Good. They shouldn't impart their prejudices (if they have any) into investigations. They should, however, examine the evidence thoroughly ... and I mean thoroughly. This man was not a Christian convert.
// Those who convert to Islam and kill do what they do in the name of Islam. Those who pretend to convert to Christianity (no better way to gain the trust of the naïve) and kill in the name of Islam also do what they do. Islamists all. //
and to think of all the thousands who have arrived illegally or ferried here rescued etc, from them islamic countries and no one knows any of there background ex isis or any of the other jihadist groups, it's totally insane of the government to let them in, let alone the ones already here, who will go through legal hoops to stay here for for by us...madness.
// Untitled, there’s a penalty for leaving Islam. This man didn’t leave Islam. He just pretended to.//
bit of a mis-hit there again: the penalty for leaving Islam and converting is - - death ( may be the real meaning of kufr)
I am not sure what the penalty for leaving islam is and then when someone tries to cut your head off - - shouting "no no I was only pretending. honest"
Just to be fair, not to say there might be exceptions but don't most if not all religions employ or engage in some sort of deception if not psychological terrorism. The practice of outright murder on the other hand is less prevalent in most religions these days.
Only a real fool -& we might have one on this thread- could ever think that his 'conversion' was anything other than a ruse, an attempt to remain in the UK.
I am though saddened that it was so easily facilitated in an Anglican church, if he'd tried to 'convert' to Roman Catholicism, he would have found it rather more difficult.
You have no idea whether he was an "islamist" or not.
Unless you are prior to some knowledge not vouchsafed to the rest of the general public
The main reason it seems for asylum seekers to falsely convert to Christianity is so they can claim - or imagine they can claim that they would suffer persecution when they returned home. We don't even know if that was the reason. Whatever it was this persson seemed obsessed with wanting to stay in the UK - as I said before, that isn't so hard to believe, even if what ih appears to have resorted to in the end amounted to a terrorist attack. Of course he may well have been an Islamic fundamentalist who was all the while hell bent on causing terror, but the evidence we know of doesn't appear to back that up. You don;t need to pretend to be a Christian to be a terrorist.
No, he didn’t need to feign a belief in Christianity to be a terrorist but endearing himself to the community and gaining the trust of that community didn’t go amiss. Lovely fella they said ….who would have guessed?
ichi; Christians don't blow themselves up hoping to kill British mothers and babies at precisely 11 am on Armistice Sunday, that is the prerogative of Islamists who want to be martyrs, which is exactly what he was.
How long will it take for your penny to drop, or are you just being bloody-minded?