Morning biddies in blankets...glad tidings of comfort and daz. It's monday and washday in this workhouse you know...I've found an old cauldron that cannibals boiled their dinner in and it's heating up nicely so you can get your clothes off and chuck 'em in. Anyone needing to cover their modesty will have to borrow a few bandages from the mummies.
I've mentioned before jno that our family tree on my dad's side is just a sapling. There's a distinct lack of information, I think the ancestors must have escaped/fled from somewhere.
That tree festival is beautiful. My sister was passing a church a week or two ago and she could see something going on inside. Suddenly, the angel of the lord.... oops, sorry.... a nice lady invited her in and before she could decline she was bundled through the door, haha. I'm guessing it was very much like that Lottie, lovely trees everywhere, but the sad thing was they were all going to be taken down that night. When sis asked why she was told it was because there were funerals to be held before xmas. Now I can understand how people might find festive lights upsetting but if I had died I'd love to think a scene like that was my send off! In fact, I might request it. :)
I'll pop back later, hopefully...