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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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God news we may be allowed out for short walks from May 2nd. Just waiting for Sanchez to announce it!
the postman brought me a birthday card today, posted from Melbourne in February. They must be sending things by pigeon. He also brought a loaf of honey and almond bread. He'd delivered some mail to our neighbour round the corner and she'd said she was waiting for us to come and collect our bread, so he delivered it to us. What a nice postie!
Hello. That was nice jno. Its great to hear kiddies voices as they are allowed out today albeit under supervision . Hopefully us soon.
I am enjoyed Orange is the new etc.
Hija is making gyozas for lunch. A stuffed dumpling type of thing!!
Are you all ok. Hope doggy is ok Woofy ! Mr N is now wondering why my feral cat Marvin ( it's a girl but I didnt know)avoids him after years of him shooting her away. He is trying to make friends with her. No one can actually hold her. I can for a second when she is waiting for her food. I put it down and she waits until I stroke her before she eats!!
Hello all
Another lovely day. I think it's due to change though according to Accu.
That was kind of your postie Jno.We never seem to have same one these days since our regular one retired.
OITNB is very good Neti.It went off the boil slightly in the prison riot bit but I stuck with it and am glad I did.The last series is very good but get your hanky out.
Something I may watch again.I'm rewatching Justified atm. Looking forward to the new Van der Valk tonight. I used to like that with Barry Foster.
Nothing new otherwise.Sat out in the garden yesterday and read for a while.It was lovely and warm in the sun.
Hope you're all well.
How is your dog Woofy ?
Oh riot shaney? I do get a bit confused with some of the women who's who and whatnot.
The gyozas were delicious and she had also made chicken coated in a thick peanut curry sauce and coconut rice. And a stay sauce. I couldn't believe it it was ace. I shall give up cooking now as obvs he and she are far better at it than I am!!
Well the childrens exercise hour has turned into mayhem and rebellion. Kids were ok but grown ups stormed the lockdown beaches and cut through the security tapes and ran riot. Now it feels we are being punished!!
Morning it Nonday again?
The swifts are here, fantastic! They usually arrive around my birthday but this is a bit early.It was a lovely weekend, yesterday was the best day weatherwise imo, the breeze had finally lost that chill. It's cloudy today and rain is forecast but we do need it.

That's what I'm afraid of neti, no beaches obviously but as soon as a hint of restrictions being eased the hoards will be out there invading the beauty spots, river banks and parks. As for hearing children's voices....aggghhh! The small ones next to me are lovely and have been popping up over the fence and entertaining me. However a few doors down the family are soooo loud (indoors as well as outdoors apparently). A few of us had reached bursting point and eyes were on me to say/do something.... Can't imagine why....?? haha. Well, there was hardly a sound all weekend so someone else might have beaten us to it. Time will tell.
Hope you're all well. Sorry about you poor dog woofy, hope you and everyone else have some peace and quiet.
Is it me or are rats and mice having flying lessons? Could have sworn I saw some going over :)
maybe they can sense it's going to rain cats and dogs, Robinia, and they don't want to step into a poodle.
no point in trying to duck out now jno, we know all about your launch pad.
Hello. My larder now looks like a little shop. everything in rows on the shelves. I had to ask Mr N where the raisins were! I shall play shops!! We (Mr N)spent the morning chopping down the algroba tree and (me) lugging the branches to the bottom of our land. Then ages sweeping up the algroba beans off the patio!!
Nice and sunny.
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Shughy was put to sleep this morning...lovely vet, all very peaceful and quick. His fits weren't controlled and getting worse so I decided he shouldn't have to suffer any more.
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PS wasn't taken with Van de Valk
oh, that's sad, woofgang, but I'm sure it was the right decision.
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Thank you Jno, yes so am I. He had a cancer taken off his mouth 18 months ago and I was warned that it was an aggressive kind in a difficult place and expectation was around six months. He got 18 and up until about 10 days ago he was happy and the fits not too bad.
Oh woofy, that's so sad but the kindest thing to do. I knew I was taking a massive risk when Charlie had those bad teeth out (because of his heart) but he sailed through it. They put him on that 'wonder drug', can't remember the name of it, and I had him for another two years before I had to let him go. I'm glad for the decisions I made.
Oh woofy I am so sorry to hear that! He was quite a character and you kept us amused with his antics.
Oh Woofy. I know just how you're feeling.They leave a big paw print on your heart. It's the kindest thing to do though. I'm so sorry xx
Hello. Thinking of you woofy x. Well we are being de-escalated on 11th may and should be allowed freedom! Maybe a coffee? But apparently we 65 pluses are being given special times! Bet it's when I'm in bed!!
Had another shredding session today after finding so many.old Vodafone Bill's from hija. Just safer to shred the info. Taken two sackloads of clothes to charity bins and several trips to the plastic and paper bins. The clean rubbish! I havent, so far put on any weight although I seem to have a spare tyre around my middle! Cant stop eating Mr Ns cakes. He slightly burns the bottoms and I love burnt, must be something to do with mum's cooking when I was younger!!
Good afternoon...not very good weatherwise, grey and wet the same as yesterday. Oh well, the garden needs it.

How are you feeling today woofy? Hope you're ok. Even though you still have Rab it probably feels like there's a lot of space in your house.

Neti at first glance I thought that said you were being de-scaled on 11th :)

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