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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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Oh dear Net, I was half watching it but not really taking anything in as we were eating at the time. You should have given us Biddies prior notice!! I can't even remember the war horse :o(
Yes i did and saw him do the handbags as well, what a clever bloke. The wind is very noisy tonight and I can't sleep.
Yes that's him woofy, but he is not a "handbag" man in real life, when we met this last time and he told us of the awful abuse his mother did to him, I was shocked as we had no idea, he said he got through it all by knowing he'd be with us for summer hold and xmas, so sad .

Good morning all, I hope you are all feeling better. Take it easy woofy!
Lottie, even he doesn't know when it's being shown, so he is as surprised as we are.
Oh the handbags!! Yes, I saw him!!! :o)

By the way Good Morning. I won't be back on today so a very early Happy and hopefully healthy New Year. xxxx
Apparently The Antiques Road Show is considered a programme for the elderly! Mr LL is an avid watcher, even when the old ones are shown. But he lives with an old antique - me!! ;o(
this antique will not be doing a roadshow today as it is due to pour. Maybe a quick flit to a supermarket for some nice oranges. And no standing in the rain watching fireworks, either. Jools Holland more likely, filmed in midsummer or whenever it is.
Am eating out with friends this evening then back home for a quiet few drinks into the new year. Have prepared a nice clean bedroom for them and now must do the upstairs bathroom which is only used by me and is a tip at the moment!! I came back..................... ;o)
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Hello folks
I'm going to wish you all a Happy New Year before my computer bombs again My internet keeps crashing and I have to keep switching off and on . My new years wish is for Mr Branson to put more shillings in his meter or I'll go elsewhere .
We have my friend and her husband plus dogs coming this evening for cards and a drinks .I've made some nibbles and we have potato salad and cold cuts etc and have heaved Shaneys old basket out of the shed .All three can snooze in it quite comfortably .
Wishing you all good health and happiness for 2013 xxxx
Where are Robinia and Jude ?
Ha, ha, for a minute there I thought you meant friend, hubby and dogs could all snooze in the basket!!! Have a good time xx
Stan the Bulgarian advised us to switch from Virgin to Sky, and he lives over the road (as well as being a PC repairman) so he knows what the best service in our street is. So we did and broadband is now much better. I'd sooner pay money to Branson than Murdoch any day, but nor for a service that used to black out for a while about once a day. (Only after it was "upgraded" of course.)
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Well ,it's whizzing along atm .But yesterday evening it was a nightmare and earlier this morning.Mr S got very shirty as he was right in the middle of his banking and it wouldn't load .Lots of huffen and puffen .
I do wonder though if it's the weather .Sounds silly really because the cables are underground .This crashing only seems to happen when it's piddling down or windy .

Hello all...Here I is. I've been busy swigging cognac, smoking fat cigars and running round with handsome men....or maybe that was one of my dreams? :) Didn't do much dreaming last night, it was wild as hell and kept waking me up. Tonight it'll be fireworks I suppose, tut.
Sorry some of you are still struggling, I had a couple of days of doing absolutely nowt and it did me good...lolling is obviously the best aid (I won't say cure) for this algia. I'll probably be back to square one tomorrow, I've been a-dustin' and a-polishin' since yesterday a'noon. I like to get rid of the dusty old year and start a new one with optimism...until about next Monday when all the old worries come sneaking back in. Be gone!!

Whatever you're doing tonight have a lovely time....I might be back later.
shaney I swear my computer is noisier and slower when it's cold and damp....T thinks I'm potty :)
Mr N and I have been out for a lovely lunch with a bottle of delicious rose wine, and that is it for the old year. My new laptop keeps crashing, driving me mad.

I'll be watching the tv tonight and popping in and out of the internet.

so anyway just in case,

Happy New Year to you dear old biddies. Love you all.
Happy New Year my lovelies. Wishing you all health and happiness in 2013 and the same for all those you love and who love you
Hippy new year chicks!
Keep on truckin!luv you Vinny xxx
happy new year, Vinny and all
oh dear, awake all night again, for no reason at all. The is a really bad omen if it means I won't sleep till 2014.
Morning all...HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Lovely blue skies and sunshine's very cold though.
Sorry I didn't make it back last night. Thankfully the weather quitened down and the fireworks lasted 'til about 12.30. Slept until 6.30 and woke with a banging sinus headache so I got up and watched the rising sun :). I had one line of a song going round and round my head and couldn't for the life of me place to the rescue, thought I!....Oh heck, where did this come from?.... now you can have it stuck in your heads all day

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