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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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we've been to another car boot and it was massive, way too big, got so fed up with traipsing in the heat that we gave up, and I'd only spent £1. ame home had a lovely refreshing salad, and mended up the fan which is now blasting away. Found the air con in sister's car cos she had no idea how to operate it. We are thinking of taking b-i-law out for a walk on the seafront and have a cuppa but he's not sure as he is wearing a elastic thingy on his stump which had a thing for the leg to screw in! buty it get quite tight after a while. He doesn't have the leg yet!
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Amazing to think that at one stage you thought he wouldn't ever leave hospital isn't it?
Yes your b-i-l has done well neti, I hope he gets out in the nice (but hot!) weather. All the best to him!

I've got the most stunning pic from Oz that I have to share with's my youngest granddaughter & she's pointing out some dolphins to my grandson...

Isn't that just magical? gave me goosebumps...and tears :'o)
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I am supposed to be showering but cba. I will go in a minute.
Hi folks
What a lovely picture Robinia .You ought to get that blown up and framed .It's beautiful .
Thanks for all your kind words .I shall miss Eileen .Last time I saw her was at my other old friends funeral (Jeannie) .Now they are both gone .She'll be so annoyed at missing the Jubilee :(
She loved a knees up and I'll miss our chats on the phone talking about old times and getting all the gossip from SW20.
Chin up for tomorrow Jude xx
It's another lovely day here though and I hope you are all OK .
Love to you all xxx
It's an awful feeling shaney...for no particular reason I thought of my mum yesterday and something made me look up...there was huge cobweb, was her telling me to get it gone, she was a booger for spotting 'em. :o)

(I'll do that with the photo when I get a new ink cartridge)
Strange how things hit you in the face at times .At my nieces fiftieth recently Emma ,her daughter had a screen put up and they linked it to a computer slide show of my niece from birth onwards .It was lovely and then all of a sudden my Mum and Dad flashed on the screen holding her when she was a baby . I was nearly in tears .
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Have I missed something? What is happening to Jude tomorrow? Sorry Jude I am not too bright at the moment.
Robi that is a sensational photo.
Shaney think of your mates up there having a gin and Dubonnet with the Queen Mum.
Hello All. I feel a bit better today. Firstly my son has been to Emergency twice since Thursday with ectopic heart beats, I mean thousands one after the other. I know it sound rediculous but I've seen them on the monitor at the hospital abd they were continuous. And so frightening for him even though it was proved his heart is working efficiently and they are not dangerous. Any way after 3 days of 'whatever is happening' loads of tests to all vital organs and bloods and me staying last night, today and some meds, it seems to be slowing down thankyou to whoever is looking after him.So I'm up there again tonight to stay and hoping he has a better night. Tomorrow I'm going to my friend's funeral Woofy the one who had Vascular Dementia and then on Tuesday, one of my Tuesday lunching friends has her major op for the cancer on her tongue. I am doing my best to keep my chin up and have been reading all your posts to try and keep some normality and routine in my life.
Thanks all for being concerned and for being there. See yer later 'gater(s)

I must just say what a fantastic Photograph Robi.
Oh Jude ..I am sorry to hear about your son .I hope he'll be OK .It could be similar to what my brother has which is atrail fibrillation .It can be very unpleasant .My bro has been in hospital so many times with these attacks .They eventually sorted him out at Papworth with medication .
You have a lot on your plate atm ...thinking of you ...KBO Jude ..that's all we can do xxx
Lol Woofy ..they both loved a good time and we had some ...
I can still picture Eileen when we worked in the pub ..shouting up the dumb waiter to the kitchen ...."More chips please "
Jude so sorry your son's not well, I'm sure he'll be fine, they're very good in the heart dept in Derby. Hope it all goes well tomorrow and for maggie's op. Look after yourself. x

oooh, my aches...had a short burst in the garden
The ceanothus is a bit straggly .. bad pruning by yours truly but it's a lovely colour ...
Oh jude, how awful, tell him to keep the music going!

Robi that is a fantastic photo, so lovely, does it make you happy? and how is the daughter in law now?

Hija broke up with javi and she felt so bad at hurting him that they are giving it another go, but don't hold your breath, once the feeling has gone, its gone right?

Has it cooled down yet, sister's sun room gets so hot it is impossible to sit in it, so am upstairs in cool big airy bedroom.
it almost certain that b-i-l will lose other leg (or some of it ) soon. The circulation isn't hapening and his big toe on remaining foot is red and sore, same as what happened to lost leg! We didn't go for a walk (thank heavens as I am shattered in this heat!) but he says that will be the end of him, and we are trying to jolly him along, but really what can you say?

Low battery have to sign out, love you all
That's fabulous shaney, it doesn't look straggly. Mine was against a wall but in winter the cold winds swirled round just there and burnt started to die back and eventually gave up.

Neti it makes me happy and sad at the same time. D-i-l is fine thanks, they're keeping an eye on her.

it's 24C here
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Goodness jude what a plateful. I will pray for your son and his strong heart. Also for your (our) friend who needs the op.
i hope the funeral isn't too distressing. I fins them very difficult. Of course we will be thinking of you even if you aren't here.
sooner is better than later if the circulation really has gone Neti. Your BiL sounds like one of the tough ones. Poor Hija, I think you are right about the Feeling though.
Its still hot here. I have arranged with Sis that she will be ready to get a taxi on wednesday if the heat stays around. They are starting to forecast rain, which will be nice and thunder, which wont.
Jude, try not to worry too much. I have known several people who have had a similar problem. It was to do with the electrical impulses to the heart of something similar (like Shaney says) and the people I know are all still fit and well. It will get sorted, I promise. It must be so frightening for him (and for you).

That is a a really lovely photo Robi.

Just about to make a stir fry. I have managed a day without any more calamities, but oh dear, that fall has had it's after effects - I am stiff everywhere.

Neti, perhaps Hija moved in to domestisity too quickly with Javi? Is she missing the single carefree life?
Hi lottie, well javi and hija have been planning this for a year, but she has no intention of giving up the party life, yet. No she is annoyed that he "minces across the apartment!" and is always there as he is not working. Anyway he agrees that he will go out sometimes and leave her to it, well I know what she means, I've never been able to be with someone 24/7. but hey biddies, do not hold your breath on this one either!
Good morning. Another lovely day, but it seems it will go downhill from tomorrow.

Must think about packing or getting ready for holiday!!

Sounds, Neti, a if Hija has fallen out of love, especially if she accuses him of mincing!!! (I can't stand being with someone 24 hrs all the time either - as I have found out!!) Mr LL and I have never been a couple that were joined at the hip, retirement ain't a good idea!!

See you later.


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