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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Morning Biddyfriends. All the best to Mr. S at the hospital. It's wet outside so I'm going in my car today. Have a good day all whatever you're up to. My day is the usual plus some shopping at Sainsburys and the call in at the Golf Club. I'm quite looking forward to that part of my day. Laters 'gfaters
morning all and sending good vibrations for Mr and Mrs S. I was in two minds about taking the dogs out this morning as the weather wasn't as bad as expected. I let them out in the garden for a wee and they went straight back to bed again! decision taken!! Nice painterman is here and working
looks like the new site tweaks are making eveyone look as if they're blathering on even more relentlessly than usual, then. Quite nice and sunny here, but I am going to have to take my typing chair back to CostCo as the ";leather" on the arms is cracking in a suspiciously plasticky way.
??? How did that get on this page? I had a birthday page open...
Morning biddies. Hope you are all well (ish).

I was rushed to hospital last night with breathing difficulties and chest pains, was put on a ventilator and strong anti biotics. I have acute bronchitis, and Mr N has just brought me back home, in bed, where is all I want to be, the docs thought I had bronco/pnuemonia but luckily it's not. Just want to feel well. Mr N is being an absolutle brick, not like him at all!!
Hope all is OK for mr s xxx
ooh, neti, let's get the AB tech staff in to treat you, I hear they can fix anything.

Get well soon, that sounds really unpleasant.
Feel like a right down and out. Have just cut up an odd couple of socks to make wristwarmers, have a scarf round my neck, a purple shawl, and pj's and slipper socks from lidl, I look a complete mess! but it is so cold and I can't seem to work the central heating.
A'noon...awww neti, you poor ole thing. I've bronchitis and it's awful, I just coughed until I choked. Make sure they xray your chest to see it's all clear when you feel better (I was told that's what should happen if you're not normally prone to bronchitis). Keep warm and REST! Don't start running around after everyone else too soon...that's a biddy order. Get well soon! xxx
Freezin' here after a wild night ...Jude, yes, I had the power cut too. Luckily I'd eaten early....candlelit dinner for one is a bit sad. :)
My hypnotist is on BBC Cumbria right now, fame indeed!
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Oh poor Neti .I've had bronchitis.Not nice .I hope you soon feel better.
You must rest .Let Mr N wait on you and take it easy old girl and stay in the warm .Drink plenty of fluids .Sending you love and very best wishes for feeling better soon xxx
Mr S is ok .All good .Scan again in six months .But ..what a louse up .Our appt was 11.30 .It was snowing here this morning quite heavily .So off we go and get there at 11.15 .After about an hour we realise people who came in after us are being seen first .So I enquired ,as you do ,and they said our appt was 1.30 .Not on the letter it wasn't ! Admin booby .Typical .So we had to sit there .Good job I took a book .
Hope everyone is Ok otherwise .Pip Pip for now .
Oh shaney that is so annoying, but glad Mr s is good.

Snowing? I missed it :-( although glad I am not there now. Hija is well but still has a cough, she's xmas shopping!
Thankfully no snow here.... yet.

Shaney I'm pleased all went well for Mr S...lousy about the wait though, I'd have been livid.
Hope you're warm and snug neti.

I have announcement! I have permission to speak at last, I've known for a month and I've been very good, not said a word...Tarquin and his partner are having a baby, sometime in the middle of June! :) It was the first scan today and all was well, it's fingers crossed for the blood tests now. She'll be an 'older mother'...there's a horrible name for it I think...but she's incrdibly fit and being 'in the business' no doubt she'll have tip top care. I'm so pleased for them...and he's promised they won't disappear to the other side of the world. (I almost slipped up when Kate & Wills made their's known :)).

Better look for some knitting patterns :)
Get well soon Neti. I was sorry to hear how poorly you've been. So depressing for you. Hope you're back to your usual self quickly.
I'm happy about Mr S. Shaney. Sorry about the appoinment mix-up. That happened to me last week they said is was 11 not 10 but I showed them my card where they had written 10 so they actually got me in as it was only the Work shop. If it had been a one to one appointment I'd have been a bit miffed as they're always late with them.
I've actually started wrapping presents. I only did my son Steadier's parcels for his family down south. I'm sending them by post in case I don't see him before Christmas. He says he is planning on coming so all being well we will get out for lunch one day.
Also went to the Golf Club and saw my Grandad on the wall. It was of him as Captain in 1934. The Secretary is going to send me a copy of the trophies he won as captain from the archives but it 'll be after Christmas as they are very busy entertaining.
Then I went to Sainsburys to stock up. A Bottle of Irish Cream and a Chablis to see me through the festive season if I'm on my own which looks likely at the mo.
Off now to tidy up. Derby are at home tomorrow and they kick off at 1 so I want to get straight before I go out.
Have a good night Biddyfriends everywhere. See yer later 'gater(s)
oh oh oh dancing for you Robi (are you going to be Nan Granny or Grandma?)
the horrible phrase is "elderly prima gravida"
dancing for Mr S too but I would be complaining loud and long about the cock up.
Neti STAY IN BED and let the family care for you. You DO NOT want to be ill over christmas.
Jude you are a bit ahead of me. I have nearly fonished making my cards and the posting will be on monday, parcels too.
Nice painter man has finished and gone, the bedroom looks lovely and my curtain poles are no longer saggy.
I have this in the hall User Recommendation
painter man looked dubious but I explained that it was to warn strangers at the door that a mad woman lives here. Once it was up, he liked it too.
I have done the long link on purpose to see if the techies have fixed the site.
Congratulations Robi, speaking as an older mother who was just normal, all worked out well!

Lottie I love that chandelier and I normally do not like them.

Still waiting for my parcel to arrive so no xmas wrapping yet. Getting twitchy as I want to put the tree and decs up but it's too early anyway. apart from the fact that I don't feel like it.
ooh, congratulations, Robinia. Very kind of the young'uns to tell you, it's more than we did until after the scans and everything. Is there some word for an elderly primagrandparenta?
and well done finding your Grandad, Jude. I am ordering my cousin to go down to the local mental hospital and get a photo of our great-grandmamma. She was a nurse there and apparently there is a photo of her in the souvenir booklet... well, it's a museum of itself now, that's why they have souvenirs. She retired as matron, and was highly esteemed for her work ethic and her generous deonations to religious charities. Only we descendants know about her string of fatherless babies.
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Oh how lovely for you Robinia. A new Grandmonster .How exciting :))

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