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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Will catch up tomorrow. Am off to bed

Oight oight.

??? could have sworn I'd posted, maybe I forgot to submit :)

Well, good morning, here we are again. Dullish but milder.
Had a decent night's sleep...I vaguely remember half waking in a clammy sweat but the next thing I knew it was 6.40...woo!

Love the videos... he's a bit manic for some but I really like Robin Williams.
I should buy a new brolly myself, I'm not sure how much longer my old favourite is going to stay waterproof. I fancy a rainbow one.
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Hello loafers
Nice sunny day here .Accu say it should be nice for the next few days but one newspaper headline I saw yesterday said the big freeze is on it's way .I think I'll just carry on consulting my seaweed .
Not a successful doctors appt .They've upped my thyroid meds again pro tem and have to give blood in six weeks to see how it's going .Up and down like a yoyo is my diagnosis .
I see it's German bashing day on AB .I'll have to go and clip Mr S round the earhole :)
seaweed will give you a better result than consulting the Daily Express. Have they given up putting Princess Di on their front page?

Yes, AB may be evidence for this claim

Well, I have been on one for some time.
hmmm, well it isn't sunny here and I'm not getting anything done. I really need to go to the shops but I'm having trouble finding the energy. It's the fault of you lot apparently....

Social Loafing - describes the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they are part of a group.

Sorry you're not done with the doc, KBO shaney, enjoy your sunshine.
oh, haha... I don't have to feel responsible for my lack of knowledge then, it's just natural human decline.
my implantololologist told me yesterday one of my crowns was looking doubtful and I should see my usual dentist about it, so I did this morning, and he said it was fine, I should just check it out with the hygienist, and we had a little chat about art deco, so I'm now feeling much cheerier. Sorry your appointment didn't go so well, shaney. I think should all just aim for managed decline.
i can socially loaf all on my own! does that make me gifted or just bone idle?
our neighbour is returning to Saudi Arabia at first light (he's only here for a month or two each year) and has presented us with some bottles of wine, a bag of frozen prawns and half a loaf of sliced bread. I hope he's kept himself something for breakfast.
I have spent most of the day with the headache from hell caused by bad posture while I was setting the computer back up again yesterday and this morning. It took paracetamol, then ibuprofen and two large drinks to get it settling and at 8.45 I went to bed feeling like I might sleep. at 9.15 the fireworks started so here we are watching late night Tv and having cuddles. I have decided today that I need a new computer chair by the way!! and the computer is sorted.
so true, you must have the right computer posture


I have (with an amazing amount of contorting) managed to throw out a plastic storage container's worth of maps of places I sort of thought I might get to one day but have now decided I won't. Harsh reality is getting to me. Madeira and Cebu, out you go.

I still have another bin full, though, of places I just might get to. Tbilisi is high on my list.

I thought Diwali was supposed to be a festival of light but no lights at all round here, just an awful lot of bangs. Perhaps it has become transposed with Guy Fawkes.
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That's very brave of you Jno ...we have to have an inquest here before anything gets thrown away .
I've got a basket in the front room that's meant for newspapers and magazines but it's full of Mr S's paper mountain.I get him to clear it from one place and then it gradually creeps into another place .He's a paper shuffler :)
I really ought to go to bed but I'm not tired.
I'll say Oight Oight anyway folks ,sleep toight .
Good morning biddies, funeral today although it is a celebration of life. Had a lovely family get together last night where we had a catch up with everyone. Saw nephew who had nose cancer and he looks marvellous, although cos of the chemo is very straight chinese hair is now curly so relived that he is OK.

Sis is out getting her hair done, and the screws from her shower door have fallen out and as much as I have tried I cannot lift the door to get them in, oh dear, never rains. Oh and speaking of rain Mr N says it has rained non stop and the roof of the villa is leaking in two rooms and the cat is miserable and missing me!

Went round millions of shops yesterday to get a black trouser suit but either the jacket fitted and the trousers didn't or somesuch so am back to plan one of wearing blk trousers and a black and white spotted over blouse.

Try to get back later,
sis and I managed to fix the shower door between us, as she is taller and could reach, phew relief!!!
I hope the celebration goes well. You could have used the shower door as an extra drinks table
oh ha ha jno, did everything BUT that yesterday. Chair is too low for desk so sat with my head tilted right back for way too long. head and neck sorted, just the backache left. Neti i will be thinking of you and your family today. Its a beautiful one here in hampshire, I hope you are getting the same weather.
Its just amazing how many paper things we just don't need anymore...I do like maps though and find it hard to get rid of them.
me too, woofy, but when it gets to the point I can no longer lift them they may be a risk to the shelves they sit on. But I have kept my historic ones of Cold War Prague and so forth from my earlier days of travelling.

I'm told it's lovely down Sussex way, so good celebratory weather and I hope it all goes well.
Sunny and warm here but Ibiza is totally flooded.p
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I hope all goes well Neti ...or as well as these sad occassions can .
At least you appear to have a nice day unlike here where it's damp and foggy .
I may need a map to fnd my way down to Morrisons .
A'noon each....very mild and calm, shame we don't have the sun, it would be perfect. I did a bit of snipping earlier but I've got a frontal headache today too so it was a quick do...still, a little here and there helps.
Had to go and sort 'em out with my prescriptions at the pharmacy - I don't like sweeping statements but why can some 30 somethings not see or do anything that isn't on the computer screen...?? Then they have this knack of turning it round to make it seem like your confusion!

Hope it all goes well neti.

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