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Prince Harry Nice But Dim

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vernonk | 07:53 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | News
172 Answers
how wise is Prince Harry to admit publicly that he's killed Taliban? surely he's now going to need extra the tax payers expense of course


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i am amazed at some of the quotes, dim, hardly, he would have had to apply himself big time to pass muster for the duties he has carried out. The military doesn't take passengers, any one who has served or has family in the services would know that. At no time was he gloating, in fact he came across as rather embarrassed to be speaking at all, but he was asked any number of questions and answered them clearly. I do think that Diana would have been proud of her son, i know i would be.
Naomi. A wealthy young man in the prime of life doing a job he loves, apparently blessed with a hollow leg when it comes to strong drink, and spoiled for choice when it comes to girl friends.
What could have brought the thought of 'sour grapes' to your mind?
All that's in my mind is good luck to him.
Excuse me for being late on parade, but as usual I would like to get in my pennies worth.

I have not read every post but it seems as if surprising enough most are backing Prince Harry.

I saw the interview on the news last night, and as soon as he admitted killing one or two Taliban I cringed and said to my wife, "wow!!!! why did he find it necessary to say that, taking into account the recent troubles in Mali".

There was no need whatsoever and it is only going to get the Islamic fundamentalists backs up, and that is not wise when we have a few hot-heads in our own country.

In fact there was no need whatsoever for the interview full stop, especially when he had already had a go at the media for the wrong type of publicity, and sure enough almost every newspaper and news report outlined his folly at openly announcing his killings.

Already there have been complaints on the radio from the Muslim community in this country, with accusations that it puts all the peace loving Muslims in a bad light, which will in turn turn hatred towards them.

No I think that as a Prince of the realm, ruling over a multi ethnic/ multi racial country, it was not a wise thing to do.

Incidentally I think that 'Ring the Bell and Run Like Hell' exercise during the interview was a little stage managed for my liking.

//There was no need whatsoever and it is only going to get the Islamic fundamentalists backs up,//

Nothing will get their backs up more than they're already up.
"Already there have been complaints on the radio from the Muslim community in this country, with accusations that it puts all the peace loving Muslims in a bad light"

theres not much they dont complain about in this country
He gave an interview to the BBC which he knew would be broadcast after his tour was finished. He mentioned no more, or less, than any of the other pilots/gunner-pilots would have had they been asked the self-same questions.

There is no way that they would have manufactured a 'shout' just for the camera-crew's benefit.
he didn't glorify it, nor in fact did he say more than you take out one, saves the lives of others, wouldn't you have done the same to protect this country.
and no i don't think it was stage managed to run off like that, no more was it when the young pilots run off on the airfields to their planes, to defend this country in the Battle of Britain in WW2.
I think AOG just likes to be contrary.
could be x

/// There is no way that they would have manufactured a 'shout' just for the camera-crew's benefit. ///

And how would you know that?

Remember the publicity photo of him manning that Machine Gun during his first short tour of duty in Afghanistan?
I saw the interview on the news last night, and as soon as he admitted killing one or two Taliban I cringed and said to my wife, "wow!!!! why did he find it necessary to say that, taking into account the recent troubles in Mali".

You must have watched a different interview to the one I saw. In the one I watched he indicated that he had engaged the enemy "but hasn't everyone out here".
He didn't use the words kill, killed or killing but he did conjure up a scenario whereby one has to "take a life to save a life".
Could one imagine the furore if he had actually stated he'd killed someone? The Daily Mirror would doubtless blaze a headline as such, printing complete inaccuracies for the sake of sensationalism.

Oh wait......
how you know that was manufactured... and it was only a short first tour because some clot on the Aussie radio outed him... i believe...
if the scenario was one of survival against an enemy i would rather have PH and some of his "dim" colleagues on my side than some lofty boffins or people like pdq.

nice but dim - not PH

not nice but dim - some of the posters on this thread.
chill, appears we were watching the same thing..
AOG - \\\/// There is no way that they would have manufactured a 'shout' just for the camera-crew's benefit. ///

And how would you know that?\\\

For exactly the same reasons you ought to......
Chill, it seems one or two people were watching a different interview to the one you and I saw. ;o)
It is fascinating how we have all seen the same interviews but some of us have taken away very different messages to others!
Indeed we were em10. Some obviously didn't, or if they did took everything completely out of context.
Ditto naomi and Eccles, we all posted simulataneously!

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