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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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must have been the phantom dotterer then...stare at this
Oh no you've been throwing food at each other again and I missed it... I've had yet another productive : / day, this time searching for a trellis for my faux bamboo. Came home with no trellis and two laundry baskets... yes two - for sorting

Wonder if Mr V. named his wife after Cabaret? ♪ ♪♫ I used to have a girlfriend known as Elsie with whom I shared four sordid rooms in Chelsea ♪ ♪

What breed of dogs do you have Lottie? (You mentioned your dogs the other night when you told us about the accident outside.)

For-the-love-of-god put a sock in it Neti (Aww Neti have a wonderful time and do try to pop by now and then if you can xxx)
Good morning....ok, line up & stand still, I'll be with you when I get the hang of this....can't have you all unwashed in this heat & tiny space, tut. I love to jump(?) in the shower early, it's the only place I feel good some days & if I'm not dressed by 8.30ish I panic...ok, not gown & tiara, but nothing I couldn't run down the street in if I spotted Clive strolling by :o).
Things to do today, if it doesn't all go doo-dahs up, so behave, just 'cos the hostess has deserted doesn't mean you can all run riot.

Bad news for the veggies, I heard there are going to be meaty showers tomorrow night....I think I'll treat myself to a new radio...

Morning All.

Swedie, I have a rescued Yorkshire Terrier (somewhat larger than most Yorkshire Terriers so he may well be a cross.

And I have a crossbred Jack Russell/Irish Terrier(?)

Here you go

Off to do some ironing. Mr LL has run out of clothes!!

Question Author
OK Possums, this is fare thee well until I get near a computer. If by any chance we moved homes please email me. Right, Primark, here I jolly well come! Take care biddettes young and old, c u L8ers!! (that's to annoy old Robi!!)
Byeeeeeeeee Neti.
Bye Neti, be safe! Have a wonderful time (but come back soon)!

They're adorable Lottie <3 Wonder what they're looking at with such attentiveness - probably food or a puppy or a baby? If I were full of energy and lived in a bigger place I'd love to have a couple of Siberian Huskies. Imagine encountering one of these in a dark alley, you'd be scared sh1tless...! ...but they seem very kind... well... at least on YouTube...! I've only met a few IRL and they were sweet too.

He he loved the hippies Robi.
a'noon ....just arrived back in time I see the spare Ed wants an image creating....

work it out.... hahaha....
Urban Dictionary worked it out for me :)
I think jno is plotting to become your agent Vinny!
oh lordy, where's that colander? shaney's giving the Spare1 what for...
norfolk you know ;-)

Can't figure the exact meaning of scrappage out, sounds a bit ominous but he goes on to say it will be swisher or swosher or what, I've already forgotten... please explain scrappage, someone?
hahaha...I thought you'd cobbled that poster together sweedie, but I see it's real.
I presume he means they're trading this site in for a posher job....our wonderful Government have something called the Scrappage Scheme where you trade in your old banger for a brand spanking new Rolls Royce...or maybe they give you �4 19s 11d towards a new banger.... something like that, I don't drive.

Oh I see. Like "the diamond that grows" (if UK jewellers do that).
Morning folks.... "the diamond that grows" bu66er..that swedes got me confuzzled. its was a brill day yesterday..really felt hot.You never guess what...some blighter put me up for drawing the spare eds pic..on paint.!paint....!!!! i hate paint...i do.he he..thanks jno for paying me that compliment..the breads in the post...he is a bit strange can you talk to someone and then ban them on the same thread...anyone want any cheap Jewellery mates just got back from the smoke and he's got loads.:O)I waited and waited in me garden,but did I see anything in the sky..bu66er all..!now we gotta wait another 135 years..better keep taking the seaweed man.he he .(:O)
morning Vinny and all...It's back to the same old, same old weatherwise here, the words tether and end of spring to mind. Some new bling would be just the thing to brighten things up please...are you going to fill the bran tub with it for us this xmas Vin? It won't be long ya know...<ducks>...
I was under the impression that the meteor showers can be seen tonight, and google seems to be saying the same.

I see jno's slapping around in CB, but it's ok, I'll be ready and waiting to decontaminate again when she gets back.
just calculating my commission from Vinny... hm, that's three-fifths of five-eighths of b*gger all... Question795679.html
Its better than nothing jno..hehe.!
tonight..!!! robinia..wat yer mean..?I was standing in me garden alnight fer bu66er wonders them shi$ehawks were nodding there heads..(:O)
christmas..its only 134 Days

19 Hours

10 Minutes

...But who's counting? (:O)
well if you'd paid attention Vincent I did mention it...ok, in a fashion...yesterday
meaty showers

(that's really what it sounded like on my radio, haha...s'pose you've all got fancy digital jobs?)
Wish me luck, Possums, I'm off on another trellis expedition this afternoon. Not sure trellis is the right word, but you know - a supporting structure which will encircle my faux bamboo and make him look like Frida Kahlo. Why do plants grow in a manner where they can't stand up straight?? Anyone? Vinny? (he he) Well the diamond that grows is when you buy a diamond set for instance in a ring and a few years later when you're richer (how does that work?) you trade it in for a bigger one, where you bought it. Except the government doesn't chip in, ha ha.

So can I get anyone anything from the garden centre...?

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