It's a reasonable question to ask but the problem is that you don't seem to like the answer. Always, this seems to come down to the idea that the irresponsible behaviour of some people is best dealt, men in particular, is best dealt with by a firm word or a firm slap -- which is fine up to the point where it also seems that if it's *not* met so, then that's entirely the fault of the victim (or the person on the receiving end). Why must it be so? Why not look at the person who started it? And change *their* behaviour? And stop it in the first place by challenging the assumption that invasions of personal space, or sexual advances, or physical contact, are acceptable until explicitly told otherwise?
*That's* the problem here. People are looking for a way to justify Sandler's actions and blame Foy for not responding appropriately. Which is a backwards and outdated analysis and, hopefully, is on the way out.