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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Poor jno, I'm afraid I would just give up and have a falsie!!
Jno, I have a feeling I will be in the same position as you. Dentists rarely want to remove teeth Neti, even if their patients demand it and stamp their feet. Years ago dentists took teeth out without qualms.

Well I have caught up with Downton. No surprises seeing as the person who departed has long since made it clear they wouldn't be appearing in the next series.

I can't watch any videos still :o(
hello all, cold is persisting but I am eating and being merry but very weary. Sis is taking good care of me. My mate who we were going to lunch with today has the cold worse than me and took to his bed over christmas. He must be ill cos his wife doesn't up up with leadswinging, she is an old work colleague of mine.
jno teeth are the work of the devil :-(
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Hello all
Hope you are all OK .I've caught up with Downton and the Midwives.My crew have decamped and it's very quiet here .
Been to doctor today .Thyroid seems to have settled again but I have to have further blood tests for my arthritics.
She seems to think I could have fibro whatsname or something called polymyalgic rheumatism. How cheerful .In the meantime I'm to have a cocktail of Ibuprofen and paracetamol on a regular basis .
No way am I taking that muck day in day out .I want to function not turn into a drugged up zombie .
I'm not happy .So I'm having a drink .A very large drink .
I hope your various toothy troubles get sorted .I couldn't stand going through the pain .I've had three out a time and most of the top and half my bottom teeth are bridges .I can eat anything as long as I don't try and crack brazil nuts :))
Oight Oight xxxx
it was actually all fairly painless and I nearly fell asleep while it was being done. Now the anaesthetic's worn off it's barely hurting. It looks weird as he's cut away so much gum down the side of it - I wish he'd used gum-coloured filling. But it doesn't show unless I bare my teeth. I'm just tired of losing teeth bit by bit, at immense expense. I suppose in the great scheme of things about 99% of the world's population are a lot sicker than I am.

Anyway, Xmas went busily with visits to sisses in Essex and potential inlaws in Kent, all of whom were lovely and showered us with gifts (we did likewise). Sisses are actually coming to dinner here tomorrow night, along with our magistrate friend who eats food off her knife (a lovely lady, but, um, what's your fork for???) and our German neighbours.

So you probably won't see me round here tomorrow and I will have to wait to catch up on everyone's Xmas posts properly. Sleep well all.
Good day biddies.

Poor shaney, it never rains eh??

Hija flew back from Barca to Gatwick last night and of course the plane was delayed, so there was no way she culd get the last Gat/Vic train, so I phoned around but no one could help. I thought she had missed the flight cos it said on tinternet that it was merrily winging it's way to Gatwick whils she was chatting to me in Barca but no, she got it an hour later. No idea how she got to Victoria or Elephant and Castle (where she lives) but she messaged me at 4.30 (3.30 her time) and said she was finally in bed, so then I coul relax and sleep. I am shattered. She is working a double shift today starting at 11am and finishing about midnight (with a 3hr break) so hopefully we'll chat then!

Am making turkey curry and all the lights in the kitchen have gone bang and I am too frightened to put the switch up in the box cos it may go bang again! Have called Mr N but answer came there none!

Back laters.
A'noon...dark and dismal day, nothing doing here 'cept wasting time on tinter..
Sorry you're having such a trial jno, that's sounds grim to me....Forks? Well here's one useful suggestion....

Oh dear, are you joining our club shaney? ....I think I might have a badge left over...
Take it easy, this damp weather's no help. x
By the way did you watch the Snowman and the Snowdog? I loved the song
Most of the lights in the house have gone, so am still awaiting Mr N to come to my rescue, I think it's only a matter of switching the main back on but I am too scared of it banging again. Am sitting with the tv, the log fire and a table lamp and its all cosy and warm.
but how does the log fire work if there's no electricity? You wouldn't get the flame effect.
Yes just one switch was all it was, and ne'er a bang!! It just frits me!!

Turkey curry was really nice and have spoken to hia and she is fine just tired. She managed to get a train and 2 buses and then her bed. She's going back to Barca at the end of Feb so she is saving now.

Just going to watch Celeb mastermind with Mr N (Yes, I know!!) then am off to bed to watch corrie!!!
Sorry jno didn't see you there, only certain points and most of the lights qwent out but the TV, table lamp and log fire worked, so was all cosy instead of Bleak House!

Saw my dentist in the street today and she blew me a kiss and wished me Felices fiestas! I cringed, can't afford to see her again!!!
cool and grey and windy here but at least it's not snowing. Dinnerparty went well.

One of my sisters turned up with out mother's War Diary, which I didn't know existed. It covers 1945 when she was working in a hospital in Italy and contains nothing about the war at all apart from a mention of VJ Day and meeting a girl who'd been in Belsen, and nothing about her actual work. Aside from that it's just a recounting of shifts worked, parties gone to, dances attended, soldiers dated, clubs drunk at, leave spent in Sorrento, Rome, Nice etc and a few hair perms at 700 lire each. She must have had a good war, then. The last entry has her eating a spam baguette in Monte Carlo. I wonder what became of her...
Morning all, where is evry biddy?

jno that diary sounded very entralling until I read about the spam baguette!!

Lovely sunny and warm day here. Mr N and I have been looking at cookers and mini ovens, whcih sounds hopeful!
war is hell, neti
and it seems it is all tray sheek now anyway

Just discovered the house next door has been broken into - nobody there so we told the police and let them sort it out. I just hope it isn't squatters. Plus someone has knowcked down bits of trellis climbing over our garden fence but no intursion here.
Ouch, I hate spam jno, in anyway shape or flavour! I know we had it as kids but never ever now!!!

Where have all the biddies gone..........
hello all, still struggling with the cold. My mate down the road has got it and the mate who I was going to lunch with is still off work and now his wife is ill with it too. Its a real stinker, really makes you feel horrible.

Am struggling too with tooth and back and a temperature/cold thingy. What are we all like.

Son sent me this photo this morning of his cat 'Hiss'. Thought you would be amused. This is her general laid back position.
Oh dear woofy and lottie, you do seem to be suffering. I am feeling so much better now, even bothering to clean the house, and today I even tidied up my huge wardrobe, put pairs of boots together and shoes etc, hung all clothing up properly, feel very virtuous!

Was looking forward to a trip out tomorrow but mr N informs me (very apologetically) that he is playing golf in the afternoon, which is when I get bored, so will have to tidy another cupboard or something! He is taking me out on Monday apparently! We'll see!

Get well soon you two!!

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