age as us, and one of our Friday gang died 3 weeks ago. I don't know if it was the virus. Up to 12 of us would meet up & go drinking, dancing and generally causing mayhem. We all arrived at a wedding reception one evening and suddenly realised we were at the wrong venue. The bride & groom were a tad displeased/incensed and the manager swiftly showed us the door.
Evening. Well my nail girl has gone bust but she is trying to become a legal mobile nail girl so fingers crossed. I very much doubt my hairdressers will still be then when we are allowed to go! Am allowed out tomorrow for a walk but am taking it easy to start with as I'm not sure if it's not all a bit too soon. Bery hot today and I've been bitten by those nasty little bugs that cant be seen in greenery!
Boohoo ( said in a cheerful Robi type way!) Sweltering here. Although I can now legally go for a walk I just trotted off to recycling again and back. But am so hot!
Shaney did you get supplies delivered to you by Princess Charlotte??

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