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Looking for a laugh? There are plenty of funny jokes being told on The AnswerBank, so sit back, relax and have a read.

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Meantime I offer you this below from a wild Zimbabwean bushman friend of mine who sent me this in his e-mail: An absolutely amazing and deeply moving story of an Aussie woman's bravery with a tiny... ...
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Eight-year-old Sally brought her report card home from school. Her marks were good...mostly A's and a couple of B's.
However, her teacher had written across the bottom: "Sally is a smart little... ...
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For sale:  Iconic 90s Sooty and Sweep puppets.  Just want them off my hands. Most people use their mobiles to call or text people.  I'm at an age where I use mine to take photos of labels I can't... ...
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The Lord called Noah one day and said, "Noah, I need you to build another ark."
"What, like the last one?" Noah replied.
"Er, no..I need this one to have 6 stories."
"So do you want me to lead all... ...
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The company behind Monopoly have reported further European losses and a drop in sales. It's feared some staff will be given the Boot
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...found out I'm colour blind.  That came like a bolt from the green..
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I once lived in a home with four foot ceilings.
I couldn't stand living there. ___ Charles, a new retiree-greeter at Asda, just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Every day he was 5, 10, 15... ...
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We were so poor, my father used to shut all the doors in the house, so we would have something to open on Christmas morning.
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Wife: I'm going shopping, do you need anything? Husband: I'm looking for inner-peace and happiness, an answer to my doubts, a sense of fulfilment, a medium through which I can transcend... ...
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To the person who dumped their old matress in my garden I don't know how you sleep at night!
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Today I learned that if you flip a canoe over, you can wear it as a hat...
Because it is cap-sized! ___ My sat nav broke.
I asked my wife for £200 to get a new one.
She said Get lost. ___ I have been... ...
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At this time of year I love sitting in front of a roaring fire, sipping mulled wine and listening to Christmas songs until I fall asleep.
Probably why I lost my job as a fireman. ___ Went to my first... ...
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Two female rhinos were drinking at a watering hole, when one said to the other ‘Don’t look now, but over there is the male rhino I really fancy.   Her friend asked ‘Do you know his name?’   Yes, she... ...
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When a recipe tells you to separate 2 eggs, how far is acceptable?
I've just put one on a train to Aberdeen. ___ There are 3 fish that start and end with the letter K.
Killer Shark.
Kippered Haddock....
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I just burnt my fingers in boiling oil and screamed "OOH OOH AAH AAH" like a monkey.
It was a chip pan, see. ___ When I got to work this morning, my boss stormed up to me and said, “You missed work... ...
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Burnt my Hawaiian pizza today…Should have cooked it on aloha temperature.
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Be careful what you wear (or don't wear), when working under
your vehicle...especially in public.
A couple who drove their car to Tesco only to have their car
break down in the car park.
The man told... ...
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Kathy goes to her local bank, walks into the manager’s office, and says, “I want a loan; I am going to divorce my husband.”
“Oh, we don’t give loans for divorces,” the manager says. “We offer loans... ...
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The wife told me the cat needed to be chipped. I only had a 9 iron but I still got it well over the shed.

***************** I was on a panel for prospective jury duty. The first lawyer came across... ...
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I've finally found the courage to open the first door on my Oscar Pistorius advent calendar! _____ My wife told me that I twist everything she says to my advantage…
I take that as a... ...

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