Hello all, sorry I am late, just too busy in mornings. Mr N's back is killing him so he's wimping about, I went out for coffee, then he was still laying on the settee in his pj's and I went mad, I need tobe on my own in the house, so off he trotted after getting dressed first, and putting the fold up bed in the storeroom for me. igrumble grumble into his beard[i]
Then I blitzed hija's room, but there was no vomit in sight, so I must have done a good job in the first place, anyway all nice and clean and shining now. I cleaned bathroom and changed all towels and mats, was just starting bedroom when he came back and needs to lay in the bed - grr well I was not putting on clean sheets for him to sweat into, so bunged the old ones on again! Just done the ironing of hija's bedding.
Just eaten avocados with vingrette, love them.