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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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there was one in my bed last night when I got in. I thought of calling in the pest control people at the council, but apparently they only deal with alligators etc, so I just had to spray the room a bit.

Well, nice day here, the tree surgeon is knocking the top third off our oak tree; hope he finishes before the drizzle predicted for this afternoon. Expensive business but we need it done bcause it casts half the garden into shade. But we can't cut it down because we're in a conservation area. We thought it was going to be a conversation area and you could talk to the neighbours, but apparently not.
morning... nice day? pah! <squirts jno a bit>

that's put the kibosh on it <that'll keep Sweedie busy for a while>
... no gardeners, I'm not going shopping in it and I've no incentive to see if the hairdresser can fit me in either. It's going to be sunny at 7pm, which is a fat lot of good....hmmmphhh!

.... and now I feel really bad too neti...I won't post anymore of those 'things'.

....looks like a sortin' & shreddin' day then...

Good morning - only it isn't. I have lots of things to do and no inclination to do any of them, so perhaps I can pop over for a cuppa Robbie (Can I come in my dressing gown though!)

Take care all. x
morning all its quite grey and chilly here but muggy too, not a day for doing much, just like Lottie...think I'll put the kettle on too, I am addicted at the moment to strong mint tea...lovely
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morning all very humid and stormy here, feels quite eerie. Am rushing round cleaning the house and doing all the washing before my departure ma�ana. Will say g'by for a while as I'm fed up with having to sign-in all the time and computer is messing about. Will try to pop in in the next couple of weeks so take care and stay happy. xxx
Dressing gown at this time of day Lottie?... tut...well ok, so long as it's not the bobbly candlewick one. It won't be any of that posh stuff in a china cup either, you'll have a big mug of builder's tea and like it.
I've cleaned a window - just the one & only inside - it's a good time to do it when there's no one about to gawp in...

I've suggested they move it to Vin's road, right outside his house....I know he won't mind.

Bye for now journey!....
<dashes off to alert the authorities...>

btw Lottie! would you mind picking up a few things at the shops on your way here please?
ta muchly
Hmmph. Only if you have this ready for lunch -vegan/

Safe journey Neti I've phoned round all the Primarks and peg shops , they're all stocked up and ready :0)
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oh gawd, Mr N has already started to tidy out the fridge, things in little piles and not just chucked in! Anything that has mould on is left oout for me to see, why doesn't he chuck it straight away, am I meant to feel guilty - doh!!
Haha.. Mr S is always tidying the fridge .He does that once the tins are all the right way round .
I bung it all in and know where it is but he insists on moving things to different shelves then I have to rake through only to find stuff I use regularly is all the back somewhere hidden under his mountains of german sausage and mustard .
I always put jars and bottles in the fridge too which haven't been opened..But he says they should be kept in the pantry until we open them .
Oh well gives him something to do :)
I have the same problem here with Mr LL. Tidies up the larder and the kitchen cupboards so that everything I use on a regular basis can't be got at - and also insists on reorganising the dishwasher, yet his shed/garage well................. Steptoe couldn't compete.

What is it with these men!!!
well I'm looking for a secretary if there's one going spare...I'm sick of all the paperwork you get through the door these days. Every time I have one of these sorting/shredding afternoons I swear I won't let it get bad again... <sigh>

oh lordy...stop unloading guys...neti hasn't gone yet

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have to say that mr Veritas is a marvel. considering that he must be 75 - 80 yrs old (as he's been married to Elsie for 60 yrs) he knows all about gay things and it wasn't spoken about when he was younger and was certainly illegal, so he's really kept up to date with things - see 795095.html. I like it when old people get to grips with today's world!!!! poor old man, what must he think!!!
whoops, page can't be found... his advice must have been seriously incendiary.
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Says it all really. Look under Brighton in Travel
haha, I can't help but admire his imagination & at least he's consistent

link doesn't work 'cos neti added a full stop at the end
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Don't blame me, I didn't put it there!!
tsk, well I hope Elsie doesn't get her hands on 4get.

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