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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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ewwww...did I mention Sweeeeeeeedie that you can add phallic/carnivorous plants to my hit list. ugh! In fact I'm not keen on most tropical plants, give me a bunch of cottage garden roses/flowers anytime please. Bird of paradise blooms?.... no ta, sh1tehawks... :o)

...and here's the forecast for your area tomorrow jno, mwahahaha!

Garden centre here I come - bye for now.

haha, it's weather war...
oh I missed sweedie! and I wanted a garden ornament, one of's life size & about $3,000 dollars but I'm sure she can stick it on a boat that's coming in this direction..

oh get a load of me, I've been in News, s'a bit scary in there sometimes I usually waft through in disguise

Afternoon All Loved the squirrel. The day's brightened up at last. Hope you are all ok today. I forgot my son's wedding anniversary yesterday so had to take a card (and contribution to a meal or something) up today.
Going to look for some voluntary work to do tomorrow. Have a meeting with someone at a group who help you look for something to do with your spare time. I know a lot of you don't have any but I certainly do have time when I'm really on the prowl looking for something to occupy me for a few hours to get me out of the house. Let's be honest there's only so much cleaning, washing and ironing you can do!! I sometimes wish I hadn't retired.

Hope you have a great time Neti This is probably a bit late be ne'er mind eh! If you get on line while you're away you will see it I hope.

Take care all have a good night x
okay, I've been onto the Met office and they've just opened the skies, I hope that satisfies neti.
Hi all its been grey humid and orrid here today. yesterday we went out to look at settees to replace our dog distressed elderly one and ended up arranging to test drive a new car for me tomorrow. My old un is lovely but gets more expensive to maintain year by year and the boys have just about grown out of it so (sigh) its time to replace
I very rarely remember anyone's anniversary but I'm not bad with birthdays....

~ ~ ~ Happy Birthday Dolly! ~ ~ ~
Have a lovely day down under! xx
which way is up?

Been looking through my favourites & I found the ole Jukebox!

I'm listening to 1977, it's great...♫...oooo...the things we do for luv...♫...

Strewth sheila....
its yer birthday..have a great day cobber.
happy birthday dolly . I mean your toast is burning. (:O)
Question Author
Happy Birthday Dolly, sorry can't do more as bro-ib-law is hovering, he gets nervous when i'm on his machine!

Hi to all biddies, yes the rain was lovely it woke me up. Am off to buy a samsung laptop. Love being here, had lovely curry last night. Must fly Primark awaits awaits my second visit.


Love yer Dolly!
Do have a good one Dolly (really).

That was one rough expedition yesterday. I did find a cylindrical trellis, metal painted black, looked nice so I bought it and phoned a taxi company� and another� and another� but they all said there's was no way to make room for it. I thought they'd be able to lower the backrests, but apparently not. So there I was in the middle of nowhere (suburbia, which is not as good a thing here as it may be where y'all live) without a map and I knew I couldn't get on a bus with that thing � it's so huge I could stand inside it wearing a top hat :O So I carried it around searching for the Metro, asking directions, getting lost. I must have put it down a hundred times just to rest a while, and I was desperately trying to find a way of carrying it. Sticking my head into it from the long side worked for a while but oh what merriment it inspired in people both sober and drunk along the way, making bird cage jokes. A man in a car pulled up next to me and I dreaded another joke coming but he actually just wanted to know where I bought it. Forty minutes later I found the Metro � and they almost didn't allow me on, I had to do some serious pleading. Exiting the Metro back in town I knew I had to sit down before I could carry on to where I live so I walked into a Pizza Hut, prepared to start pleading again to be let in but hell the waiter just said it looked like a go-go girl cage and he suggested I pay in kind by dancing nude inside it =:O Back home I met my neighbour and what did he say? he said I should have taken them up on it and they would have offered me a second pizza if I please stopped.

And then I come on here only to find I should also have carried a #@!! horse back home with me.

well I just spluttered my yoghurt all over the screen reading that Kit....yes, no, it's not funny, I know.....but it is, hahahaha. Just what size is it exactly anyway, I thought you lived in a cupboard? And don't you have the big square cabs? I remember carrying spade on the bus once & got some long hard stares....maybe it was the hand poking out of my backpack that upset 'em.

did a bit of cage dancing myself once

Well Robi I did live in a cupboard but as of yesterday I live in a go-go cage situated inside of a cupboard... The insides are 192 centimeters high and then there's a silly 20 centimeter little thing on top just for good measure - but I'm still going to have to cut the top off the bamboo to get it inside..! I really didn't want to cram this place up with yet another object but it was either that or take the plant to the forest and leave it to the wild animals - if it's staying with me it does need support and the plant stakes I've been using are so long and heavy they keep falling over. Yes I thought we had big square cabs, perhaps they we're all busy at that time of day. Can't stop laughing at Alan! Alan!
Morning all well afternoon really. Hope you are ok. What a lovely picture you make Kit struggling around. No it isn't funny but you have to laugh don't you!!!! I'd have thought the neighbour would have said you could have rang him up for a lift instead of taking the Mickey!

I've been to the Community Volunteer Centre today and applied for 3 positions. don't know quite what to expect but I'll give it a whirl. A couple of Admin jobs for a few hours and then one as a school classroom assistant. So we'll see what happens.

Hi Dolly I hope you are well and that you've had a happy birthday.

It's a lovely day today but who knows how long it will last. Keeping fingers crossed.

Time for my lunch now Sainsburys Taste The Difference Pork and Apple sausages and mash. Loverly!!
See yer later 'gater(s)
Well how's about meals on wheels Jude...just for me though ...and I'm quite happy with Sainsbury's...just none of that healthy low fat stuff...and no olives or 'green trees' thanks

quick Kit...lemmee inside the cage I've been ranting at the Spare1 in cb..I can blend in with bamboo, no problem
Oooh you're a Grumpy old Barsteward too... Robina :)
Happy Birthday Dolly .Hope it's a lovely day for you and many Happy Returns xx
Hey, a word with you too mrs s! I had to evict the biggest bishywatnot last night, I swear it came down the chimney...Remember those clockwork ones we had? Well, that's how big it I don't exaggerate, I've told you a thousand times.
Oh it arrived :)))
I know the posties are on strike but I had packed it verrrry carefully .Can you send me tuppaware box back please :)
And swopping the lids over either .:=)
very quick pop in to wish Dolly a bonza are a Leo like me! all the best people are...gotta go dinners cooking and no i haven't got a new car

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