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Aldi Defends Decision To Close Till To Customers Buying Alcohol

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Samuraisan | 22:01 Fri 25th Aug 2017 | News
398 Answers
Oh for god's sake.


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You don't think the responsible person, whether they are called a supervisor, team leader, deputy manager or manager, would not have the authority to ask or tell the person on the checkout to leave their till and have someone else take over?

Is that a yes or no answer?

Yes I don't think the responsible person, whether they are called a supervisor, team leader, deputy manager or manager, would not have the authority to ask or tell the person on the checkout to leave their till and have someone else take over

No I don't think the responsible person, whether they are called a supervisor, team leader, deputy manager or manager, would not have the authority to ask or tell the person on the checkout to leave their till and have someone else take over
Don't employ people who are blinking fussy about what passes through their checkout.

TALBOT, if you agree the employee could have been asked or telt to leave the checkout, why did that not happen? Why did Aldi defend what happened?

It could be because the employee hadn't broken the terms of employment.
Thank you corbyloon, that's exactly what I've trying to say. The cashier has done nowt wrong and Aldi approve.
Aldi approve do they? Let's see, what this adds up to is that Aldi sell alcohol (they advertise that fact and even have special offers on the stuff) BUT: you can't actually buy any if Fatima is on duty. It's bonkers.
You can't buy it?.....Of course you can!
-- answer removed --
Have you ever danced the Time Warp?

It's a bit like that, you take a step to till.
The Germans put their hands up in 1945 and kept them up - now we and the rest of Europe are following suit.....
You are unable to go to the checkout without the sign on? The checkout where you can buy whatever you want..........Really......... although knowing who you are that doesn't surprise me one bit........ ;-)
Sharon, //The cashier has done nowt wrong//

You defend something you clearly know nothing about. There is no obligation for Muslims to avoid touching bottles of alcohol. They are advised only to avoid drinking it simply because of the effect that alcohol has. The cashier, like many Muslims who make a fuss over such things, was doing just that. Making a fuss – something that many of them make a point of doing in the sure and certain knowledge that they will be supported by what they consider to be 'useful idiots'. Learn about Islam and then come back and defend it.
The person should be taken off the tills if they can't do the job.
//Have you ever danced the Time Warp?

It's a bit like that, you take a step to till. //

Really. You've just dumped (say) £120s worth of groceries on the conveyor belt. Halfway through the transaction Fatima notices that you have a bottle of sherry included and has a wobbly. You simply move to another queue, do you. i.e. the back of another queue. For Funks Sake.
You'd ignore the sign and put your shopping on the belt?
That's a bit like me trying to go out of 'No Exit' doors, always feel a twerp.
Naomi // There is no obligation for Muslims to avoid touching bottles of alcohol. // That may be so, but Aldi has drawn up special contract for their muslim workers so that they don't have to handle alcohol. I have no intention of reading the koran, learning about islam. Why don't you and everyone else who disagrees write to Aldi showing your displeasure instead on wasting time venting on here.

Ferryman, when it happened to me, there was another member of staff willing to step in and swipe necessary items. There was no hassle, no waiting, no nothing.
You "dump" your groceries...including sherry.....on a conveyer belt which has a sign telling you, before you get close enough to start emptying your trolley that...... alcohol can't be put through this checkout?......And you ask if I'm thick!.... :-)
Assuming I'd seen the sign. But why would it ever occur to me that a shop won't sell me the stuff that they say they sell.
Ferryman they are selling you the stuff, just get in the correct queue!!!!
"Really. You've just dumped (say) £120s worth of groceries on the conveyor belt." If you've ignored the A4 sign, whose fault is that then?

If you've done the same and ignored the sign saying "this till is now closed" whose fault is it when you're telt, "Sorry, I'm closed" and you then have to go to another till?

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