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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:00 Sat 03rd Mar 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
173 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Good evening and welcome one and all.

Members are advised to take especial care in the corridors this week as polishing has been done 'with a will'. This is odd, as it is usually done with floor polish and a duster, but who am I to question such things ?

Please leave your raffle contributions on the usual table in the hall.

So far we have:

A tin of John West pink salmon (sell by date obscured by rust)

A box of Milk Tray (soft centres only, hardly any with teeth marks)

A box of dental floss. (unused).


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Hold it right there, Daisy. No one resigns from my employ.

Mamya...remind her of the contract she signed.

Tsk tsk...
I gave my Dad a megaphone earlier and sure enough, he's calling. I think the elephant has been at the scintilla, he's looking a bit green about the ears. Luckily, I borrowed a magic carpet from Sabu, so we'll get home in good time!
Night all!
Now Daisy , do settle down - all is well we could not cope without you I shall make you a soothing cordial, dry your eyes now.
Your coat, miss Sir A - safe journey :-)
Farewell little Dinky
Night SirA , get a hutch for that mouse.
Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em while they're... scinny ..., they're lovely!
Greetings to all assembled. I trust we are all in fine fettle this evening. I do hope I am not too late to frivol in these hallowed halls Milady.
Hope I win the Frivol, is it like Virol??
Good evening, miss nungate - I took the liberty of preparing your usual bucket of tailcock, I trust that is acceptable?
Isn't Virol some sort of liver tonic? When I frivol I do it with reckless abandon, more so when there's no one at home........................the lights are on....................the blinds are drawn..........nobody home ;}
Who is reckless abandon?
Many thanks Majestic one. We have missed you of late. I do hope you are free to frivol this evening and not have to spend the entire evening concealing coats, cloaks, capes and broomsticks...........
Brother of Eric - a 'punk'singer of the 1970s, I believe.
Contract "to get smaller" I'm only 5'2". Sniff
Contract "to incur a liability" I try not to lie and do not have any abilities. Snuffle.
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Bye bye Sir A.
See you next week.

Daisy, I must agree with Mamya. We could not do without you.
Do calm down and start enjoying yourself again.

Hello nungate...always nice to see you. it's been a while since I thought of that...
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Eric ABandon ? he was at my school I think....or was that Eric McCandle ?
and, m'lady probably even longer since you tasted it!
Vile stuff.....
Reckless abandon? a former Bluebell and dear friend of Zizi Jeanmaire

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