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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Thanks Shaney Sorry I missed your post. I didn't find them both just the Jeny one.
Bitten in the arm pit in the operating theatre Neti - was the surgeon Doctor Fang??

Definitely time to go *off* commando, Lottie =:0

Knitting pattern for jude ........
Oh dear wrong one!!

knitting pattern for jude (hopefully)
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hello all. I haven't really read the thread but have read and thank you for all the good wishes and kindness. It helps. It really does. I have just got in, fed the boys, who have been angels, made a coffee and am now unwinding
Look away now if you don't want the gory bits. I normally unburden myself to big sis but she goes on hols next week and when I tell her I want to be able to say its all okay otherwise she'll cancel her hols.
The news is actually okay, not wonderful but quite a way off dreadful. The little bit of plastic tube that they put in his plumbing to keep it open till they remove what is growing outside it and squashing it has become partially blocked. They will need to get his plumbing drained again (more holes, more tubes) but all being well he should then be okay for his op and a permanent solution. As I left they were trying to fix up a surgeon and theatre for tonight and he was texting his biking pals and re-arranging rides from this week to next.
My Mum used to have a sampler on her wall, actually I made it for her, it said
"As soon as the rush is over
I am going to have a nervous breakdown.
I worked for it,
I owe it to myself,
And NOBODY is going to deprive me of it."
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bless you neti!
Big hug for you Woofy ..Hang on in old girl .We're with you all the way. Take care xxx
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real quick update before I crash out. he is out of immediate risk, they have temporarily replumbed him and are planning to do something semi permanent later in the week pending his op. again bless you all for your support..too tired to think straight.
Must feel so strange for you to be at home alone, Woofy. I'm so glad you've got the boys by your side:) I honestly think you should tell your sis. I know what you mean and everything but I still think so. She will want to be there for you by phone and by email even if she does go on her hols. I would feel shut out if my beloved eldest sis didn't let me be there for her - albeit over the phone or whatever. xxxxx

Neti I loved that WORD cat:D
Have a good sleep Woofie. DH is getting all the right help now and it sounds like everything is being sorted. Love Jude x

Shaney I'm ashamed to say I got a miserable 3 in UC.

I'm off to bed now have to be up at 6. Have to go to the Cryo Clinic before I go to Tai Chi.
Have a good night all and hope all ailing Biddies and Other Halves are feeling better tomorrow.
Later 'gater(s)
Hi Kit kute little kitty in his kap. Night Night!
a night at the theatre, well, don't some people live the life of Riley. I'm glad that proved to be (as some would say) no big deal, woofgang, and best of luck later in the week.
This is for you Woofie when you log in after prowling round the woods with the boys at night!!

Thinking of you tonight. Much love.
passing the time with the boys
Thought you would like this picture too Woof
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thank you all. DH has just texted that he is okay.
Morning all, well I was up til gone 4am watching Rafa Nadal, (and also waiting for daughter, sho didn't arrive!) So glad that he won, good match though!

Hope all Ok woofy, glad you have heard from him.
Hope mr s is OK.
Hope Robi and Vin are feeling better.
....and anyone else under the weather!
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morning all thank you for the good wishes and pictures....all okay here
Keep well everyone. Robi hopefully your weather has changed too and that is helping...its cooler and windy here today. Stay strong Shaney and Lottie....well I'm shocked.....not really, you do what you have to to be comfortable...I'd go back to the doc tho. .....I need a shower....laters

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