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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Hello agan. Decs all down, thank heavens it didn't take too long and hardly any mess, I just fling them in a huge sip up bag and flug the whole kit and caboole in the storeroom (actually there are 2 big zip up bags!) Thinking about dinner and there's that damn soup glaring at me in the kitchen but my lobster has defrosted so am going to thermador it. Was lovely this am but then it got chilly and now rather dark and menacing {and there's Mr N not having fixed the broken tiles on our flat roof! :-( }so if becomes torrential I shall find the driest place in the house and sit there!!
hello all, feeling more cheerful, had a broken night filled with the saddest of bad dreams...I think its a post viral and eating chips has cheered me up no end.
It's very dreary at my local shops now all the xmas stuff has gone...saw quite a few shopping friends* for a chat which was nice...*they are people I only see at the shops :)
Bargain du jour - a box of cadbury's flake cakes for 50p...the flakes had better not be missing.

Neti, did you see Miranda, I loved the quote when she was bopping- shopping..."Please leave...if you're heavy enough to make the automatic doors open".....hahahaha

Well I want a secret admirer who tells me his jno
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I watched Miranda ...hilarious .I loved the bit in the bop shop .
"Could cashier number four come to the checkout please "
The bit where she put the popcorn on the floor under the hand dryer .I nearly fell off the sofa .
Such fun :)
lol shaney, the popcorn was hilarious...I love the way they sing when something they say is a line from a song. I do that :)
Yes I did see Miranda and just love her, also Mrs Browns' Boys which I love but it is getting a bit vulgar now with the u instead of e in the f word. Lo ve my English TV progs!

I now stink of lobster juice, was getting on nicely discarding almost all of it cos it looked weird, and then hammered the claws and one of them spurted at me, jeez, and I've only just washed my hair. Anyway have also done a rubbish trip cos I thought the discarded lobster would stink the house down and even the feral cats didn't want the weird looking bits, just starting to rain now.
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Oh dear ..Bear with Neti ,bear with ,old girl :)
ha, that sounds like revenge, neti

Dentist has decided not to put a crown on my tooth for a while since he's still not sure I won't have to have the entire thing out... sigh... but it's looking okay at the moment and can wait till spring. He still has another tooth to perform what sounds like proper surgery on. Googles apicectomy and shudders
haha shaney that made me laugh, I love ..... bear with.... !!

Anyway the lobster was ..bear with ....delicious although not very filling, I made a lovely cheese sauce, but had to finish up with 3 bowls of Mr N's doctored soup to which he had added german sausage, curry powder and a revolting (he loves them) jar of mixed veg, but the general taste was fine. Still a saucepan full of the damned stuff though.

Ooh jno, nasty! My lobster was actually cooked before it was frozen in salted water! Shall defo get another one when we are over San An way (which isn't often).

Woofy glad you are sounding better!

We'll be moving soon won't we, need any sugs Robi??
ooh, I've blagged another trip up the Shard next week. I wonder if I should take my dentist with me just in case the altitude affects my canines.
Now jno that would be tempting fate, I think you have to think out of the box (no idea what it means but bear with......)
I will be staying right inside the box

I'll be right up there where the sides separate and should be able to see out between them, though apparently rain is forecast. Last time I went I was several floors lower, and inside.
jno hate to burst your bubble, but I also have had a email from the very same person who is now brave enough to confess feelings, I also did not open the email - I've had enough admirers in the last year to last a lifetime, thank you very much. Also there is a girl who wants to chat with me cos I look handsome, I think there must be something in the water!!!!
oh no, our romance had hardly begun and already jose luis is unfaithful to me! I am distraught.
I am going to bed and wipe away a silent tear or two over my heartbreak.

Perhaps I will even get an hour or two's sleep, but I wouldn't bet on it.
good morning all, back from walkies, dogs happy and sleepy. Sis goes home today to face her dentist (crown) she is back in feb.
Good morning woofy, glad you are back to normal.

Morning Biddies, raining here today, did you sleep jno?
quite well, thank you neti. I am relieved to have got that two-timing jose luis off my back.
Morning each...another grey day in paradise. I really must do a neti and rearrange my wardrobes, I can't find a thing and I know my 1980s teddy jumper is in there somewhere...I knew it would be fashionable again one day.

oooh, going up in the clouds jno? I'd be tempted to dress up as an angel and carry a riot shield so it looked as if I was on the outside...freak some tourists out, haha. Sorry I watch far too much rubbish tele.

Glad you're getting back to normal woofy.
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Hello all
Bit grey and cold here although it's supposed to be 12c it doesn't feel like.
I've given blood early this morning and then got a hot steak bake from Greggs in the High St as I was starving . Don't tell anyone in News though :)
Hope you are all OK .
I'm going to pop out again shortly as there's a new shop opened .Wool and craft stuff so think I'll go and be nosey .

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