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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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Morning all
Happy World Naked Gardening Day! (Yes, 'tis true)
Buffer the rules, I'm off to the garden centre but I'll keep my vest on, bit fresh out there :)
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hello folks...well we are all still here
...and that Robi is why I dont do gardening!!!
Waves to woofy x
My earlier boohoo was meant to be yoohoo
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waves back to neti, waves to everyone else...stay well folks
got a call from Mrs jno jnr to say she'd tested positive - I said OMG isolate, isolate, but she said no, not that kind of test. So early days but we may be grandparents in a while.
Well what lovely news to end an otherwise grim day (for me) jno. Very best wishes to you all.
we're keeping our fingers crossed. She's a nice sensible, healthy lass in her early 30s so she should be fine.
Happy Sunday folks! Hope you are all surviving.
Jno that is lovely news, should all go well. I dont thi I that we will ever be grandparents as hija shows no signs of wanting to settle, and that's ok but I do sometimes wonder what if?
Was up at 6.30nand sat on a lively sunny patio with my brekkie. The birdsong was lively just so peaceful. Lots of swifts or swallows swooping about, migrating from Africa I guess. Was very pleasant. I am actually enjoying this lockdown as I'm now getting to know my family! Hija has become an accomplished cook and her cakes are so delicious (unfortunately).
I am planning on having my permitted walk tomorrow at 10am as I also have things to buy. Need special fly killer for these biting invisible flies who live in greenery of which we have a lot! And rat killer for Mr Ns storeroom invader!
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Jno what lovely news! Its been raining yet again here.
Morning all
Dry and fairly bright here so far.
That's lovely news Jno.Congrats to you all.
Nothing new here.Hope you're all well.

Mothers day here
Mr N cooked a delicious corned chicken and all the trimmings. I spent hours clearing and washing up even with a dishwasher. Just had a lazy day
Morning from a dull and grey Derbyshire.
Had a miz weekend with terrible jawbone pain. It's slowly getting better but I'm a bit hamster faced on one side. I think I've been eating too many cookies and crisps so now it's slop for the foreseeable :(

Don't give up on being a grandma neti, even though Ozzy had had two of his own by his mid thirties I never expected Tarquin to have any at all.

Well, who knew we had covid masks right here in our fruit bowls? :)
Hahaha bananas Robi!!
Hello everyone. I trotted off on my legal walk. But blow me there were kids illegally on the beach and teens illegally rollerblading and men (not oaps) queueing for miles at the barbers ( I did think to join the queue but decided it was posh and I didnt have enough money anyway) but had I, I would have delighted in telling them the priority laws for over 65s!
Mr had has shored up the broken sunbed so I may try to sit on it tomorrow. It's a gorgeous sunny day. I have been ruthless and chucked out loads of clothes
Even one of my favourite trouser suits from at least 10 years ago!! Just wont wear them anymore! Hija has requested that all my stored clothes are removed from her room, yea gods there is not enough room!
Well that's enough about me! How are you all coping?
I'm just sitting here waiting for the dishwasher to finish chugging so while I'm here I'll do another post shortly before I turn in otherwise if I get up too late the day will be over before I get myself into gear.
Hope you're all ok.Enjoy your freedom Neti.
♫ Happy Birthday to you ♫...Robinia.
Have a lovely day and many happy returns.
I found this nice man who has a garden fork and he'll be round shortly to dig over your daisies at a safe distance.
Don't try and tempt him in with tea and biscuits.I'm watching you :)
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Happy Birthday Robi. Hope you have a good day.
Morning all...thank you for the birthday wishes and I'm so looking forward to seeing my gardener shaney but 'safe distance'? Hmmm, might be some flouting of the rules going on :)
However, I'm a tad's my birthday tomorrow! We will all make it won't we? Haha. Who knows what day it is anyway. xx

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