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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Ikea have been there before...

Hi all.
Sorry you have been poorly Robi and Vin. Get well soon. I'm very lucky Apart from my colitis which is under control with tabs I don't ail much.
My son has just informed me he wont be coming down as he has man flu and he doesn't want to give it me. I think he's just chokka cos Derby lost again!!
I've been looking at all your drawings Vin they're really brilliant.. I'm not sure I understand the Led/Ted Zeppelin one though. Perhaps I should but please don't be offended it's still a good drawing.
Been to look for a new light fitting for my kitchen but couldn't find one so ended up with a shade made of glass which matches the squares on the paper. Sounds odd but it will be ok.
See yer in a bit....
sigh... just had a msg from a friend who went to see the Strictly Come Dancing warmup tonight (is it actually going out live or was it recorded?. She says Brucie grabbed her and took her on a quick whirl; she was mortified. The problems some people do have. You won't be seeing her on telly, anyway, so I just thought I'd tell you what you missed.
"He took her for a whirl" - I bet it was a slow whirl, yes we miss all the good bits.
I've inquired further, and this all happened on Wednesday but was screened tonight, except for her bit - I thought I glimpsed the back of her head in the audience at one stage but who knows. It might well have been a good bit as she is not much of a waltzer, more a waddler.
Strictly Come Dancing .I can't think of anything worse apart from that BB dross ...
.Mr S was watching it earlier though .
Tut...He comes out with some comments ..."How on earth is Anne Widecombe going to manage with those huge great bazooms .She'll belt someone in the eye if she's not careful ".
Hope all you Biddys are fine and that your head is easier Robinia .Hope you're feeling better now Vinny .
BTW Robinia I've been to Asda today and they've got sooper dooper fleece jackets for six pounds .Nice length and slightly fitted with pockets .Not too thick but thicker than the Marks ones ,ideal for indoors in the winter over a jumper or outside for this time of year. I bought a dark green one and a black one .

Well.. Mr S has an appointment to see the consultant next Friday .I'm assuming this is to discuss the results of his scan and hopefully be told when they are going to operate . .I just hope it's not more bad news .I think if it was they would have called him in sooner as it will be then three weeks since the scan .

Nothing else going on at Shaneytowers .Turned out a lovely day here and was quite warm and my bro brought me a big bag full of runner beans :)
shaney, yes, the mills of the NHS can grind awful slow, but not when cancer is concerned. If they thought he needed surgery quickly he'd be there already. Ten to one they're just going to tell him about the scan. They may have spotted a jar of strawberry jam in his pocket and want to ask what it is.
Yes I think you're probably right Jno and thanks for your reassurance .This is all awfully worrying for us .
Though with the amount of food he manages to put away I wouldn't be surprised if they found a packed lunch in his pocket :)
Good morning. Poor shaney, it is worrying for you, do you find you are worrying more than mr s?

Well I have to admit that this year I watched BB, and the Xfactor, still have the last BB to see although obviously I know the results. While Mr N is watching golf or daughter is watching Jerry Springer (I can't believe it) then I have to record something for me so anything goes. watched New Tricks last night and have Midsomer to watch today.

Hope you are feeling better Robi and Vinny.
Good morning Neti and all, just a quick look before I turn the futon into a sofa, bring the strange foods out and google for possible movies to go to tonight.

...OMG, what have I done, I have turned jno into a lolcat addict. Have you had your daily fix yet jno? If not:

Shaney jno has already said it: It's very reassuring they aren't in a hurry. How's your back?

Can't believe this girl doesn't seem to be known to anybody but the kiwis
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Good morning all, how are Robi and Vinny today? In fact how is everyone?
Shaney I am sure that its as hard or even harder for the partner not least because we only know how the partner is feeling at second hand. I know by watching DH when something is wrong, but I don't know if its indigestion, a serious symptom, general tiredness or a stinker of a sudoku. I ask what's wrong and i know I do it too often which doesn't help. If he doesn't go to bed feeling well I have to restrain myself from checking during the night because twice now problems at night have led to hospital, once to admission and once to a night in A and E. Staying calm and cheerful is like trying to plait sand but we are biddies, tough as old boots and we CAN do it!
Anyway that's my witter. DH has gone out on the new bike today for a ride with some chums. Every day is a day nearer getting sorted, like you we are waiting for a date.
We are making a concerted effort to have as much fun and keep as busy as possible.

DH went out early today so I didn't get my post walk kip. It was pitch dark and foggy this morning. The dogs are dozing so i think I will too.
Laters all
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good morning again (just) have just eaten a bowl of fake paella for brunch.
you shove frozen rice and frozen prawns into a hot pan with some olive oil and a pinch of saffron, sizzle it up then add chunks of chicken and mussels.
I keep meaning to tell you this.
Every morning when I take the dogs out, i drive past a clump of heather on the side of the road. There are quite a few clumps like it spaced out on the grass, they are stunted but springy and move if its very windy. As you would expect from a clump its there in the same place every day. anyway on thursday i was driving slower than usual because it was foggy and the clump moved-it is actually a small speckled owl! Its still there, every day in the same place on the road, not trapped or caught in you think its waiting for a lift?
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Its a Little Owl like this one
Hello Chooks
Not a bad day here .Sunny on and off but coolish .
You are all very kind to me .
Mr S himself says he doesn't believe he has cancer because he doesn't feel ill .
I think deep down he's worried about it but he doesn't say a lot and tells me not to keep fussing round and that he's still quite capable of loading the dishwasher without my non logistical interference..thank you very much ... :)

We just have to keep calm and carry on and put our faith in the medics .
I shall be gald when Friday gets here though .

My back is Ok Kit ,thank you .I think I just moved awkwardly .I rubbed it with my special horse gel dosed myself up and it's eased off.Have a nice time with your friend but don't drink the cream :))

Hope you are all Ok today
.I reckon that Little Owl is on the lookout for someone to adopt him Woofy :))
See you all later good xx
Had a lovely day, nice and sunny and the 3 off us when to the north of the island where there is lots of history and we looked at places and nhouses where murders have occurred, you - know the sort of thing! Then we had coffee on a german beach watching them all at play cos they do like their volleyball, but it was very expensive, then more to another beach Es Figueral for a lovely lunch under the trees and on the beach, really nice food aswell, we had to bring a doggie bag back as way too much! Catching up on my TV progs now.
Evening all. Had a busy day today. Painter coming over tomorrow so I've been sorting my kitchen out. cleaning and such. Taken my curtains and track down and have decided to have a blind. One I can open like curtains so I can see into the garden. Had to ask my son to come down and help do the tops of the cupboards cos I daren't go to the top of the steps. So that's a good job done. I've cut my grasses as well cos the rain has kept away.
Hope you are feeling better today Robi and Vin. I've been looking at the Woolie Web Cam and I can feel the sea breezes. Wish I was walking along the beach.
Hope Mr S and Mr DH are sorted out PDQ.
Going to watch Antiques Roadshow in a bit. Haven't seen it for a while.
See yer later 'gater(s) x
Just watching downloaded Strictly, I waved to the back of your friend's head jno!!!
very kind, neti. The back of Betty's head is one of her best features.
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morning all. The owl says hello too. I saw a badger this morning bimbling along like an old man on his way home from a good party....back to kip now
have the dogs gone? Can I come out?

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