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Is It Racist To Show Concern Over This Fact?

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anotheoldgit | 10:48 Fri 03rd May 2013 | News
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Should we be like any other country and that is proud of our heritage and our culture?

Surely we should be able to discuss this without any accusations of racism being banded about, I ask this because there was such a debate on this academic study on a radio phone-in last night.

Although a caller gave an educated argument showing concern at the fact that Briton will in the future cease to be a white nation, he was named called by the presenter, and then when he was off the air the bias presenter allowed mainly black persons on to welcome and rejoice the fact.

Why is it white persons are openly accused of 'speaking a load of rubbish', called idiots, racists etc, etc. by these left-wing presenters, yet when a black person phones in they are praised, never called names, and finally thanked for phoning the show with their valuable input?



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The only difference is - you appear to live with fear and dread, and I do not, and since neither of us can change what will be - I prefer my lifestyle to yours, thanks.
18:13 Sat 04th May 2013
AOG - "Oh so we were wrong to stop Hitler and the Nazis trying to occupy this certain section of the planet were we?"

Now that is just a ludicrously OTT argument and well you know it.

To try and compare the sort of imigration and integration that has occured on this planet since Man has been able to walk upright, and the avowed intention of supression and world domination postulated by an insane Fascist really doesn't fly.

C'mon AOG, I know it's Friday afternoon, but you really are going to have to do better than that!

"even thinking you could somehow 'preserve' them as they are now is in itself peculiar and foolish "

does not equate to

oh i see, we should just roll over and let the country be flooded with africans , asians , muslims etc etc

on any logical level

your post is either deliberately obtuse or simply just a demonstration of mindless stupidity

which is it?
Hooray ! Aog brings Hitler and the Nazis into a question which is essentially about whether it is wrong to want Britain white and British, particularly in culture and not a country which is predominantly non-British, being full of foreigners and non-white British. Well, yes that's a fair point and bringing someone who wanted white, non-Jewish Germans preserving, their Aryan, German, racial purity, into the argument is worthwhile.
Perhaps that's why he starts to twitch when I call him (or any of the other ones) fascists!
-- answer removed --
"Once again His Gitship embarrasses himself amid a sea of disagreement and attacks anyone who so much as disagrees then his nodding dogs start dishing out the insults.
Change the record, for the love of Allah! "

take a large dose of your own medicine
..yeah well that made sense.
fenders62 - if migrants bring a number of inhumane practises with them, then they join the indigenous population, who have their own set of horrors here, already in place.

Any culture will bring good and bad to the culture it meshes with - and their good and bad. Any culture will bring its communities who prefer not to integrate - ask the Spanish how they feel about ex-pat Brits who refuse to learn the language, and drink in 'Irish' pubs with their English friends.

None of these things are a barrier to people living alongside each other - it is simply the way populations merge, as they have for millennia.
This is similar to a discussion we had in the pub the other night - 'Is it racist to hate black people?'. To cut a long story short we decided it wasn't because it was basically their fault for being black.
jno has it right. Britain has been a polyglot nation for at least 2000 years. People from other backgrounds make our country better. Look at the propensity of ethnic places to eat that we have today. Our streets are full of Indian, Chinese, etc not liver and onions and roast beef !

Read shari above...she says it all.
sp, i confess i find your comments quite distasteful, but you have your views, if i had said i would hope that black people would be in a minority by 2066 you would be offended i expect, so why insult those who are white British. Perhaps some think that being a rainbow nation will stop the racism, the ill feeling, i don't believe it will, having enough knowledge and experience to see that in fact it will be the same, people dislike, hate for any number of reasons, many like to couch it in colour, others religion, take your pick what it will be in 2066.
My family such as it is all hail from here, as did their folks and before them, they gave much to this country, not least any number of it's sons to war. I agree that many in the Commonwealth did to, there is no dispute over that. However if it comes to another war, will our mixed, rainbow nation fight for Britain, let's hope it doesn't come to that, but my feeling as they wouldn't, seeing as they may see fighting against their kin folk in far away lands.
Still let's get on with the name calling, so much more enlightening.
Chilldoubt, There is far more racism in the rest of Europe than the UK, it is just covered up and nobody talks about it. UKIP have more in common with the EU members than they realise.
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/// Now that is just a ludicrously OTT argument and well you know it. ///

Oh no it isn't and no I don't,

Take a look at what you put

/// Absolutely - and being white does not give one the sole priviledge of dicating who may or may not occupy a certain section of the planet, no matter what alien culture they fear is going to polute their own. ///


Being English does not give any of us the right of dictating who may occupy England, no matter what alien culture we know is going to pollute ours.

So we should let anyone in then Andy, you would be happy with that would you?

Are you prepared to rely on our politicians to make the choice for you, and never to criticise their choice?

Going back to WW2 again, it was lucky then that certain politicians of the day decided that it was not a good idea to allow Hitler into this country along with his alien culture, but even then there were some who would not have minded.

Just because the politicians have the right to allow into the my country or even refuse to allow others, according to their own political motives, doesn't mean that I shouldn't also have some say in the decision, after all we do live in a democracy don't we?

But were we ever asked, did we have a referendum on mass immigration?

/// To try and compare the sort of imigration and integration that has occured on this planet since Man has been able to walk upright, ///

And have not the British always (even up to today), been condemned for going into other peoples countries, and have not tribes in Africa also fought to keep alien tribes out of their territory? This also has taken place since Man has walked upright, it is normal for Man (and even animals) to be territorial.

You always often state that you express no 'pride' about your country and culture - i am here by a fortunate quirk of fate, not because I 'earned a right' to be here

You may not possess any pride in your country or it's culture, that is your privilege, but I along with many others do, so please do not condemn us for doing so.

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/// ask the Spanish how they feel about ex-pat Brits who refuse to learn the language, and drink in 'Irish' pubs with their English friends. ///

that is an extreme generalisation, and well you know it.

I for one know of a couple and their two very young children, who decided to emigrate to Spain many years ago when they saw where this country was going.

They bought a villa in a mainly Spanish community, and they along with their now two teenagers (one going through a Spanish University), speak fluent Spanish, Catalan and Italian, and the whole family joins in fully with the culture of their adopted country.
I'm sory AOG but you have blatantly twisted Andy's words. "Being White" does not at all mean the same thing as "Being English". Therein lies the problem. Until you, or anyone else, can demonstrate that you are worried about the idea of White Britons being a minority for reasons other than wanting this country to stay primarily "White", you'll always risk being labelled racist. And quite rightly.

I find your interpretation of WWII pretty suspect, too. Was it about keeping "Hitler's alien culture" out? Hardly, we'd spent the previous few years bending over backwards to accommodate him as he took over Europe. In the late 30s the Political class at least feared Communism far more than they did Hitler -- sympathies for his views were very strong. Strong enough to the point where, ironically, the only reason we fought on was because Attlee and Greenwood supported Churchill, whereas many Conservatives did not. Intriguing that it should be the Left who resisted Hitler more...

We do not have a right to exclude people from this country based on the colour of the skin. We do of course have a right, and a good reason, to insist that those who come to this country respect its culture and history, obey the law, seek work and try to fit in as much as possible, but not at the sacrifice of their own culture. We are enriched when they manage to integrate themselves while giving something back to us. Such as food, music, dance, language and so on.

when i see that happen i will let you know. culturally and ethnically the capital is now the most diverse place in Britain, and if you think it's all sweetness and light you better have another look.
em - love your post at 9.06 and totally agree.

Answerprancer, as I have stated before, you are a 'do-gooder', probably the biggest one on AB, and that takes some doing !!! And if you don't like being called a 'do-gooder', tough. I object to the expression 'white supremist' because I don't share your views.
“We do of course have a right, and a good reason, to insist that those who come to this country respect its culture and history, obey the law, seek work and try to fit in as much as possible…”

Indeed we do jim. And if we had done that over the past 30 or 40 years there would probably not be the sort of problems we see now. But the plain fact is that we did not do that. We encouraged newcomers to continue with the lifestyles, culture and language that they followed when “back home”. Many of them shunned that encouragement and adopted a British way of life, learned English and generally fitted in. But many of them did not. Hence we see enclaves of foreigners (rather like the ex-pats in Spain who speak only English and drink gin & tonic in the local “English pub”). Go to Newham or Tower Hamlets at Friday Prayers kicking out time. See how many women you see walking about (probably nil). Go at any time and see how many people (especially women) speak English between themselves (probably nil). Go to the Cowley Road area of Oxford and try to find a shop selling English foodstuffs. There are countless areas like these all over the UK where white English people are not just a minority, they are virtually non-existent. These areas have developed the way they have because they have been encouraged to do so under the banner of multiculturalism. And the effect has been precisely the opposite. The areas are not multicultural at all. They are monocultural and that culture specifically excludes white English people.

Government and local authorities have been complicit in seeing this situation develop. Official forms are provided in dozens of languages when they should not have been. They should be provided in English and those needing to use them encouraged to have them translated by their friends as in other countries. Turn up to a court in Spain and you will see a notice (in Spanish) “If you cannot speak Spanish you need to provide an interpreter”. Do the same here and you will have one provided for you at taxpayers’ expense (£108 per day in London when I last checked). If these situations had not been allowed to develop there would not be the clamour to restrict immigration that there now is. It is nothing to do with race. It is about being taken for a ride. We are indeed (sometimes) enriched when they manage to integrate themselves. But we are considerably impoverished when they don’t.
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/// "Being White" does not at all mean the same thing as "Being English". Therein lies the problem. Until you, or anyone else, can demonstrate that you are worried about the idea of White Britons being a minority for reasons other than wanting this country to stay primarily "White", you'll always risk being labelled racist. And quite rightly. ///

And what is wrong in wishing to remain white, that is all part of being European English, this is not trying to be superior to any other nations, it is about holding on to our breed and culture.

Ask a Black person if he is not proud to be Black, and belonging to his African culture and ancestry, would he wish to become white and lose all that identity, and could he also be accused of being racist if he did?
It's completely wrong to assert, or perhaps just worry, that people who aren't ethnic White British won't fight for us come another war for our very survival. That's never been a problem in the past, and isn't likely to be now. Gurkhas fighting for Britain spring to mind. Currently approximately 10% of our armed forces are from ethnic minorities or "unknown". That's a healthy number, given that recently our Wars have been overseas. In the highly unlikely event htat our shores are threatened once more, many of those who live here will fight for their country whether or not it's their adopted country.

That's just inventing a reason to be fearful.

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