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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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NOW what's this site buffering about at?!!! It's removed things from my post.
There were two comments in these < > said 'waves to Vinny' after the rising sun comment....and the other was 'cackle' just befor the youtube vid.

In case it removes 'these', I mean pointy brackets...sorry I don't know what you call them :)
buffer, just lost a long thread!!

Happy New Year to Vinny. I also mentioned Robi but cannot for the life of me remember what it was! so hugs and kisses instead.

Last night we stayed in and I watched Skyfall, and thoroughly enjoyed it, don't usually watch Bond, but it was good, love Javier Bardem but I like bad men! (In real life he is married to Penelope Cruz and has a daughter so I'm sure he is a pussycat)

Mousey cat jumped on the bed in the night and has left trails of blood so all that has been washed, and there was a trail of blood outside the front door which had to be mopped, but do idea where it has come from, she is not limping or anything.

Mr N and I went out for brekkie (one bar open) and then we walked along the prom, prom, prom, but no brass bands playing pom tiddly pom! All very quiet here. He is now in kitchen using up the rest of the infernal and eternal turkey, making a soup, cos I am in front room hogging the tv.
Mr N has made gallons of turkey soup, so will be supping that for the next year, and I am not a soup lover! But that is all that is left of the damn thing now! Having a quiet day now, me on tinternet and he watching footy!

Hope you are all having a good day whatever you are doing!
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Hello chums
Happy New Year and a Hippy Happy one to you too Vinny .
Lovely bright sunny day to see the year in .
We had a nice evening but I have a slight headache :)
yawn... have caught up on four hours' sleep, that will have to do... Robi, yes, I think those angle brackets now eat up anything that comes between them, heaven knows why.

Glad to hear you've cleaned up the blood, neti... my, that's a nice new patio, isn't it?
ha ha jno yes lovely new patio and where is Mr N?? that'll teach him to make gallons of soup!!!
Make way for the soup dragon...I'll have it, I love soup.
I'd rather have Javier Bardem than Daniel Craig any day neti!

Perhaps angle brackets are Ed's new slimming aids jno...just pop a couple round your problem area and, hey presto! it disappears. Have you ever tried lavender in your bedroom for insomnia? I swear it's working for me and I'm not the type who's easily convinced by aromatherapy. I put a few drops on a cotton wool pad by the bed...or douse my hot-pack with it before nuking. My house smells like an old lady's parlour but I'm so laid back I'm almost horizontal all day.

Speaking of cats, I'm not the world's greatest lover of them but I like 'people's experiences stories' and I've just started reading A Street Cat Named Bob. It's about the busker's cat
Buzzing in here isn't it!!
Hello Robi, you didn't appear when I posted.
am all bathed and sitting in bed waiting for Eastenders, and Miranda and the new Titanic (ITV3)
Someone must have wrapped me in pointy brackets and made me invisible neti.

I wish :)
Nah, it's this silly new computer, I really do not like it, but have to use it to keep him happy. New posts do not load even when I "reload" it. Will use netbook and windows xp when he is out in future!
Can't wait to see the new Maggie Smith film "Quartet" looks good.
yes it does! We went out and had lunch by the sea again today, very windy but lovely sunshine. Up till 2am last night because of the blooming fireworks.
Just popped in quickly to say oight, oight. Jude phoned me this pm to say her computer is dead. She sends her love and says Happy New Year and will be back asap.

Good morning biddies, oh poor jude and there's me with two (actually 3) computers!

Am off to meet friend for coffee, then to start taking down the decs. Makes the house seem so cold and empty and i don't put up that many!!
Morning all...still no idea what day it is but it's a dull grey one.

Hope Jude gets her puta sorted pdq.

From Tarquin -
Worst gift of 2012 - a Bonnie Tyler satnav. It keeps telling me to turn around, and every now and then it falls apart.

haha, I think I've got one of those Robinia.

And I have a secret admirer - joseluisblay:

This is hard for me because I have never done anything like this.. but I have a huge crush on you. I have never been able to tell you for reasons which you would quickly identify as obvious if you knew who this was.

I'm really attracted to you and I think you would be wanting to get with *Read FULL Card Here*

I don't think I'll click on it, though, it would spoil the surprise.
Good morning all, another fireworks night here last night, so the weather is grey and so are we. We are going into town for a noodle around and to get the dogs a hamburger.
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Hello all
Grey day here .So it's it's the same old weather different year .
Picky has pitched up here this morning as he's had to take his car for it's MOT.and is moaning and groaning with a cold .
Why are men such big babies when they have a cold ?
I hope he keeps it to himself 'cos I don't want it .
Hope all Biddys are faring well and you get your machine sorted asap Jude .

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