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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Brr, it's cold out today, need my winter coat now. There were only two brits sitting outside the cafe having coffee, the spanish think we are crazy!!
Good afternoon Biddyfriends everywhere. Here I is after not having my Lap Top for about 2 'fuffoowaffing' weeks. Oh did I miss it!!!
Happy New Year to you all and I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I'm so sorry but I just haven't had the time to read 7 pages of posts.
I had a good Christmas and New Year at home and away.
I did miss going to Derby's fantastic win against Middlesborough but will be supporting them as ever this year.
I was down Elvaston Castle on New Years Day with family as we normally do every year. Only about 15 of us this year but it was a lovely afternoon and we had a good walk together. So I did missed getting to the Footie and we won 3 - 1 brilliant match!
I now have another technical problem with my mobile so I have to get to a phone shop somewhere soon to find someone who knows the Ace and all it's settings through and through cos the woman on the phone this morning couldn't help me at all after about half an hour of going through all sorts of settings on it.
Also got my new reading specs after having my Cataract removed. Only basic readers until I get my other eye done. Still cost me 80 quid.
I hope you are all keeping well. If I've missed anything I really ought to know please fill me in. I've missed having contact with you all and very pleased to be back.
Off for some lunch now. See yer later 'gater(s)
Glad you are back, glad you enjoyed the festivities.

I have now actually tidied one of the drawers in my bedside table, wow what a load of rubbish I had, all gone now (probably some things very important got bunged but hey!)

Is jno still sulking over our shared lover??
lovely to see you back Jude. We are all still here, lame, halt and aching but surviving
d'oh, it's like bloomin soon as I come in here someone comes to the door and I've forgotten what I wa going to say now.
Welcome back Jude!
Wardrobes are tidied and I've freed up an assortment of hangers...must fill them up asap :) I do me drawers tomorrow....maybe.
heck, I've even lost my power of speech now, such as it was.
I've had a reall good tidy up today and sort out too and have managed to fill an Air Ambulance Bag for Monday's collection. I don't manage to fill it every time they come but it's their lucky day Monday. I've got a coat I've had for years and haven't worn it for at least 10 years so I think it's time it went! I've put in lots iof brick-a-brack, that isn't sentimental value, it's just lying in boxes in a cupboard upstairs so that's in too.
Who's your shared lover with Jno, Neti...If it's Johnny Depp - lay off!! He's mine!!
lol Jude, I put two ancient coats in the air ambulance bag a few weeks ago...they're going to wonder where all these out of date biddies are :)
Oh I had forgotten about my undies drawers, several of them so wll have to have a go at them too now! :-(
Our shared lover is some nameless (although jno saw the name) person who is emailing us, no doubt for bank accounts nos etc, but we haven't clicked on them!
it was a philandering scoundrel named jose luis blay, Jude, he mailed me to tell me he had a crush on me, but it turns out he's been doing the same with neti on the sly. Well, I shall rise above it. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.
I have started to take the decs down and laid around a lot. I have real scallops bought on the shell for tea. I wanted the shells very badly. I have stuff called gilding flakes that you use to put a beautiful metallic finish on things and I want some gilded shells to decorate a mirror.
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Yoohoo Jude ...nice to see you back after the fuffoowaffing.
Happy New Year.
I've bought some lovely wool in this lovely new craft shop .It knits up to look like Fairisle .I lead such an exciting life :)

I wish we had a nice new wool shop...I've been looking for some patterns online for slouchy jumpers, as in modern, not bloomin' 80s stuff. I don't think the interknit had been invented when some of them were fashionable.

sits forlornly by mailbox, awaiting a philandering scoundrel
ha ha Robi, I shall tell jose luis that you are waiting for him. You can have my part of him (!)

Mr N has returned home with another panetonne (he likes them too!) and various goodies cos he is enjoying the nibbling!!

By 'eck it's chilly!

Your dream come true Robi (and certainly better than jno or I got)
My day is rounding off nicely. I thought I'd have another go at trying to sort my mobile out and went into You Tube and they showed me step by step what I had to do. Fantastic!!! Now it's actually sorted.
On the sorting out 'front'. I have just got my photo box to have a look through to find that one of my Grandma walking down the street in Derby in about 1910!! Remember Robi it's been a while since I mentoned it.
I'm closing down now cos I've been on here for the past few hours so I'll say oight oight everyone. Thanks for welcoming me back....see you tomorrow after my second visit to the Hospital this week. Sleep tight!
oight oight all
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No philanderers ever email me either and admirerers are in short supply .
It's been years since anyone swung through my window with a box of
Milk Tray .
Hospital tomorrow afternoon for us .Mr S has to have a scan . He only recently got the results of the last one so what that's all about I have no idea Though they did take their time giving him the results .
Oight Oight sleep toight .

dusts down the last of the antiquities and prepares for an early night...

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