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smelly fridge

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woofgang | 11:40 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
514 Answers
Help! my immaculately clean 3 yo fridge smells like a dustbin. I have cleaned and disinfected it 4 times and aired it out. ANY suggestions welcome!


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Glad you heard from Mr W and that he is OK Woofie. Believe it or not I have just had a conversation with another friend. Her hubby was rushed to hospital on Sunday night with acute pancreatitis and is now in intensive care with a collapsed lung!. He is only 46. What it is with all these husbands!! She is working still (she runs her own business). I don't think I could cope.

Woofie, Mr LL is getting bites too, although not so many, so I don't think the doctor could do much for me. Just that my skin seems to react to just about anything as I get older. Even jewellery brings me out in a rash and I only have to slightly scratch myself and I look like I have been attacked. My dad was the same.

However, we are going away in a couple of weeks and if the bites cease, then I might think of fumigating the house!!

Horrible, miserable wet day. I have to go out. I didn't bother yesterday in the end. Mr LL has gone to Woolwich.
<douses Lottie with Flit>

Good morning all, wet 'n windy but mild, it's horrible. Not sure whether your door was open last night Jude 'cos of the paint smell or because you were warm (I bloomin wasn't) but we've had far, far better Septembers than this, and quite a few of them. I have lots of reasons for remembering this time of year & I can recall being out & about in summery clothes, sitting outside at night etc...this is a real let down.

Hang on in there woofy, it all sounds grim but it'll all fall into place and be fixed very soon, I'm sure of it.
And no one on here's going to have a nervous breakdown, ok? I won't hear of it. :o)

Yes I think it's time to get my head examined but once you're on the ladder it's an endless round of hospital & tests & I can't be doing with any of that 'you mustn't be alone' malarkey or having to stay in hospital overnight.
Don't worry about the drugs Sweedie, I've been taking them for years. It's a very low dose, you can buy a slightly lower strength over the counter & even give it to children over 12 months.

Lots of love & strength to all of you/your husbands who are is pig swill sometimes intit?

I need to go back to the shops for something, no idea what tho'...I had to totter round yesterday to pick up Charlie's food that I'd ordered. I walked in & announced 'I've come to collect my dog of bag food...'

....there's no hope really is there?
Morning Robi!!

I agree about Septembers. This one has certainly not been very good so far!! I feel much the same about hospitals and doctors Robi. I think going through a serious illness and having endless rounds of appointments and tests gets to you after a while and you just start becoming an ostrich. I am now five years past the date when I had a 30% chance of hitting the bucket. I haven't gone on to read what my chances are for the following years and gave up on my yearly checks after one doctor scared the life out of me simply because he was running late and I wanted some questions answered. He told me my lungs were getting worse. When my own doctor looked at the result he said that there was no deterioration whatso-ever.

I simply must get out there to the shops, but it involves so much effort!!
Mornin peeps.
Tis wet and windy ere..well more like gale force allnight to.Best of luck to mr woofy woofy.Did I tell you I like the look off that kindle thingy....:O)it stores 3,500 books.You can even download yer daily paper.The weather forecast fer the end off sep is...........snow!!!I knew that would cheer you up hehe.!must go and take some aspirins fer me man flue and my throat is dryer than a nuns pu$$y..later(:O)
It's been 15yrs since I was diagnosed with a tumour on my ovary, first they could see it, then they couldn't and as I was getting near to menopause, they just kept an eye on it (when they could catch it) and then my ovary dissolved (as they do) with tumour and here I still am.....and 40yrs since i had something removed from up there in Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital for women, one of the first laser ops,well first for me) with a class of students all peering up there! Then they wanted me to have a total hysterectomy which I refused (I was 25), and we still live to tell the tale!!
Still in a dilemma as to what t do holiday wise. Can't really imagine abandoning Mr N to his fate although apparently it's a simple op, but it's worrying about him afterwards. But it's been 20yrs since I last saw my bro from Oz and will probably never see him or Canadian one again. Mr N insists on daughter and me going (cos it'll waste £400 if we don't go) and money is very important to him. He could have had the op privately for that amount!! I want to go!
Neti. I would feel like you - very torn, but on thinking about it I think you should go. Now you don't want Mr N feeling guilty do you!! You must take this chance to see your brothers otherwise you will always regret it and Mr N will be OK. It's not as if he needs special nursing or is in any danger and if there is a problem you can be home in hours. It is more important that you go than your daughter. She has a long life ahead of her and also no ties. She can go off at any time. She should stay with her Dad really. I know my son would.
That sounded harsh. I didn't mean it to. It sounded as if I thought your daughter was being selfish in not staying, but Mr N is insisting she goes to.
Thanks Lottie, yes I do want to go and am leaning that way. Daughter wants to stay and doesn't mind one bit, but it's Mr N who wants her gone too!! She's more of a liability than a help! he'll be sick of keylime pie and mint pie if she stays! I just feel so selfish, but I'll get some of his friends to phone him in case he needs help but won't ask anyone to visit as he would hate that! and if I leave easy food in freezer? I want convincing that I am not being selfish :-(
Good god, he is like Mr LL. He would be infuriated if I asked people to call in on him and in fact would be encouraging me to go. He absolutely hates people fussing round him (including me). He also hates people helping him out and hates employing 'professionals' if he thinks he can do it himself. He can do things himself, but what he doesn't appreciate is that there isn't enough time to do it!! grrrrr men.

Go Neti. You must go. x
Okay..I reckons we should have a vote.(tell me to booger off if you want)At first glance I thought you were being selfish netti...but after reading through the posts again Ive come to the conclusion that you should go.Mr ns op isnt a lifesaving op.You and your bros are unlikely to see each other again.And your hubby doesent want anybody fussing over him.Take you and your daughter and have a nice few lofty says your only a plane ride away in an emergency .Which is unlikely to happen.So I votes a YES..Have the reunion.
Good old Vin!!
Thanks vin and thanks Lottie, almost decided, but am going to ask Mr N if he can get the hospital to change the date for 2 weeks later, then no probs.
Booger off Vinny :o)....and make me some scrambled eggs & toast please, you can stand up can't ya?

It's a yes from me too neti...GO...enjoy it and don't feel guilty. Mr N's very unfortunate but he's not ill, I'm sure he'll be fine. I was going to have a bit of a ramble but I'll keep my mouth shut ;o)
In a hurry but I do have to cast my vote don't I:) I was thinking I would have stayed, but this new info about how you feel you may not see your bros again makes a whooooooole lot of difference. Have you or Mr N inquired about what kind of convalescence to expect, and do you have any info on whether or not he SHOULD be hobbling about - perhaps he should? Or perhaps he shouldn't. If he shouldn't, daughter should stay (as she even wants to). And you should go to Old Blighty. If the docs say it's okay for him to hobble about and it won't worsen things, you should both go and feel good about it, too. There, that's my opinion and it's Vinny's fault that you're getting it! :) BTW the real elections are coming up here, I'll probably vote in advance, might even do it today now that you've all got me going.

Thinking of you, Woofster. And you, Shaney.
totters in from hospital... yes, another different one, that's three hospitals in two days, I do try to be even-handed with my ailments... and apparently the sudden pain in my knee (which is increasing) is gout. I thought I'd seen the last of gout, what with taking 400mg of Allo-Sailor every day, but it seems not. It's always been in my feet before, so knee is a new sensation for me. I shall now stuff myself with Naproxen, another novelty for me.

Neti, yes, I think GO is the universal recommendation. Helpless hubbies usually survive as long as you don't hide the remote control anywhere.
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Neti I think you should go too. I am going to get a bit deep here but I think that Mr N could never forgive himself if you didn't see your bro again so I think you need to go for his sake. Seriously and not trying to justify.
Am eating m and s chicken in white sauce out of the can for lunch. Dogs are standing by drooling for a bit.
Ah bless you all, just shaney an jude to vote...
They're outnumbered now aren't they neti?...start packin!

Well I made my own scrambled eggs,! And now I really fancy a nice piece of chicken cooked in mushroom & onion gravy with a mountain of's woofy's fault.
GO Neti GO!!
Have read all the posts about it and that's my vote!

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