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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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Afternoon all
Lovely day,warm and sunny. I think we're in for a shock on Sunday though when it's supposed to turn cold again.A drop of 12 degrees in one hit.
Nice photos .Is that your pool Neti? That looks idyllic Jno.
I'd be able to see the sea if there wasn't a row of houses the other side of the park. I can see it between them a bit and I can see the tops of ships as they go up or down the river.
Nothing doing otherwise apart from Mr S dodging me and my hair clippers.I will get him eventually. He's beginning to look like Captain Birdseye.
Afternoon all...and Aye Aye Cap'n S :)
I can't believe it's clapping day again already. It's another glorious one here, I'll be back outside later.

Despite being 'different' I had a lovely day yesterday. The phone didn't stop ringing...I had to put a message on 'You are number * in the queue. Please be patient, your call is important to me'. I even put on some rouge and mascara for my Facetime public...I still appeared to be looking in a spoon, haha. Apparently it's all about the angle and the lighting. A couple of neighbours stood in my front garden and sang Happy Birthday which was a novelty. I felt like a celeb, I'll have to go all diva.
Lots of goodies through the post to munch my way through and promises of get togethers as soon as.

Lovely pics, I can almost smell the sea.
This is my view of the kitchen floor at the moment. A box of teas/cake/biscuits and an exploding card that sprayed confetti all over me arrived earlier from my nephew and his wife. Good thing I wasn't dying for tiddle at the time :)
Nice to see you had a good day Robinia.
A nice cheerful birthday report amongst the gloom.
Better take my tiara off now and turn in.I've been wearing it for 24 hours :)
Night all.Sleep tight.
Yes sounds like you had a good day Robi.
You dont want to smell the Mediterranean, it stinks! We now have a ( no idea what you call them) tent pergola thing on patio sonwe can sit.out in the shade as it's quite hot. Well it was but just because I have lines and lines of my summer clothes drying, it has become cloudy!
Yes jno your cottage looks lovely . Why sont you do there when normality reigns. It seems as though we will be in phase 1 on Monday and we can drive around the island so give it a day or two and I'll be off to the English shop!!
waiting for normality to return to OH's feet, neti, we won't be doing a lot of travelling till then.

It looks as if we may be allowed to sunbathe next week.
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glad you had a good day Robi. Same old same old here. The only excitement is that my washing machine has died and tried to kill the rest of us in the process, it kept tripping the fusebox. hoofed it outside on tuesday and got a new one coming tomorrow, fortunately easy to reconnect thanks to the smart plumber who fitted our kitchen around 12 years ago.
tidied up a bit of the neighbour's jungle - the bit that will rewild our own place if it isn't kept in check. He's still in Saudi somewhere so he won't even notice.
Robi even I can connect a new washing machine! In emergencies such as that we have to phone the shop and they deliver it. Not allowed to visit! And from Monday if we try on any clothes the shop has to quarantine those clothes for 48 hrs same if we use the loo!! I'm staying put for a little while more to be safe. I should have waited to post my patio as Mr N painted all the walls yesterday and it now looks half way decent!!
Morning all...another splendidly sunny day here. Just waiting for my washer to finish... neti I think you were referring to woofy there and not me. That said, my next major purchase is going to be a new machine and hopefully it'll last as long as this one.

Well I'm doing my best to be cheerful because, apart from not seeing friends and relatives in person, I've nothing personal to complain about really. I could weep for the world of course but that won't help them or me. I'm still very angry about it all though.

Do you know what my sister said yesterday? I phoned her about 11.30 and she said she was going to call me earlier but it was coming up to 11 o'clock and she thought I'd find it difficult to stay quiet for 2 minutes. Ooooh the nerve. ha ha (I did by the way, for 5 minutes actually)

Oh lordy, look out Ibiza, neti's on her way back
Morning all. Sorry Robi its old age lockdown fugg! Yes I meant Woofy.
Dull and damp here today. We should learn today what we are allowed to in Phase 1. I am desperate for a haircut! Wish it was as neat as Miss Daisy driving that car!! It may well be long enough for that style soon!!
How are you all?
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good morning, washing machine has arrived and is connected, running a test load to ensure no leaks before putting it in place.
Morning all
Lovely day again,warm sunshine.I can't believe it's going to drop 12 degrees by tomorrow though.
I cross my fingers every time I put the washer on.It's well over twenty years old and drawing its pension and I doubt they still do the same model if we had to replace it.
We watched the VE day prog last night.I thought they did it quite well under the circumstances. Adrian Lester is a good singer and funnily enough I'd been watching him on IPlayer earlier in Hustle. All the music was good and no sign of Cliff anywhere, thank goodness :)
I'll plonk myself in the garden later for a Vit D top up .
Hope you're all well.
20 years old shaney? Wow I get a new one at leas⁹t every 5 years!! Having a lovely relaxing day here.
Yoohoo woofy all ok?
Aww Little Richard has died age 87
that's what we need here, neti, a bigger pool

I have been basking in the sun (fortunately whalers are not allowed in this suburb) and mentally preparing for tomorrow's blizzards.
goodness me, neti, so he has. I saw him, must be 50 years ago and he was quite an act.
Ours is only a small pool really but its lovely.
Oh deep joy, nail girl is coming to the rescue on Wednesday. Then I have to find a hairdresser!
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Well I may be old and crocked but I can still move a 70 odd kg washing machine from my front door to the kitchen and install it! Biddy power!
good grief, I hope you haven't used up a year's supply of biddy power all at once! Well done, though.

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