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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Morning all...glorious sunshine but very cold, there was frost. Bit more breeze today and my drawers are flappin' (on the line, haha)...oooh, get me, washing out at 9am on a Sunday. I was up early because my hips are so stiff and everything in between them aches so it'll be a lolling day for me too.

Have a safe journey neti, at least the weather's quiet and clear for you.
It'll make a change to see them at the cenotaph in sunshine rather than the gloom.
Good morning All. As Robi says frosty but a sunny lovely morning. Have a good journey Neti.
I have my telly on for Rememberence Sunday as usual. A thoughtful time for many.
My poor sister has just phoned saying that in the middle of the night she heard a great whoosh and found the water softener under the kitchen sink had burst through the hose or summat, so she took ages turning off all the taps under the sink, then spend hours mopping up 2" of water, she had a large kitchen, poor girl, she justs wants me there ( what does she think I could do!!) Super neti to the rescue!
we are off out for lunch then airport!
what possible help could you be, Spongeneti Manypants?

Lovely day here too, the sun streaming in lilke it hasn't for years.
Question Author internet keeps crashing...
Morning all for the umpteenth time of trying .
Lovely sunny day here too .Watched the British legion march down to the church earlier .
Sorry you had a bad night Woofy .I hope you feel better this morning .I only have the tea bags ,but it's not done much good. I've got Gaviscon now so hope that'll shift it .People may need to stand well back :)
Have a safe journey Neti .
Lol Jno ...that made me splutter my coffee .
Have a good day all .
Good morning Biddies. Lovely day here too. Sorry that you had bad nights Woofy and Shaney. I took a large dose of Gasciscon just before bed. Am relying on it these days!! But it seems to work better than my prescribed medication for IBS for some reason. I need to put some bulbs in and am drumming up some courage. If they don't go in now they won't go in at all!

Have just watched the Rememberance Day Ceremony and the DofE nearly slipped over as he walked backwards, poor man - he looks really feeble. I am so glad though that they have a sunny day for all those veterans. Sad world isn't it?

Meggie has gone off for a walk with Mr LL. I must shower and get dressed!!
Oh safe journey to Neti and her knickers!!
Spongeneti Manypants.......hahahahahaha....

I've had a nice rest day, it looked like summer through the window. Felt like Siberia round the back in the shade.
A rare Spanish plant found mainly in the Balaerics, but occasionally gets sown by birds on the south coast of England where it dazzles everybody with its bright colours.

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Hahaaa....poor Neti ...she'll never live it down .
Sweatybettymanypants ....the Shady Lady of Knickersdown Lane .
Is that the one in Netherthong, near Huddersfield or Slack Bottom, near Hebden Bridge, W Yorkshire shaney? :)
hello all have been giggling at the sweti neti jokes. had a busy day today, computer is back and restoring as we speak and I found loads more stuff to buy in town. early night I think......
Question Author
Hope it'a peaceful one for you WoofY .
I'm about to load up with Gaviscon and hit the stairs .
I hope you've landed safely Neti ..we've put up special welcome bunting for you :)

OIght Oight lovelies .Sleep toight .
right, dentist at lunchtime, big time implant drilling, I am going to be swigging 600mg ibuprofen for a day or two. But hopefully I will have enough to eat Xmas dinner if there is any.
Morning all...grey day.
oooh, ouch, good luck jno. You're very brave. I think I might opt for purees if mine don't last the course.
I was sure I said oight, oight last noight? How weird. Good luck with the dentist jno. We are off shopping shortly. Had a bad night last night - too hot, then too cold, then too uncomfortable, then dream, after dream, after dream, and then Mr LL breathed too loud. I feel shattered!!

Knitting has grown to 12" and I feel quite pleased with myself. Fortunately my hands apart from going dead aren't painful, except for one thumb, so knitting is quite therapeutic.

Shaney, I think I am going to buy Gaviscon in bulk. It works better than the drugs the Doc has given me to protect my tum.

See you later, all being well.
Question Author
Morning all
Grey day here too so far . Good luck at the dentist Jno .
I've got the doctors this afternoon . .
I can't order my medication on line (again )as it needs reviewing which will no doubt mean more blood letting .Bah and Pee Po.
Yes the Gaviscon seems good Lofty .It's vile to take but it has eased my griping tum somewhat.
morning all. jno, my implant options are gone for the moment as the place that I have a gap hasn't enough jaw bone to take an implant.
Lottie, you can get 500ml bottles of gaviscon and gaviscon advance. Its worth asking at the pharmacy cos its loads cheaper to buy it that way. If its boots and they tell you its prescription only in that size, they are talking out of their collective fundament cos its not true.
I am rebuilding the computer today. I was too weary to concentrate last night. Slept okay but had very vivid (not upsetting) dreams and the boys had a lovely run around this morning.
hello shaney, you popped up. I had to pause typing to answer the door, it was the nice delivery man with the bedding for the new bed.

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