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Absolutely not - although carried out for the same reasons - culture. Interestingly, one mother defended her decision to have her baby's ears peireced by saying they were both done at the same time - ' less pain'. Actually, no, it's double the pain if you think about it - and why would you cause your baby ANY pain, never mind trying to minimise it by doing the...
16:29 Mon 01st Feb 2016
Sorry A-H ;-) ^^
Could I slightly bypass the original question so as to take the opportunity of asking any of our female ABers who might have had the following piercings such as Eyebrow, Lip and Tongue, why they chose to have them done?
Sqad - //Sorry A-H ;-) ^^ //

No need to apologise - but thanks anyway.

My opinion is purely personal - I have had no comments either way from anyone, but I still think they look 'tidier'.
To compare with FGM was presumably just for the inflammatory effect to stir up the posters? You cannot have meant it seriously? Me? I think babies and toddlers with pierced ears are the mark of the (very) common poeple. When I was a child only gypsies did it.
// I feel the same about under 16's having tattoos.//
there shouldnt be any
unlawful since the tattooing of minors act 1969

I squeaked at a neighbours child 16 - you've got a tattoo ! That has been against the law for fifty years
and he said - no it is a henna tattoo which washes off

and andy hughes has forgotten ( as so often ) that Jewish boys are circumcised at a few weeks from birth
and here is a well known paper about pain responses in the treatment group

AOG - Get with it! You've missed one area out!

Peter Pedant - //and andy hughes has forgotten ( as so often ) that Jewish boys are circumcised at a few weeks from birth //

I haven't forgotten that at all - it simply hasn't come up in the debate.
/// My opinion is purely personal - I have had no comments either way from anyone, but I still think they look 'tidier'. ///

Self-adoration springs to mind. :0)
agchristie - //AOG - Get with it! You've missed one area out! //

This thread could take a very interesting turn here!
AOG - ///// My opinion is purely personal - I have had no comments either way from anyone, but I still think they look 'tidier'. ///

Self-adoration springs to mind. :0) //

Guilty as charged! LOL

Andy Hughes - never knowingly undersold!!!
// Could I slightly bypass the original question so as to take the opportunity of asking any of our female ABers who might have had the following piercings such as Eyebrow, Lip and Tongue, why they chose to have them done? //

o come on AOG tell us where you Prince Albert is !

and recollect that Prince Albert Victor ( the one what died ) and Prince George ( the one what didnt ) had his and his tattoos when on board HMS someone in the nineties ( 1890s that is ). It is not known what their grandmother ( QV) said
A repeat of the others I'm afraid, not in the same category at all even though I dislike it immensely.

AOG also missed out asking the male Abers about their piercings.

/// AOG - Get with it! You've missed one area out! ///

If you want to be so pedantic, actually two areas.

I am with it. :0)
Goodness gracious!!

I think I need a lie down and a rubdown with a damp N.M.E.!!!!
Bit of levity, or should that be brevity! ;)
They wouldn't dare Sqad !

/// AOG also missed out asking the male Abers about their piercings. ///

I am not interested in Male adornments, but I cannot understand why sometime a pretty female chooses to disfigure herself with such facial adornments.
OG - //They wouldn't dare Sqad ! //

A fir point - but a nice big smile still says a lot!!!!
AOG - //I am not interested in Male adornments, but I cannot understand why sometime a pretty female chooses to disfigure herself with such facial adornments. //

I agree - I do like attractive tattoos on women, but I have never felt any woman's face is enhanced by the addition of metalwork - but of course, each to their own.
/// o come on AOG tell us where you Prince Albert is ! ///

If you mean "Oh come on AOG tell us where your Prince Albert is"?

Attached to my pocket watch is the answer.

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