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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Hi Biddies.

First of all, Shaney - I am so very pleased that you have a date for Mr S to see the consultant. It sounds very likely that the scans were OK and hopefully he will get his op. date on Friday. Lots of love to you both.

I have had a read through all your posts to catch up with you all. Hope you are feeling better Vin and Robi.

I am still getting bitten and it's really getting to me now. The bites are in all the 'warm' places, under bra straps, etc. Nurse told me to go back if they persisted but not sure what anyone can do. I am just hoping that when the cold weather comes whatever they are that are biting will die!! I have to bear in mind that we are surrounded by fields. Perhaps they are rare sugar beet flies are something similar.

Weather was lovely yesterday and I spent some time in the garden. One of our huge conifers has died sadly and Mr LL took it down yesterday. It has left a vast space and looks so bare.

Neti, I remember that beach you went to so well. I was there in 1966 or 67. Loads of lovely trees right down on the beach and so beautiful. We were there in a heatwave but could sit under the trees. There was one hotel then, from what I remember!! I expect it has changed. When I saw the name, I immediately recognised it.

Another fairly nice today today and I am off to the shops and then must do something called housework.

See you soon. x
Mornin peeps.
Thanks for your (get better thingys)I still feel rough as old boots but I went to work anyways.Hope robos feeling little man flu pales in to insignificants in comparison.Well the beeb said it would be sunny so it rains instead...:O)Id love to get one of those kindle thingys..just looked on amazon and there sold gonna get one for xmas.What a fab invention.Catch you later>>>>
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Lottie if they are under tight things like bra straps, are you sure they are bites? biters usually go for easier areas to access
Warm areas Woofy, Like cleavage, backs of knees, round knicker elastic, etc. They look like bites because they have a definite area where the skin is broken.
Hi Lottie, over here they swear that garlic is a preventative, but I eat lots and was always bitten, but these days am hardly bitten at all. Guess the leathery ole skin is too hard!!!! (actually I am not at all leathery!!) Mr N is rarely bitten, only once when I slept with my head over his shoulder (spoonlike, stoppit!!) with my breath going on him and Yay! he got bitten!!!!
Have also just spent hours in the town hall trying to get a proper address and they are flummoxxed, shouting at each other, then finding out that the new number is already taken, and my front neighbour has a separate number for his garden shed. There are only 6 houses in this street (my neighbour and I are in a twittern as my dad would call it, another little lane coming off the other lane) so how can I be 69 (stoppit!) when all the others are 2,3, 5. (god knows where 4 is) 7 and 8, cos no one will ever find that. They'll come to no 5 (right in front of me but I'm hidden) and never think to look behind for 69! This is what happens when we give them home rule !!!!!

Believe it or not, we have the same problem where I live. Only a small amount of houses. We have a name but no number for our house and can't ever trace having a number. A bit of our house used to be the post office back in the middle of the nineteenth centure. A few houses have numbers which bear no relationship, so it would see ,to their position. We have two bungalows both called 'The Bungalow'. They are next door neighbours, but about quarter of a mile apart. Our hamlet is spread over about 1.5 sq. miles with 20 dwellings in total. The next cluster of houses to us has a house with a similar name to ours. What's more the sat. nav system tends to direct traffic down a lane and over a ford which is impassable to all but the most brave 4W Drivers.

You can imagine how irate delivery drivers get!! I tend to give a phone number and tell them approximately where we are and then they ring me when they are nearly there and I stand out on the road waving. We don't even have a name sign. It fell off never to be replaced.

Nets. I eat loads and loads of garlic on a regular basis. Love the stuff.

Have just been looking up a guide to spots and rashes and all that matches is insect bites!! Have been thinking though, I have done a lot of drifting around outside in my kaftan and nought else over the last month or so, so all warm parts of me are very accessible. So it might be the creased folds of flesh rather than the bra straps, knicker elastic that are so attractive to the little b(l)iters!!
Snap Lottie with the delivery thing! I run to the Police Station which is the only identifiable landmark, and then run back in front of the vehicle to show them where I live, which is very painful on the bazooms, bouncing away! I sometimes feel like in the old days and I should carry a flag or a lamp when I am running in front of the vehicle.
Like me! - I direct them to the cross roads which is identifiable because of the post box and the church and then stand at my gate waving and jumping up and down. Actually, our road is quite a busy road, but our house isn't visible from it so it goes unnoticed when people drive by. We have very high undergrowth to retain our privacy from the road and our drive is reasonably long. You can see the shed though!!
.............. and................

If people put our postcode on google earth to locate us it takes them to the house up the road with a similar name to ours. So they then go up a farm track and can't turn round (he he)
Hello floozies and fluzies, how are we. Robi you're getting me worried now:'(

No wonder you didn't realise that was an owl Woofy - I wouldn't have, either ...he he he. (Click your link.) I think I was walking your dogs the other night, or my sister's, or possibly all four of'em, although one at a time. If your boys were already exercised when you woke up, now you know why:) I love your dog stories so it was just a matter of time before they ended up in my night dreams. And last night I was in Devon, Vinny, did you see me? Lots of rocks and stones in that dream, I don't know what that was about, can't interpret it, but it wasn't a bad dream.

Had a good time with my old friend yesterday, we just hung around all day (eleven hours!), went for a short walk and sat in a park and laughed at ourselves for taking short walks and sitting in parks ha ha. She said she so enjoyed watching kids at play these days because she could just watch and didn't have to take care of them (she's a mother of five). She did some blogging from my computer while I sat in a sofa knitting, and then I tried to serve her some of her diet food which is not easy. Halloumi and avocado passed the test though, and this kind of stuff-on-a-stick (don't know what they're called but they're made from soy) and raspberries and cream for dessert.

Okay jno that's it, we're having you deprogrammed now, there will be a cheezburger intervention later this afternoon. (Loved the squirrel!)
Lottie, the only anti mossie liquid I use and trust is Autan, can you get it over there, it is excellent but tastes very bitter!. If not I can send you some, mind you with your lack of address you probably won't receive it!!!
neti, I don't think the Autan is to be taken internally? You leave it on the outside for the mossies to taste.
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lol jno I think that was a biddy joke. Am sitting here being resolutely calm. The GP has just phoned. DH's latest blood test isn't good the doc wants him in hospital tonight for a pre emptive strike to keep him well enough for the op. I have packed his bag and texted him to call me now I just am waiting.
Oh poor woofy, what can I say? Just know that we are also very much here for you and DH!
Oh dear Woofie, but at least they are on the ball and he will hopefully be OK for the Op. Will be thinking of you.

Neti. Thanks Neti. We can get Autan over here and I used it when I went to Borneo (although I got bitten all over!). I think I just am very susceptable to bites - well to everything. My eyes have been streaming again for a couple of weeks and I sneeze constantly. I have always been prone to bloomin' allergies. i just seem to react badly to everything.

(Hence my Pigeon Fanciers Lung!!)
Neti, I didn't know you had to drink Autan for it to work. I can't say I tasted it!!
Sorry jno, I missed your posting above.
I think I am going to have to cancel my English family reunion trip as Mr N has to go into hospital on 24th for op on his knee and although it's a day job, I cannot leave him abandoned without someone being here cooking and helping him! Bugger!!

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