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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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Oh no .What a fool I am. Sorry Robinia. My memory is like a sieve these days. I'll have to ring Clive and tell him to come tomorrow instead and he was sooo looking forward to it . He'd polished his fork specially:)
shame, just when you've almost got a bank holiday for your birthday, they move the holiday.
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we can all do it again tomorrow.
haha, don't apologise shaney, it's funny, and nooo, don't postpone Clive's visit, he'll be most welcome here until tomorrow.... or whenever we're all released back into the wild. :)
I did think it was going to be a Bank holiday on Monday until a friend pointed out they'd moved it. I'd completely forgotten.

Just had a chat with one of my best friends. Look, I said, I know you're well past retirement age, you smell a bit fusty and you're often shaky but stay with me a while longer please. Once all of this is all over I will go out and buy a new washing machine.
Hola! Was just downloading a card for Robi and it asked for my credit card details! Blimey I backtracked. I may love you Robi but not that much!
Tomorrow is another day. I've sunbathed and am pearly white dont know how I do it!
haven't they got a pre-used one you could send, neti?
Ooooh jno! Tut. Wrong day, second hand card...whatever next? Half eaten cake?

I worry about them, I really do....
well, happy birthday, Robinia
Happy Birthday Robi old girl
Have a super day!
Its 9.55am and I'm ready to go tearing off for my permitted 2 hr walk. Am desperately seeking a hairdresser and nail technician!! But dont hold your breath!!
Happy Birthday Robinia.Enjoy your day.xx
Good morning....thank you all!
Oh my giddy aunt jno, I've just spluttered my strawberry yoghurt all over there's a thought. Is he on his way? It's almost a full moon, he'll never cope. :-)
Big pants? Excruciatingly uncomfortable but I'm staying in my skimpies to the bitter end I'll have you know.

It would be lovely to be going to a garden centre to buy summer bedding plants and having lunch with my sister, never mind eh? Maybe later in the year and hopefully before they're selling holly and mistletoe. Later I'll be having chicken salad served on a spade and a side order of chunky chips in a plant pot, followed by a slice or two of coffee walnut cake...and a welly full of brandy, haha. :) :)
Last week little girl next door asked me what I'd like for my birthday and I said warm sunny weather (hers tomorrow). Well that's one wish granted.
I returned walk exactly the same as when I left. I look like a lion with a mane! Barbers said they dont cut womens hair! Chemist gave me 3 masks so that's good.
Mr N is.annoying me, it had to happen so I am ensconced in the bedroom. He pontificates! I ask a smple question which requires a simple answer but he goes on and on nonstop. scream
Just had my first swim of the year on pool. Was cold but so nice. Sunbathed again until I felt burning so I stopped. Mr N is making another ginger and date and walnut cake yum.
nice and sunny again. I went and stood outside B&queue for half an hour to buy some Polyfilla, as the ants have stopped eating the grouting between paving stones and started eating our doorstep. If much more sand comes out the house will start to tilt. It's odd, Polyfilla used to be thickish and greyish, now it's soft and white like whipped cream. I hope the ants don't eat their way free.
Just a couple.of photos from this morning as I'm sitting on my terrace. We leave the land wild as water is too expensive to waste in non essential things.
how lovely to have a sea view. I have one from my seaside cottage but it's years since I've been there.

Still, it's a nice hideaway for my lawyer. But the nearest shop is five miles of bad road.

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