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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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Oh hard luck with the car woofy...remember, there's always the ole bus, it doesn't get out much anymore plenty of room for the lads...

I've been doing an experiment - no painkillers this week to see what happens..... In a nutshell?

.......just shoot me now.

Robi you are an idiot, I say if the Almighty had meant us to suffer pain, He wouldn't have given us aspirin and alcohol
Evening, possums. I hope you get the jobs you want Jude - classroom assistant sounds right up your alley if I venture a guess. Or get a dog?

I was ready to do a Britney but tonight I finally had an appointment with my hairdresser instead; I tried a slightly new style but still no perm, just a good cut. Speaking of Britney could somebody please explain to me if it's considered sexy to sound like a toad? I mean, each to their own and all that but it's incomprehensible to me�!

I love your little, blue elephant on RMD Vinny. Why can't I ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ it? I swear if I saw that design printed on a large bath towel or on a woven throw I'd buy it.

Ouch Robinia I'm so sorry :((( I don't think I could actually shoot you myself but unless I'm much mistaken Neti's in hard training
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Here I am on new Samsung netbook,ooh am soo happy, except that I have to tell Mr N about it at some point, although it5 is small enough to fit into my bag and also it's an english keyboard and I am used to a spanish one, so mistakes will be made!
Hi Neti! I just posted a YouTube clip with you in it ^^

...he he...

...didn't mean nothing bad...

....he he...

*backs out of the room*
oh no, the secret shopperer strikes again...move over George, there's another box moving in.
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Eh? where have all the biddies gone - have you all loaded into the biddybus and gorn to Ozfor a party? Am sitting in bed,this is great!!!

Okey dokey then folks nite nite x
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err sorry you weren' there a minute ago when i posted!!
saints preserve us, Mr V is ageing by the minute 6392.html

somebody slow him down before he shoots past 100 so fast the Queen's telegram can't catch up with him.
lol @jno..good morning...!he must be
on...speed :O). Aww thanks kip..but you cant vote when its a comp my dear.Britney..erm...sounds like she's had a spear thrown at her..O:) I went up to exeter airport yesterday to pick me son up,he's been to lanzarote.And on my rearside mirror lives a spider...web and all.He enjoyed his day trip and he made it back home safely.yes I does wash me car,but the spider stays okay .me crown fell out yesterday,so am orf to the dentist..again..enjoy your holiday in eastbourne netti..they do some great food in the Cafe de Paris ,seaside road....where a lovely polish waitress bought me some brill turkish food. true..! catch you guys later..(:O)
Question Author
morning all - have been up and playing with computer since 5am!! Vinny .Cafe de Paris, I'm sure that used to be the old Stewarts Restaurant in my childhood, but i'll ask my sister when she gets back from helping a little 95yr old lady moving to a warden assissted flat - makes mr veritas seem a mere fledgling. Family bbq tonight so that will be fun.Catch yer later dudes!
<drums on neti's new lid> morning folks...
lol, leave Mr V alone you two, he's happier in his fantasy life...
Still no Dolly? I mailed her on 1st & 12th & I'm sure she's ok 'cos I had some funnies from her since we started this thread.

Just passing through...I'm fed up of phoning myself to see where I am, life was much easier when phones were attached to the wall...
...and who's given Charlie an espresso, he's flying round like a man possessed? The marvellous met got it wrong, wrong, wrong again, it was supposed to be all day rain today & it looks like it's going to be a raspberry to them..

Good luck with the dentist Vinny..our new one's so busy they've had to get extra staff in from overseas

...where is that bloomin phone....?
morning all am having a little celebrate today as the last big hurdle has been cleared on Mum's affairs and its all over bar the odds and sods of paperwork. I want to publicly celebrate my dear sister who has been a saint and an angel in all of fact am just about to send her some flowers
back later
PS Love the furry dentist!
The cheeky blighter..!
dentist says ive got an aggresive bite.why bring our private life into it hee hee. if anybodys knows how to eat a cheese sarnie in a peacefull way,please let me know..? veritas has been in the circus most of his life and he was a lion gets weirder by the day..(:O)good fun though
That's a relief for you's hard enough keeping up with your own paperwork these days. I really have to sort myself out...if I expire any time soon no one will be able to find a bloomin thing

oh crikey Vinny... and you thought you only had a naughty nibble. Here, get your crown around these..heeeeeeeee

> > > > > >
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Are you joking Vinny about Mr V if not where is the thread. Have just been shopping where he and "Elsie" do their shopping and would have loved to have bumped into them
Its in jokes netti..! (:O)
psst..if you wanna talk to ED he's in CB.
that there eds got one of them addreess finder thingys...he knows when you use yer putta...if he finds out im shaney,dolly,robi,netti,jude,woofy.loftyplastic, kip,in a pickle,jno....etc..he will know I bin talking to-meself all these years....!!!(:O)sugar..yo skin sisters ....

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