Have done lots of shopping, Mr N also treat4d me to new zumba clothes and shoes (in case we are all still alive after today, oh and a new purse and phone cover, really must be the end of the world!
Went to new Lidl in San An and lo and behold there was with the multitude of shoppers, ooh hang on, I found Suddenly the perfume which hasn't been available, so Mr N bought me several and I am keeping quiet as I do not want the whole of Ibiza to wear it! and woofy lidl's even had those lobsters in so i bought one yum! He even bought me a new purse and phone bag thingy.
But not a sprout to be seen anywhere so he is off on a sprout hunt which may involve a few beers! I am shattered.
The soupmaker made beautiful soup, just had some with lidl cheese bread rolls, ahhh!
Hope u are all OK, have done my roots (only have them in the middle of the bonce, so now off to rinse them, must look clean and tdy for end of days!!!