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Aldi Defends Decision To Close Till To Customers Buying Alcohol

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Samuraisan | 22:01 Fri 25th Aug 2017 | News
398 Answers
Oh for god's sake.


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Just wondering: is 240 answers some sort of record?
Signs?..........There a lots of signs in stores......10 items or fewer.....(less) ;-)
Cash only......cereals in this aisle......
You must struggle when you're shopping if you can't follow signs......x
No GG.
Sharon, you have no intention of learning about Islam and yet you decide that Aldi is right to support this troublemaker? How does that work?
Signs saying "10 items or fewer"/"baskets only" I am familiar with. They are permanent signs. Not a piece of paper put up in a hurry to accommodate Fatima. What is wrong with expecting a shop to sell you the stuff they are in business to sell without all this nonsense.
Fact is that unless that cashier is allergic to glass there is no reason that he/she couldn’t sell alcohol. That’s it. We have to stop this nonsense.
FM....are you really unable to see that you could buy whatever you wanted in that shop.....whenever you wanted?

It was an easy and really quite simple instruction to follow.....

You're saying you couldn't???

If you think about this sensibly it is quite easy to see what happened and why the manager/supervisor took the action he/she did....unless of course you're awkward.......and I'm sure you're not..... ;-)
THEFERRYMAN, signs saying the till is closed are put up hurriedly, do you ignore them?
//If you think about this sensibly //

If only those who support this action would...
The rights and wrong of this from an employment angle are between employer and employee, as I said some time ago I'm sure the Company don't want this negativity heaped on them so will no doubt act on it.

Whether it will be enough to satisfy all is yet to be seen.

It would not have spoiled my shopping trip.
Common sense would suggest that Aldi has not said to this employee " you don't have to pass alcohol through the till if you don't want to". Therefore this person has denied the customer and defied their employer, all for a meaningless gesture.
Naomi.....I'm sure this will be sorted by won't become the can't....
But if it was dealt in a hotheaded manner and the checkout person was removed or sacked imagine what would happen. Well I hope you can.
To take this action temporarily seems to me the most sensible and calm way to have dealt with it.

I don't support anyone in the business of selling to choose what I can or cannot buy.......especially for religious reasons......but if I were dealing with this I would do it in a way that didn't give this woman any support from her community....x
gness, if a member of my staff refused to do the job they're paid to do, they would be shown the door.
I'm sure they would, Naomi....but there are ways of doing it surely?
The way is to show them the door. No ifs or buts with troublemakers.
 "Therefore this person has denied the customer and defied their employer, all for a meaningless gesture" If that were true, Aldi would not have defended her would they?
THECORBYLOON, //If that were true, Aldi would not have defended her would they? //

Why not? It's far from unheard of for people to concede to Muslim foibles - real or fake - because it's expected. That's what happens.
NAOMI, Aldi has no problems. Other major retailers have no problems. Their terms, their rules. Folk are not obliged to go to those retailers if they feel so strongly about the issue.
THECORBYLOON, all businesses have a problem when they employ staff who create waves for no reason. You've clearly never been in business.
But if you're clever, Naomi you do it in such a way that the person you are showing the door hasn't a leg to stand on and the people who would support her for what they perceive as bullying or unfair treatment don't you have rid yourself of a troublemaker calmly and without bringing more trouble....sensible?

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