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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Afternoon Everybiddy. Woofie, your GP certainly is on the ball. I had a call from mine about my blood test. I know it wasn't very serious but still very scary. I wiill be thinking about you and Mr DH and hope he is well enough for his operation.
And Robi where are you. Get well soon whatever is concerning you,. I have to thank you for your suggestion to paint my kitchen walls. My decorator has been this morning and it looks brilliant. He has given it 2 coats and has to come back tomorrow to do just a little bit of glossing. Good job will be done.
I went to a chippie today to get my lunch and it was one I don't usually use and the assistant said they cooked fish to order. I had mine done with hardly any batter on and a large carton of mushies it was lovely. I shall go there again.
I feel weary now, goodness knows why, all I've done is put stuff back in my kitchen and tidied up a bit. I just sat in the lounge while the painter did all the work.
Reminder to self:- put the clock back on the wall (I keep looking up in front of me for the time and it's not there)
UC tonight shaney if you are in the mood to watch it and I think it's the last of Who Do You Think You Are.which I quite enjoy.
Remember the film The Reader I haven't watched well I've arranged for my friend to come round on Wed to watch it with me. she's been abrooad since I last saw her so it will be a girly night.
Off for the usual now see yer in a bit!
Lottie have you ever tried putting loads of garlic corms into a bottle of olive oil, it taints the oil and makes it really tasty and easy for cooking.
Hi Neti sorry I posted before reading your post. What a shame at missing your trip. My Mum always said everything happens for a reason, sometimes I just wonder.
Oh dear ..Woofy thoughts are with you and hope all goes well .Take care xx

We seem to have a lot of probs with the menfolk lately .
Is your man having his knee washed out Neti ? 'Cos that's not too bad .Had both mine done some years ago . Not both at once though ! Few days and no problems and it does do the job .Though of course it isn't a permanent fix for arthritic knees but staves off the need for replacements for quite some time .

Lovely here this morning and quite warm but it's blackening up as I type and the wind has got up .

We've been out doing a bit of shopping .You can't seem to buy an enamel pie dish for love or money and my Ma's old dish finally saw better days and I had to ding it .

Kindle Vinny ? I've looked at those .They seem like a good idea but for moi who gets through about six trashy crime novels a week it would prove rather costly:)
Our library has a digital service for downloads onto Kindle . I think it depends on what you want to read .Great for freeing up bookshelves I suppose and people who travel a lot but you can't beat the feel or smell of a proper book .
Yes ...I'm a book sniffer ...I love the smell of the pages of a newly printed book .
Where's our Robinia ? Hope she's OK .
Oh Yoohoo Jude didn't see you there .
I'll be watching UC tonight .I'll do my scores on the doors :)
I should think you are weary all that cleaning and scrubbing .Take it easy xx
Good a' I is, not firing on all cylinders but one totters on don't one? I had a horrible, horrible weekend with the bad head firing up again every few hrs, and yes Kit, the nausea is hell... thank ceiling cat for stemetil/prochlorperazine. (I don't know if you have that, it has a slight sedative effect so it helps to calm you down when you're stripping the wallpaper with your fingernails).

Hope you're back up to full speed soon Vinny, I posted the bathmat to you by the way, thought you might be able to buffer it up a bit. It was too soggy to stick any stamps on it though, soz :o)

So sorry to hear about the biddyhusbands, good luck to each & every one. We really need that health spa, complete with male and female sick bays don't we? Go on then Vinny we'll let you all have a 'special little nurse' in at the wekends, anything to get you all perked up again.

Lottie if those bites don't stop soon I'd ask to be seen by the dermatologist, you don't want any nasty skin infection.

Glad painter's done a good job Jude, it would have been a shame to strip that wallpaper, it's lovely.

My lolcat du jour
Shaney, he's having his menicus cut out as it has split and keeping catching on his knee cap ( I suppose that is it), it's only keyhole I think, Daughter has offered to stay instead as she doesn't want to meet all aunts and uncles on her own, but i feel bad, don't know what to do,
...but the strange thing being, he is not due to meet his anaesthetist until 5 days after the op, so I may send him there to sort it out.
Oh dear Woofy, what a rollercoaster of hopes and fears this has been for you. Now that the time has come to deal with it I hope and believe it will - paradoxically - be easier for both of you as you will be able to summon your energies for healing rather than having them shattered by questions with no answers. Will be thinking of you and your husband a lot - and you and yours Shaney.

...and Mr N too, Neti. What a shame about your trip. Why not go for Christmas instead? (as you love snow?)

Yay, Robi is in da house:) Is it Basement Cat who deals you that drug Robi, I googled it and it seemed a little too potent, bit scary=:0 Be careful. Hope Charlie is more symphathetic than this! (Does he come to lie on you, lots of cats and dogs do that.)

*does a double take at Neti's last post* - que?? Five days AFTER...?
Hmmm..that's a different thing then Neti .Mine was arthroscopy and I was only in my early fifties when this was done to wash out the bits of cartilage that were floating around .I was fine after about a week .
The meniscus sounds as if it's been torn from what you say .
Have a look here .I know it's for sports injuries but may give you some ideas of the recovery time .
And here
oh dear, sorry to hear biddies are in the wars - a quick glass of vodka and autan all round is called for. I had two hospital appointments today - different hospitals of course - both okay (at the moment) and in between I stopped at Waitrose and got some crisps - Lemon and Olive Tagine, and Prosciutto and Blue Cheese.


I presume hairy bikers are someone on telly? I wonder what a hairy biker flavoured crisp would taste like.
Have you not seen The Hairy Bikers Jno ? Brilliant comedy with good cooking thrown in .
They usually end up in a field somewhere in the pouring rain and manage to produce a cordon blue meal with the aid of a primus stove and a golfing brollie . Lovely chaps .
I'm surprise you haven't seen the hairy bikers Jno. Very funny men. I only usually watch Master Chef (not the celebrity one) but I did see The H B sometimes and they always did a good programme.

Changin the subject for a mo. Can anybody remember the stretchy rib pattern out oin here not very long ago. If so can they please let me have the You tube link as I've searched and can;t fine it.

Robi, have you been to the doc with your headaches or do you know that it is migraine. I know it can come in all sorts of forms. Oneof my friends has it and just has to go to bed. I hope you find a solution soon. About the wallpaper you're so right. I'm ever so pleased.
That was supposed to say 'knitting pattern put on here' sorry!
I just love the Hairy Bikers. They are just so witty and so entertaining. Well worth the TV licence fee. I love it when they guest on other people's programmes to, such as Saturday Kitchen with the gorgeous James Whateverhisnameis.

Hi Jude, Shaney and Robi. Take care Robi. It might be worthwhile going back to your Docs about these recurring headaches. But you probably have.

Robi, As for my bites/or whatever they are. They don't go nasty and they do respond to the HC and antiitchy cream quite quickly, but as soon as one lot goes I get a few more. There is no rash, just individual bites, sometimes a couple where something has got the taste for blood. Very much like gnat bites but not so nasty. There more I think about it the more I think that they are flying up inside the flowing kimono!! I keep wearing it because it negates the need for underwear and the underwear just aggravates the bites - if you see what I mean. I am still wondering whether we have something biting in the house, although there are no visible signs (except for the four huge spider that are living in the spare room at the moment - I haven't the heart to evict them.
Sorry, posted before I had finished.

Neti, sorry to hear that you may not be able to go to your reunion. I would probably stay at home if it were Mr LL, even though he would tell me to go.

See you all tomorrow.
Very interest shaney, even Mr N had a look at your links!1

Kit, there won't be any direct flights this winter as Ryanair have moved out and onwards (after being charged 11€ extra for parking) si it means a flight to mainland and then a connecting one hopefully (usually not so a stay in a hotel) so an xmas trip is not really viable. The island literally closes at end of Oct until middle of May.

Anyway Mr N says he wants us to still go as he wants peace and quiet and the telly, so will look into friends looking out for him. But I do feel guilty about going.
Lottie, when I had my shoulder operated on, it was tightly strapped to my side and then put in a sling, and I got a bite right in the arm pit, which I could not get to! So it must have been in the operating theatre!!!!
Yo Jude

Sorry to hear you are still not too good Robinia .I would go and see the doctor .You too Lofty :) Have you both had thyroid tests ?
I think I would have to stay at home Neti but if Mr N says go then maybe you should.
Have a good night Lottie seeyou soon.
I have found that rib pattern now so thanks if you were going to send it to me.

I can't believe I'm still sitting with my back door open in September.

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